Chapter 35

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The Malfoys

Hailey sighed happily as the Marauders sat on the floor, surrounded by random objects including a disco ball, another record player, and a guitar. The living room had been the most interesting by far, they had decided, specifically because they found four pairs of roller skates in a side table.

"It's like this place was made for us. I haven't found a single thing I didn't like in it. Other than the cassette tape." They had found a cassette tape in the boys' room, but it had been filled with someone's cover of The Rolling Stones' songs. Unfortunately, they were not good at singing. Needless to say, that had been the low-light of the Marauders' adventuring. It had made for a good laugh, though.

"You know what? We could throw a cool party with all the stuff we found." Sirius commented.

"We don't know anyone else our age here." Hailey pointed out.

"We could spend the next couple days getting to know people and throw you a birthday party with all this stuff. If your parents say yes, that is." Sirius said. James nodded.

"I like it."

Remus and Hailey nodded.

"Let's do it. When Mum and Dad get back, we can ask them."

The Marauders nodded and all settled into a comfortable silence.

"Is anyone else hungry? I really want a snack." Sirius complained. Hailey nodded.

"Come on, we can make sandwiches."

"You just can't make anything else." James teased. Hailey rolled her eyes.

"That's why I have you, dear."

Sirius gagged.

"I want a sandwich, let's cut the chit-chat, if you would."

Remus led them into the kitchen and opened the fridge while Hailey grabbed the bread.

"What kind of sandwiches do we want? We have deli meat and jelly."

"Deli meat." James said decisively. Hailey nodded, reaching under Remus's arm to grab the mayonnaise and mustard. Remus grabbed the meat and cheese and put them on the counter. Sirius immediately made himself a sandwich and took a bite.

"We should eat these quickly, because then we can just go and find your parents. And make new friends."

Everyone murmured in agreement and quickly finished their sandwiches. Hailey ran upstairs to get her swimsuit on. Deciding on her two-piece blue one, she slipped it on and ran downstairs, where James was waiting.

"Where are Remus and Sirius?"

"They got a bit...Distracted." James explained. Hailey grimaced.

"Gross, but okay. We can go and find Mum and Dad, and they can meet us later."

James nodded and they put on sunscreen and stepped outside onto the beach. Spotting her parents talking to another couple, Hailey led James toward them. Upon closer inspection, Hailey realized her parents were talking to none other than Abraxus Malfoy and his wife, Druella. Their son, Lucius Malfoy was standing close by them with Narcissa Black. Hailey and James knew Lucius loosely, he had graduated a few years before, and was dating Narcissa rather seriously from the looks of it. Not wanting to talk to them, Hailey tried to back up, grabbing James's arm. Unfortunately, Druella noticed them and waved them over. Hoping that Remus and Sirius were taking their sweet time, Hailey put on a smile and approached the group with James.

"You must be Hailey, my name is Druella Malfoy." She extended her hand, and Hailey shook it, avoiding eye contact with Lucius and Narcissa. The Marauders weren't really on great terms with the graduated Slytherins from that year, because they had put itching powder in all of their clothes the day before graduation, causing mass panic and confusion during the ceremony. It had eventually been pinned to the Marauders, causing all of the Slytherins in the class of '72 to hate them.

"It's a pleasure to meet you."

"You went to school with my son and his fiancee, didn't you?"

Hailey flinched slightly and smiled even wider.

"Only for a couple years, unfortunately. Congratulations on your engagement, by the way." She turned to Lucius and Narcissa, deciding she couldn't avoid it any longer. Lucius sneered slightly, but Narcissa offered a slight smile and muttered a 'Thank you'. James coughed, ignoring the piercing stare he was receiving from Lucius.

"What house are you two in?" Abraxus asked, trying to ease the tension. Hailey looked to her parents frantically. Did they not know they were talking to blood traitors? Hailey thought it was their thing to know who they were cool with and who they weren't. Seeing her parents were just as confused, she decided to answer truthfully.

"James and I are in Gryffindor."

Abraxus and Druella nodded, seemingly not surprised.

"Do you consider yourself brave?" Abraxus asked.

Hailey laughed uncomfortably, not knowing how to answer.

"I think Hailey and I are mainly in Gryffindor for being headstrong." James said lightly, grabbing her hand comfortingly. Mr. and Mrs. Lowel laughed lightly.

"Well, it's been lovely catching up with you, but we do have to be going. I hope we run into you again, though." Mrs. Lowel said politely. The Malfoys nodded civilly. Hailey waved to Lucius and Narcissa happily, ignoring the tension.

"So nice to see you two. It's been such a long time. And congratulations again." She gestured to Narcissa's hand that held a ginormous ring.

As they left, Hailey turned and looked back. Noticing Lucius was still watching them with a nasty look on his face, she flipped him off with a smile.

"Hailey! Don't let me see you doing that again." Mrs. Lowel scolded.

Hailey smiled apologetically at her mother.

"Sorry! I won't do it again."

James snorted, and Hailey elbowed him.

"I won't." She promised her mother, who looked skeptical. "We were actually just coming out here to ask you if we could have a party."

"In Greece? You don't know anyone here, Hailey." Mrs. Lowel said.

"We know the Malfoys." Hailey pointed out. Mr. Lowel coughed, suppressing a laugh.

"Yeah, but we could make friends. And there's all this cool stuff in the house, so we thought we could have a birthday celebration for me, you know."

Mr. and Mrs. Lowel looked at each other, silently deciding whether or not they should agree. Finally, Mrs. Lowel nodded.

"I suppose you could do that."

Hailey hugged her.

"Thanks Mum!"

"Please do not invite the Malfoys."

Hailey laughed.

"I promise."

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