Chapter 20

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Black Diamond walked through the halls of the new gem palace he has been building.  But he turned around when he heard footsteps behind him, "who's there? Midnight, my dear pearl is that you?" Steven breathed heavily as he pushed Midnight out of his hiding spot and towards Black. Who jumped in shock when he saw her, "Midnight!? Is that you!?"  Midnight gave him a lifeless look as she looks up at him, "I am sorry, I was not programmed with that name. Please, tell me who you are referring to?"   Black eyes widen in shock and got a closer look at her, "I am referring to you, my dear pearl! What happened to you!? Please, tell me this is just a joke?"   Steven saw how concern Black is for Midnight and knew instantly how much he cared for her.

"She is a puppet now ... by White's mind control power." Black turned his head and saw Steven as he sat on the floor in front of Midnight, "what!? A puppet!? How did this happen?"  Steven walked up to him as he gave him a nervous look, "White programmed a countermeasure to keep anyone from talking about what truely happened to you. Even if they forgot or never knew in the first place ... she told us what happened and she go - ahh!" Steven jumped in shock when Black pounded his fist in anger when he heard this and caused a mini earthquake. "She did this... she wanted to forget me so bad that she programmed a counter measure in the gems to forget me!"   Steven quickly  jumed up to the top of a nearby pillar  that Black was leading against.

"Black? Please, can you tell me what happened between you and White? Someone has to  talk in this situation. At least do it to help Midnight, please Black Diamond?" Black saw how desperate  Steven was asking him and looked at Midnight who was just a lifeless puppet. "Alright, I will tell you, child but this is a rather long story. To fully understand how things end up like this ... I must go back to beginning where I first met White Diamond." Steven gave him a encouring look, " I am willing to listen even if is a long story." Black gave him a sad smile as he gentle picked up Midnight in his hand and gestured Steven to follow him. " You see ... I was not form on Homeworld. I came out of rocks or kindergarten in a distant frozen ice planet that has yet to be conquered  by Homeworld."

Steven was in shock when he heard this as he followed Black to what seem like a reading room. Black gently placed Midnight down on a table  as a calm shell appeared next to her. Carefully he placed her insided as the calm shell closed and disappeared. "She'll be alright .. hopefully after getting rebooted in her shell she will return as her usual self."  Steven jumped up to the side table as Black Diamond sat down into  the nearby chair, " you emerged from an ice planet?" Black nodded his head yes to the question, "well, if you can even call it a planet since it was nothing but ice and snow  on a daily  routine. But yes, I did emerged from a cave wall hidden in a ice cavern.  I was stranded on that  planet since there were no ships or teleports there at the time." 

Steven sat down as Black was telling his story and brough up holograms memories from his gem. That surrounded the room and played  the memories as if it was movie in a movie theather. Black saw Steven was in awe at the holograms memories and gave him a sad smile, " my dear boy...  these are memories that tell my story."

Author Note: Finally getting into the backstory of Black Diamond. So from here on out, the story beyond the line below is the flashback/ backstory.  It will end  with another line like the one bleow when the backstory wraps up. There will be other note stating this when its ends. 


The snow blew wildly in the wind as the world was coated in complete white.  In the distance, walking through the snow was Black Diamond hugging his arms as he tries to stay warm. Even if gems technically can't get cold or hot, it stilled bothered him enough to feel the cold air around him. "Out of the places I could have emerged from ... it had to be a giant ice block that floating in space."  Black rolled his eyes as he kept walking through the snow but noticed something in thr snow, "what's this?" He saw it was a old tattered cloth that was menat for a small gem or even a human.  Black held out his hand and used his power to fuse this cloth with his form,  "maybe I can use this for something." 

The cloth grew larger and longer as it flew around Black as it glows a soft white color.  His eyes widen in shock when he saw he was wearing a new cape that was now bloeing in the wind. " I never expected I could this .. but this form would at leat help me for now to get through this blizzard."

20 years later...

Black  was taking a stroll through the snow fields when he noticed something in the sky, "is that a falling metor?" The object was falling faster and faster until it crashed in the far side on the field. Sending a shock wave off so powerful it send Black Diamond flying and crshing into a nearby boulder.  Groaning in pain he got up and saw the smoke  was spreading everywhere, "that's not a metor ... that has to be a ship. Wait, a ship!? The crew and passagers!" Black ran towards the ship to see if there are any surviors of the wreckage. But he gapsed in shock when all he saw was broken gem shards scattered throughout the snow around the wreckage. "No ... no ... there has to be at least one who is alive."

Black hanged his head in defeat but jumped when he felt the presents and aura of another gem nearby, "someone is still alive!" Running as fast as he could, he followed the aura to  a nearby snow hill.  Desperantly he started digging in the snow when he felt how strong the aura is, "please, hang on!? I will help you!"  Snow flew everywhere as he digged but  he felt his hands froze to complete ice and stone for what he saw laying in the snow in front of him.  It was gem like him but not just any gem ... a diamond that had their gem on their forehead. Black didn't know why but he recongized this gem instantly even if he never met them until now. "White Diamond ... White Diamond, what happened to you that caused your ship to crash here?"

The wind roared even louder as the snow becaming almost blinding to see through as Black carfeully picked up White bridal style in his arms.  Black walked through the blizzard while carrting White in order to get her to safety. With her eyes barely open, White looked up that the  gem that was carrying her. All she could make out  was a blurry black silhouette  that had what seem like a gem on their forehead. But she can barely make out anything as her eyes lid  grew heavy and fell closed. 

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