Chapter 37

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Hailey sighed, putting away the last shirt and closing the drawer. She was back from Greece, and she was allowed to do magic outside of school. A bad thing and a good thing. She had yet to hear from Mary, and was planning a surprise sleepover no matter what was happening. Lily would be coming over in just a few days, and most likely staying for the rest of the summer. She and Petunia had a falling out, and their parents had taken Petunia's side. Needless to say, Lily was not pleased. Because of the drama in her house, she would be spending an undetermined amount of time with Hailey. Mr. and Mrs. Lowel, on hearing Lily's situation, immediately offered for her to stay as long as she needed.

But, Hailey was alone for a few days. James and Sirius were going to visit James's aunt for a week, and the full moon was coming up, so Remus wasn't feeling up to anything. Hailey finished unpacking her trunk and put it in the corner. Another month, and she would be packing it back up to go to Hogwarts. She enjoyed being able to magic at home, it made things a lot easier, but it was less fun when she couldn't terrorize James, Sirius, and Remus with her new ability. She had also been working on non-verbal spells more, and could properly perform a few different spells, mainly cleaning ones.

"Hailey! Come take a walk with us!" Mr. Lowel called. Hailey stuck her head out of the door.

"Just a second! I'll put my shoes on." She rushed to her closet and grabbed a pair of sandals. Running down the stairs, she paused to slip them on.

"You also have a letter from Mary, dear." Mrs. Lowel gave her a sad look and handed her the card. Hailey nodded.

"I'll open it after the walk. I don't want to put a damper on it or anything." She put the letter on the table and looked back up.

"Let's go!"


Hailey practically ran up the front steps, eager to see what Mary had written. She tore the letter open and started reading, surprised at the length.

Dear Hailey,

Mum and Dad decided. We're moving to America in a few weeks. They want me to have some time to get used to it before I go to school. I don't think it's really fair. I'm a pure-blood, I'm not in any immediate danger. I just want to finish school at Hogwarts, but Mum said Dad was really adamant about it, and she figured it was for the best. At least I have a little while to say my goodbyes. I wanted to thank you for helping me through this. I know we weren't always the closest, but you guys have all been great friends to me, and I'm so grateful for you.

I wish we could all spend some time together before I go, but with everyone's schedules, I don't think it'll work out. Hopefully I see each of you before I go, but I don't want to get my hopes up. Remus sent me a letter and said you met some seventh years from Ilvermorny in Greece, so hopefully I meet them and get along with them. And maybe they can transfer my pen-pal stuff. I'll feel closer to my friends if I know we're all doing the same things.

I'm going to miss you so much. I hope you and James stay together. If you end up getting married, please send me an invitation. I promise I'll come. And if you have a million cute little babies, I would love to babysit them if I can. I want to move back up to England when I graduate, but I don't want to leave my family either. I'm not really sure what to do, but I know for now, I'm going and I'll miss you.

Until we see each other again,

Mary M.

Hailey put the letter down, staring at the wall. Mary was leaving, for sure. The girls seventh year Gryffindor dorm would be missing a person. The friend group was only three people now.

"What did it say?" Mrs. Lowel asked.

"She's moving. She just has a few weeks left in England. I'm going to write Marlene and Lily and see what we can set up."

Hailey ran up the stairs and wrote Lily and Marlene, asking when they were free before Mary moved. She walked back downstairs.

"Can I go to Remus's on the full moon? James and Sirius are gone, so he'll really need someone."

Mrs. Lowel nodded.

"As long as his mother's okay with it. And you'll have to tell me when you're going."

Hailey nodded.

"You know, it's really weird, thinking about Mary moving. I never really thought one of us would have to leave. I guess I'm not ready to say goodbye to her. Or any of them, really. And this is our last year at Hogwarts. In a year, we'll be adults, we won't be able to see each other hardly ever."

Mrs. Lowel nodded.

"It is hard, but I know you won't let your friends go, even if you don't hang out all the time."

Hailey nodded.

"Thanks Mum."

"Now, the neighbor gave me a cookie recipe, and I want to try it. Will you help me?"

Hailey nodded.

"As long as I don't have to roll them."


Dear Hailey,

I would love if you came over this weekend, if it isn't too much trouble. Mum says it's very kind of you, and there's a guest bedroom for you if you'd like to stay a few days. I'm afraid I won't be great company during that time, though. Thanks again.

With affection,

Remus Lupin

Hailey smiled. She, Lily, and Marlene had found a date that worked for all of them, and Hailey had invited Mary over to a sleepover, and she was going over to Remus's. Now, she had lots to do for the rest of the summer. She wrote a quick reply to Remus, making sure to say that she didn't find him boring, and went downstairs.

"Mum! Remus said Mrs. Lupin is okay with it! I just hope I can do anything. A fishercat isn't exactly the fiercest animal." She turned the corner into the kitchen, and found James and Sirius sitting at the counter, eating the cookies she had just made with Mrs. Lowel. James turned and smiled at her.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with fishercats, if I'm being honest."

Hailey ran up and hugged James, then Sirius.

"I thought you were at your aunt's house!"

James shrugged.

"The trip got cut short. She had a business emergency and had to go to Scotland, so we had to come back home. Remus already knows, and we're all going over this weekend. We couldn't leave our buddy hanging, could we?"

Hailey hugged him again. Sirius laughed.

"It's not like we just spent a full week in close quarters with you in Greece. Besides, it's only been like five days."

"Sirius, let me be happy please."

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