Chapter 13

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Steven and Garnet walked together up to the teleporter as Pearl and Amthsty were waiting for them. "Ok guys, I don't know how this is going to go with Black Diamond coming back to  Homeworld. Especially since Midnight basically threaten me and everyone else in the crystal gems since she told me not to mention the crystal gems to Black otherwise we unleash a crazy diamond ramage." Pearl sighs in defeat as she hears this, "Steven there's nothing we can do because we're in uncharted territory.  We don't know what Midnight or Black Diamond is cable of in terms of their powers and strength. For now, we must obey Midnight's request and not mention our identities to Black Diamond. Until we learn more about them and what happened to the Black court."

Steven knew that Pearl was right as Amthsty made a face at Pearl, "so we're letting her take the lead!? We don't even know how those two are supposed to get to Homeworld without a ship or teleporter!" Garnet stepped onto the teleporter as she looks at Amthsty, "for now,  we must leave them be and wait for them to make a move. Like Pearl said, we're in the uncharted territory of the Black Court. All we can do is be cautious and play by their terms." Steven sighs in defeat as all four them got teleported to Homeworld.

At Homeworld... 

Steven's jaw dropped in shock when he saw Midnight standing right outside the doors to the diamonds'  palace ballroom. "Midnight!? How did you get here!?" Midnight turned around and made a face at him, "Uh, I used the teleporter in Little Homeworld, the one in the center square, and has a big gold star around it."  Steven only faced palmed himself since he totally forgot that Little Homeworld had that teleporter. Garnet walked up to her with a sound of concern in her voice, "where is Black Diamond?" Midnight raised an eyebrow at her as she answered the question, "back on earth, resting in the crystal garden. Plus rebuilding what's left of his ship in hopes to come back here." 

Pearl gave her a  nervous look when she heard this, "so Black is coming here? Uh, how long will it take for them to finish the ship's repairs?" Midnight thought for a moment as she pulled up a diamond-shaped hologram screen. She scrolls through what seems like a list before looking at the crystal gems. "Best-case scenario, it would take a decade to repair the ship with the amount of damage it has. But I was able to ask your Peridot and Bismuth to assist in the repairs.  Both of them are using them as you called students to help with the repairs as well." Steven grew in frustration when he heard this, "what!? You can't ju-!" Midnight rolled her eyes and waved his comment off, "you told me you wanted to help me and my diamond. So, I reach out and asked for help, ok." 

Steven stood shut and knew she was right and only made a face at her. As Pearl stepped forward towards her, "alright, that may be true but still how long will take to finish repairs?" Midnight made the hologram screen disappear and put her hands behind her back, "with your gems assist and my diamonds powers. At most ten weeks to finish the repairs."  Everyone's jaw dropped when they heard this as Steven ran up to her, "there's no way your diamond has enough power to cut a repair time down from ten years to ten weeks!"  Midnight gave him a playful smirk, "every diamond basically controls an element. Yellow is lightning, Blue is water, White is light, blah, blah, you get the picture. Black Diamond controls the earth."

Amethyst made a face at her as she shook her head in confusion, "wait, Black Diamond controls the planet, earth!?" Garnet shook her head, "no, Black can control everything within the ground, all the rocks, crystals, and everything that beneath the surface." Midnight nodded her head yes, "yup,  basically everything below your feet that you call solid ground. Black Diamond has that element power to control it. Rocks, dirt, and crystals ... all that fun stuff you call earth or ground." Steven looked at her in shock as Midnight gave him a playful smirk, "that is only a small taste of Black Diamond's true power. Since you never see a diamond power like his compared to those other so call diamonds."

Frustration built up inside Steven at the arrogance and cocky nature Midnight was being right now. As she walked up to him with a playful smirk, "if you don't believe me then wait for ten weeks to past where my diamond will make his return.  Right around the time of this peace era ball that you are planning."  Steven glared at her as he tightens jaw in anger, "how come you're so happy when you were threatening us a couple of days ago!?" Midnight brushed his question off as she walks away from him but whispered one last thing in his ear, "the truth about the black court will be told so as long as my diamond gives me the will power."  Steven felt chill down his spine and into his soul that froze at her words. 

Inside Steven's head...

Steven stood in a dark battlefield as black thorn vines grew all around him. His breath was visible in an ice-cold mist, "what's going on? Why is it so cold?" Steven's eyes widen when he saw Black Diamond lying on the ground and was flickering, Black Diamond!?" Black didn't move or reacted to Steven's call as a white light shied on him. "Please, don't push me away!? Don't throw me into the cold dark abyss of being forgotten!" Steven stood there shivering cold as he sees ice forming around his feet, "what's going on!? Black! What's going on!?" Ice continued to form and grow around Steven and soon started to form around Black Diamond.  As the white light shined brighter on him. "You are nothing. You will never truly existed as a gem or a diamond."

The Ice completely froze and in cases  Black Diamond as he was reaching out to the light.  Steven saw the ground around Black Diamond was caving in and quickly tries to save him.  But it was no use, he watched frozen cold  Black Diamond fall through the ground and into the darkness below, "Black Diamond!?"

Outside Steven's head...

"Steven!? Wake up! Please!?" Steven woke up in shock to see Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst surrounding him as he lays on the ground. "ugh, what happened?" Pearl gave Steven a concerned look, "well when Midnight whispered something to you ... you instantly fell to the ground as if you were sleeping." Garnet place a hand on Steven's cheek as he gave her his attention, "your body became as cold as ice then fell onto the floor.  What happened to you?" Steven rubbed his forehead as he got up, "I think that was an example of the Black Court's true power."

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