Chapter 22

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2,000 years later...

Black was meditating at the base of a mountain when he suddenly heard a rumbling sound coming from the top of the mountain. "What is -  What!?"  Black quickly summoned his weapon and rolled along the ground when he saw giant rocks were raining down on him. He quickly dodges them and slices them to dust with his scythe as he sees someone coming towards him.  After doing a quickly black flip, he spun around and pointed his weapon at whoever was coming towards him, " well, look who showed up after vowing not to ever come back here, my dear." White rolled her eyes at him as she turns to leave, "please, my sisters were too busy to handle this matter. So  I took the matter into my hands to complete." Black narrowed his eyes at her as he held the blade closer to her neck, "exactly, what are you planning to do, my dear?" 

White gestured an army of troops to come in as Black was left in shock, "simple, used this planet to make a minor kindergarten for the time being." Black swung his leg out and caused White to fall flat onto her back which left her in shock. " I am sorry, White Diamond but I can't let you kill my home even if I am the oonly gem living here." White stood up and glared at him, "if this planet can produced a gem like you that means it make more than perfect gems here.  Black gave her sarcastic smile as he swung his scythe and poofed a small portion of the gem troops that surround White Diamond.  As poofed gems  now lay at her feet in th snow, White's eyes glowed  and was ready to fire a mind control laser at Black. 

 " Fire the laser and I will shatter your entire army if gems, including you, my dear." White bite her lip as she felt the blade of Black's weapon held against her neck. While Black stood behind her and was ready to strike her down if he need to. But White turned around to face him as she gave him a lifeless smile, "go ahead and shatter them. This planet will just make more soldiers that will be good for the gem empire." Black's eyes widen in shock as White smiled at him, "this is just a lifeless ice planet that has no use in the gem empire." Anger boiled in Black's eyes as he pins White against the side of a nearby moutain, " to you it's useless but to me it's my home! Is this the thanks I get for saving you all this years ago!?" 

White rolled her eyes at him and shot a laser at his gem  which caused him to back away, "ahh!" Black held his head as his gem was becoming more white as White Diamond walked past him. With a cold and indifferent look on her face  as Black falls onto on knee, "perhaps you can help the troops build this kindergarten?" White turned around and was in shock when she saw Black wasn't fully under her control. His gem  glowed black as vines   grew out of  ground and wrapped around White which left her in shock, "what!?" After losing focused on trying to control Black, the white color disappeared from his gem as he breathed heavily.  "You're a fool for not keeping your guard up and not finish the job, my dear!" 

Black stood up and walked up to White as she was tied up in his vnes, "consider this a warning, my dear. If you do try to shatter me, I will fight back." White tighten her jaw as she rolls her eyes at him, "you're a worthless rock of a gem."  Black brushed a piece of his hair back that fell in front his face as he gave a playful smirk to White. "Thank you, I consider that as a commnet so time to bid you farewell."  White's eyes widen in shock when she realized she was standing on a teleporter, "what!? When did you -!?" Black smiled at her as he activated the portal, " you be surprised what a gem can be able to build and create in frozen ice planet.  So, I bid you farewell, my dear." White was consumed by a beam of silver light and was telaported back to Home world.

Back at Home world...

White  stumbled to the ground when she reappeared out of that teleporter and saw she was in front of the diamonds palace.  White stomped her fist on the ground in anger, "That no-good gem! I am going to shatter him on sight the next tim I see -!" White jumped when she turned around and saw Black Diamond standing behind her, "oh please, don't mind me intrupting your anger blow up." White  tried to shoot another laser to control him again but he eaily dodged it and walked up to her. "Instead of trying to shatter and control me how about a little deal?" White made a face at him as she hears this, "deal? What do you want?" Black gave her a playful smirk as a he walked past her, "it's simple, I am a diamond so put me as part of the diamond authority and you can do whatever you want to my little home planet." 

White made a face at him, "you're  the worst at making deals! How about this, if you conquer exactly twelve planets  for the empire then you can join the diamond authority!" Black shrugged his shoulders and bowed to her, "alright, that sounds like a fair trade then I will be off conquering planets for you, White Diamond."  

4 years later...

All the diamonds sat in there thrones in the throne room when they saw Black Diamond wlk into the room. "A deal is a deal and I held up my end of the bargin, my dear." Yellow gave hima confused look, "who is this gem and what's she talking about?" Black rolled his eyes at her and pretended he didn't hear her comment, " I am  a he, as in male, thank you very much ladies. Anyways, White? I conquered  tweleve planets for you and the gem empire so time to uphold your end of the deal."

Author Note: Alright,  back story part is over so everything beyond the line below is back to the regular  story


Black Diamond held his head in pain as the memories holograms flickered and disappeared from sight. Steven quickly sat up and went up to Black, "Black? Are you alright?" Waving off the concern look Steven was giving him,  "I am fine, dear boy. Ugh, it's just  ... ever since the accident my gem has never been able to fully recover."  Steven look up and saw his cracked gem as an idea pop in his mind, "wait, maybe I can help you.. maybe if you talk about wh -!" Steven was in shock when Midnight appeared in front of him and stopped him from saying another word. "I am sorry, my diamond if I caused you any problems for you." Black gave her soft and caring smile as he gently picked her up in his hand,  "no need tp worry, Midnight. You didn't caused any trouble." 

Midnight smiled at him but for a moment she gave Steven a cold death stare from the corner of her eye. Sending him a message to not say another to Black Diamond otherwise she will try to shatter him to dust. But she yelled in pain and grabs her hand again as her gem started glowing white again, "ahh! My diamo -!" Black was in shock when Midnight turned back into a puppet  but soon after anger burned in his eyes.  As he picked up Midnight and stormed off  with Steven following behind him, "Black!? Wait! Where are you going!?" Black went into the center of the throne room  and stood on a telaporter, "I am going to pay a visit tto my dear wife." 

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