Chapter 26

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Christmas Parties

Hailey finished styling her hair and sprayed hairspray to lock it in. Marlene's party was tonight, and it was the first Christmas party Hailey would be attending this season. She put on the earrings her mother had loaned her and looked in the mirror. For the first time, Hailey felt truly beautiful. Mrs. Lowel walked in and gasped.

"Hailey, you look gorgeous! I was going through my old dresses and things, and found these shoes that I thought would be nice with your dress." She held up a pair of simple white heels with a small platform base and a tall heel. Hailey smiled. They matched the dress perfectly.

"I love them! Thank you, Mum!"

Mrs. Lowel smiled and handed them to Hailey.

"Your dad said he would apparate you to Marlene's so you won't get soot on your dress, but you need to be ready in a few minutes."

Hailey nodded.

"I'll be right down."

Mrs. Lowel looked at Hailey and smiled again.

"You're all grown up now, aren't you?"

Hailey blushed.

"Thanks Mum."

Hailey turned back to the mirror and fixed her hair one last time before putting her shoes on and walking downstairs.

"I'm ready."

Mr. Lowel turned around.

"You look nice. Hold onto my arm tightly, now."

Hailey grabbed her dad's arm and they apparated to the McKinnon Mansion. Hailey bid her father goodbye and knocked on the door. Marlene opened the door and pulled her inside.

"I'm so glad you're here. Lily's having an emergency. Her hair will not cooperate, and you're the only one that knows how to deal with difficult hair." Marlene gestured towards Hailey's currently styled hair. Hailey laughed.

"Alright, take me to her." Marlene dragged her up the stairs.

"We only have fifteen minutes before people start arriving, so please hurry."

Hailey looked at Lily, who was panicking in Marlene's bathroom.

"Hailey, I don't know how to do my hair when it's like this, you always do it for me, and Regulus is coming, so can you fix it?"

Hailey nodded and got to work.

"So, Regulus is coming? How did you get that to work?"

Marlene smirked.

"Sirius practically kidnapped him today and is bringing him. Their parents don't know where he's going, and I didn't invite anyone that would tattle on him, so it should work just fine. I don't think he's in it for the party though."

Marlene wiggled her eyes at Lily, who blushed.

"How's that boy you liked? What was his name?"

Marlene waved her hand.

"Didn't work out. I have my eyes on someone new."

Hailey nodded thoughtfully. Marlene believed that while she was still in school, she wasn't ready to get married, so it wasn't important to be in a serious relationship. She was just dating to have fun and find out what she liked in a relationship. Hailey agreed that it wasn't worth being in an invested relationship unless marriage seemed possible, but the truth was, she could see herself marrying James. Not for a while, of course, but it seemed entirely possible that in the future, she and James could be married.

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