Chapter 3

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End-of-the-year party

Finally, O.W.L.s were over, and the Marauders had a few days to wander the grounds before they went back home. On this particular day, Remus and Sirius had snuck off to Hogsmeade to get supplies for their end of year party that night, so James and Hailey were sitting alone under a tree near the Black Lake.

"Do you want to go out with me?" James looked at Hailey, who stared at him.

"It's Tuesday."

James laughed.

"I know. And I know you can't until you're sixteen, but that's only in a few weeks, and it seems fitting that I'm your first date, doesn't it?"

Hailey blinked and sat up.

"You're asking me out weeks in advance?"

"Why not? That way I know I'm the first."

Hailey tilted her head.

"And it's not a joke?"

James smiled.

"I'm as serious as could be."

Hailey smiled and leaned back into the tree.

"In that case, I'd like that."


It was the Marauders end of the year party, and like always, they were playing spin the bottle in the middle of the room. Hailey, Lily, and Alice Longbottom sat in the corner watching bemusedly. It was always fun to see people blush and stutter when they got someone they liked. Hailey looked around for James in the circle but didn't see him. He usually participated eagerly when it came to this game, so she was a bit curious as to where he was.

"I'm going to get a drink!" Lily had to shout to be heard over the loud music.

The girls nodded to show their understanding, and she headed to the table. Hailey and Alice continued their conversation but were interrupted when Hailey felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned and found James.

"I thought you were going to play." She gestured towards the game of spin the bottle. James shook his head.

"Saw someone charm the bottle before. The risk was too high." He offered her a drink, which she took cautiously.

"It's just butterbeer. Do you want to go somewhere quieter? It's hard to hear anything." Hailey nodded and told Alice. The two teenagers headed upstairs to the boys' dorms. They sat down on James's bed.

"Did you see Remus kiss Dorcas? He didn't look too happy about it." James shook his head.

"I don't think she's his type." They fell into a comfortable silence.

"You excited for summer?"

James shook his head.

"My parents are going to have a bunch of fancy parties, and I don't trust Sirius and Remus to behave, so I'll be lonely all summer. There's just no one I like that could come."

Hailey poked his side and laughed.

"Well, I hope you enjoy those lovely parties."

"I also think someone promised me a date, so that'll be fun."

Hailey laughed. The two talked for quite a bit longer before James stood up and offered Hailey his hand.

"If we're gone any longer things will look suspicious." They headed down the stairs, ignoring the looks from a few of the older people present, and joined Lily and Alice again.

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