Chapter 16

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Everyone went back inside the ballroom where they saw Black Diamon kneeling on the floor as he held his head.  White nervously went up to him, "um... Bla-?" Black held up his hand and stopped White from saying another word. He only gave her a cold indifferent look and walked away as Midnight followed behind him.  As all of the black vines that grew around the room quickly went back into the ground. White sighs in defeat as she sat down in her throne as everyone gathered around her for answers.  "The truth is all of you ... if not most of you already knew Black Diamond before today."  Yellow shook her head in shock, "what!? That's impossible! We just met Black today! How can we know that gem beforehand!"

White trembles in fear as she looks at Steven and knew that he will be in raged for what she's about to say. " None of you ... or any gem for that matter knows or remembers Black Diamond because I ... I wiped him from everyone's memories!" Steven instantly glowed pink when he heard this, "you what!?" White held her hands up and tries to calm down everyone before they yell at her. "Please, everyone!? Let me explain before you get upset with me!?" Steven took deep breaths to calm down and slowly stop glowing pink, "alright, explain."  White walked over to everyone as her eyes glowed white, "please, don't worry ... just let me do this." White shot her eye lasers at everyone which left everyone in shock.

When the dust cleared, everyone was lying dazzed and confused on the floor in front of her. " Blue held her head as she sat up, "ugh, why did you-? Wait, Black Diamond! I - I remember him!"  Yellow eyes widen in shock as she looks at Blue, "you remeber!? I remeber too but I ... White, why?" White walked away from everyone  without saying a word, "I don't wish to speak of this matter any further. I wish to be alone so leave me be in my room." Without saying another word, White left everyone and locked herself up in her room. Steven looked at everyone in fustration, "well, what do you guys remeber!?"  Yellow rubbed her forhead as she realized the truth, "there was a black court... they specialized in healing technology that helped heal injured gems."

Blue gave a nervous look to Steven as the memories came back to her, "all though Black Diamond lacked in power compared to the rest of diamonds. He made up for it in his combat skills... being the only other diamond besides you, Steven. To summon a weapon and mastering  it in both combat and it's required skills."  Steven gave them a shocked look when he heard this, "if Black Diamond is weaker than you guys than why is White making a big deal about this?"  Blue held her head as the horrifying  memory filled her mind, "it's not his  general gem powers that everyone fears... it's his diamond power that everyoned feared." Steven got more worried as he was learning the truth abouth Black, "what is his power?" 

Blue picked up a jet black leaf that was left behind by one of the black vines  when they went back into the ground. "All I remember is rumors and stories... that his power ...he can manipulate and have an affect on a gem's soul." All of the crystal gems' jaw dropped as they all screamed in unison, "what!?" Yellow nodded her head in agreedment, "this was  his power that everyone feared and stay away from ... rumors spread about him and became known as the 'diamond of darkness' among all the gems on homworld." Blue  hugged her arms tightly as she remembers Black, "or the more feared name that everyone has given him... the soul reaper diamond. With this feared reputation... Black tries to make himself and his court less fearful."

Steven felt all the gears in his head was spinning and conncenting the dots. "The healing tech... he created and builded the healing tech to help everyone! Plus, have them see he and is court are actually nice and caring people!?" Both Blue and Yellow nodded there heads in agreement as Blue explained more to Steven, "Black always tries to show kindness and compassion to everyone since he didn't want to live up to the feared name he was give." Steven remebered how the gems reacted when they first saw him enter the ballroom. Every single one of them had fear spread across their eyes and was starring straight at him with this look. "All he wanted.. was to be accepted ... by everyone as their leader and as a diamond." 

Yellow  groans in fustration as she hears this, " none of us remeber how White and Black became partners and what exactly caused him to disappear for eons. Since it seems White didn't full return all of memories, she only gave us small parts of it back."  Steven took deep breaths as he paced back and forth, "it's alright, at least we have the first piece to this puzzle and know more about Black Diamond. All we have to do is figure out how did he became White's partner and pretty much everything after that." Lapis thought for moment to get some ideas, "well, Black stormed off pretty upset so he properly went back to Earth." Bismuth nodded in agreement, "that maybe true but where is he on Earth because I doubt he'll be in the same hole his shipe was in." 

Steven thought for moment as he tries to figure it out, "there has to be way to find them and solve this mystery." Blue suddenly remebered something and gaps in shock, "black panther!" Steven gave her a confused look when he heard this, "what? Black panther?" Blue shook her head as she explains, "just like you, Black has an animal that repersent him and has simpler powers. It was abandon panther cub he founded in the deep jungle area of the forest. So he raise it and took care of the small dear as his friend. Eventally that cub grew up and somehow was able to gain some of his powers. If you can find this cat then maybe it can lead you to the answers we need to know." Pearl gave her a concern look, "how are we supposed to find this cat?"

Yellow groans in annoyance as she held her head, "I don't know! Just think of something otherwise White might blow up again and destroy everything." Blue sighs in defeat when she heard this, "Black, knew how to keep White calm and make her feel better. But now... oh what happened between them?"

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