Chapter 6

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Steven headed back home with Midnight but he couldn't get what Garnet said about her gem mark out of his head. *She couldn't have served a higher up gem on homeworld... not in the form she is in, right?* He only stood shut as they went into the house where the other crystal gems were waiting. 

2 days later...

"Steven... are you sure about this?" Steven nodded his head yes at Pearl, "she wanted to come here and maybe she will remember something." Pearl gave a questionable look to Steven as she watches Midnight explore the moon base. She ran her hand along the wall as she stares up at the diamond murals. She felt her body froze in fear as she looks up at White Diamond's mural and screamed in pain while holding her head. As waves of memories came rushing back to her at full force without mercy. Steven rushed to Midnight's side when he saw her fall to her knees and screaming in pain, "Midnight!?" Tears ran down her eyes as she looks up at White Diamond, "why!? Why do I feel so much pain when I look at this mural!?" 

Steven tries to use his powers in order to calm down Midnight but she slapped his hand away. "Stop! Stop trying to use your powers on me!" Pearl saw the pink aura ball was flying out control when Midnight knocked it out of Steven's hand. "Steven! The ball!" Steven saw it zoom straight towards them, "get down!" Quickly Steven drew out his shield and knocked the ball against a nearby wall. Both pearls were in shock by the loud crash and amount of damage it did to the wall. But Steven only sighs in relief as the dust clears from the room and he saw everyone was alright. "Is everyone alright?" Pearl dusted herself off and walked up to Steven, "I am alright for the most part just please keep an eye on where you aim those gem aura energy balls. "

Steven rubbed the back of his neck as he gave Pearla nervous laugh, "uh... yeah, sorry about that, Pearl. Wait, where's Midnight?" Steven looked around and saw her standing in front of the damaged wall, "Midnight? Hey, Midnight are yo- what?" He never finished his question because he froze in shock for what he saw on the wall.

 Wait, where's Midnight?" Steven looked around and saw her standing in front of the damaged wall, "Midnight? Hey, Midnight are yo- what?" He never finished his question because he froze in shock for what he saw on the wall

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Through the broken cracks on the wall, Steven saw was a hidden mural on a hidden wall that was behind the natural wall that had the diamonds murals. "What? What.. is this?" Pearl only confusion and fear spread across her face as she looks at this mural. "I - I don't know, Steven. Only a diamond would get a mural that has such a high quality and design." Steven's heart raced as he stares at the mural, "Pearl, contact the others they need to see this." Pearl nodded her head yes as she summons her phone out of her gem, "I am on it." But she screamed when something flew straight towards her and nearly hit her, "Ahh! What!?" Steven saw Midnight was now standing in a fighting stance with her fans drawn out, "Midnight!? What are you doing!?" 

Midnight only shook her head at Steven as she stood in front of the Mural, "the voice... my friend... I remember." Steven stood there in shock, "wait, you remember? That's great! Now we can help yo- Midnight!?" Steven quickly jumped back in order to avoid getting hit by Midnight's fan blades. She gave Steven a sad and almost lifeless look as she held her weapons, "I remember... I remember and now and now  I wish I never came here and remembered everything!" Steven was in shock as tears ran down her only visible eye, "Midnight!? Please, talk to me and tell me what's wrong? What do you remember!? Is it really that bad!?" Midnight spun her fans in each of her hands as she glares at Steven. 

"What I remembered? What I remember is that you caused all of my pain!" Steven jumped in shock when Midnight waved her fans as she caused a giant wind tunnel that sent Pearl and Steven flying. But Steven quickly floated to the ground and saw Midnight walking down the hallway towards him. Running the fan blades against the walls While she gave him this lifeless look on her face. "Midnight! Please, stop attacking us!? We can talk this out!" Midnight only closed one of her fans and point it at Steven, "are you happy now!? You got exactly what you wanted... you help me regain my memories. Now anger, hatred, and sadness burn inside me and I remembered a vow I made so long ago."

Pearl drew out her spear snd stood next to Steven while he held his shield. "Don't come anywhere near us!" Midnight rolled her eyes as she made her weapons vanish into sparks of light, "sure. Since you did help me recover my memories I willing to make a deal." Steven gave her a serious and yet nervous look on his face, "a deal?" Midnight walked up to Steven as anger burned in her visible eye, "you have one week to find and solve the mystery behind the Black Court otherwise I will take matters into my own hands. You already see what that's like with your little tower in Little Homeworld." Steven was in shock since this the first time he is hearing about this, "wait, the Black Court? There is no Black Court!" 

Steven held his breath as Midnight pointed her fan blade at his neck. "If you don't want anyone to get hurt then solve this mystery because someone will if you don't." Pearl pushed her away and stood in front of Steven, "alright, we accept your terms! Just don't hurt anyone, okay!"  Pearl looked at Steven in shock, "Steven, if she remembers what happened why do we need to figure it out as this big mystery?" Steven walks past Pearl and went up to Midnight as she glares at him, "because... I think the crystal gems, my mom, and the diamonds caused all of her pain. She knows that she's not in the right mind to talk to us. So this is her way of telling us about her anger and pain. "

 Midnight pointed to the mural as anger burns through her whole body, "my pain? My pain!? If you think my pain, my anger, and hatred is bad then you have not seen true pain! Steven looked at the mural and saw the similarities that gem had to Midnight and soon started to connect the dots. "That gem... You served that gem!" Midnight turned and walked away from Steven, "yes, I served that gem. That is the only lead I will give you. If you want to solve this peaceful than learn the truth about the Black Court. If you don't then I will unleash the forgotten power of Black Court onto everyone you know and love."

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