Chapter 12

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Steven panicked when he saw Lapis bending the water in a way to keep both gems underwater, "Lapis!? What are you doing!?" Lapis made a face at him as she held her arms out and bend the water further down, "that crazy snake was going to kill Midnight! It's either this or having Midnight dead and a rampaging snake gem on the loss!"  Steven gave a nervous look to her as he saw something swimming to the surface. Everyone was in shock when they saw Midnight burst through the surface of the water.  After coughing out the water she quickly turns towards Steven, "he's not changing!" Pearl panicked when she heard this, "what!? How can this gem not be changing when all the diamonds aura water is in there!?"

Steven thought about it and realized what Midnight has been saying about this gem is true. "guys, this gem is really a diamond! We need them to do something to add their magic to the water!" As Steven says this something wrapped around Midnight and pulled her back underwater. Steven couldn't take it anymore and jump into the water but was in shock when he saw dark swirls appearing in the water. Quickly Steven jumped out when he saw a glowing gem rose out of the water and into the air. In a flash of black light, a gem reformed in front of them that stood in the water.  As a dark grey large and long cape appeared and blew in the wind. While the water from the fountain was sent flying and splashed everyone that was watching this gem forming. 

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Midnight sat up in the water and was on the verge of tears when she saw this gem standing before her. Once this gem finishes reforming they shook their head in confusion, "uh, what happened? Where am I? Midnight quickly ran out of the water and bowed to Steven, "thank you! Thank you so much for bringing back my diamond!" Lapis let her arms drop and stop controlling the water, "ok, uh can you do a proper introduction now that doesn't involve attacking us or possibly getting kill ?" Midnight nodded her head at Lapis, "of course. Just give me one moment." Midnight swam over to the gem who was looking around in confusion, "my diamond!" 

The gem looked down and saw Midnight as a state of shock and joy overcame them. "Midnight!? My dear Pearl, is it really you?"  A large white-gloved hand reached down and let Midnight climb onto it. She smiles as she raises up to eye level, of this gem, "yes, it's me my diamond. Words can not express how happy I am to see your return. But I am also sorry for sealing you away for so long and I kn-." Before she can say another word the gem only giggles at the small pearl in his hand, "Midnight,  there is no need to apologizes because even if I was in a corrupted state. I know what you did was for the best." Tears of happiness ran down Midnight's eyes as she was placed down on the ground, "I waited for this day for so long ... all I wanted was to see you return." 

Steven walked up to Midnight as she wipes her tears, "Midnight, are you ok?" Midnight nodded her head yes, " uh yes, I am fine. The introduction ... um, everyone, I like you to meet my diamond. Who is known as the gem of darkness among the other diamonds.  May I present to you, Black Diamond." Everyone was in shock when they saw Black Diamond standing in front of them who towers them in height. Black was basically the same height as White Diamond now that Steven has the chance to get a good view of this gem.  With slick back jet black hair that ends in five points at the base of the neck.  While wearing what seemed like a fancy tuxedo with a very dramatic cape. 

That was white undercoating with dark grey vines and thrones design that when up the cape. From the end of the cap and up to the lower hip area of this gem.  But what feature that stood out the most was the four white diamond-shaped gem marks on this diamond's face. With having two white diamond gem marks on the upper area on both cheeks of their face. Steven nervously stepped forward to speak, "um, hello. It's nice to meet you, Black Diamond. My name is Steven Universe and the gems behind me are the cr-." Before Steven can finish saying a word Midnight gave him a death glare and cut him off, "they are his friends that helped me restore you, my diamond." 

Black Diamond smiled at Steven and the others as he carefully climbed out of the water. "Well,  I am deeply grateful for your assistance in bringing me back. I also hope Midnight didn't too much trouble for you. Since I will admit... she is a bit aggressive when it comes to her approaches in certain matters."  Midnight gave  an embarrassed look  to Steven as Black Diamond chuckles at them, "I will take that as a yes but it is of no matter to me now since I wish to return to Homeworld."   Midnight quickly bowed to her diamond as she hears this, "uh if you excuse me, my diamond. I must talk to Steven about something." She quickly grabbed Steven's arm and dragged away from everyone and to an isolated location that was on the other side of a nearby wall.

"I am going to plain and simple for you since you're the leader of this group. Whatever you do or say around my diamond. Don't ever say those two words that are the name of your group, crystal  gems." Steven gave her a confused look as she gives him a cold death glare again, "what? But why? We help you bring her back?" Midnight groans in annoyance at him when she heard him, "for the last time my diamond is not a female! Literally this whole time I have been referring to him as male! As he, him, and his! So get that through your head!" Steven shook his head in shock when he heard this, "wait? Your diamond is male?" Midnight rolled her eyes as she rubs her forehead, "yes! Try to keep up with the pace here!?"

Steven held his hands up in defense as Midnight's anger boils, "ok, ok, I get it." She calms down a little as she walks pass Steven, "if you think my temper and aggressive nature is bad then I will repeat myself again. Don't ever say those two words around Black Diamond who will unleash a temper and rage that makes mine look like a thirty-second sad pity party."

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