Chapter 20

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A picnic

"So, what happened last night? You and James left pretty early." Lily winked at Hailey through the mirror.

"We just kissed for a while. And he told me he loved me."

Lily whipped around.

"Did you say it back?"

Hailey rolled her eyes.

"Yes, we both said it. What about you and Regulus? Any updates after last night?"

"He asked me out. We're going on a date next Hogsmeade trip." She smiled excitedly.

"Lily, that's great! Are his parents..."

Lily shook her head.

"They don't really know yet, but Regulus said he didn't really care . He doesn't want anyone at school to know before they do, though. I don't mind. I just like being with him." Lily looked at the floor, embarrassed.

"Lily, I'm really happy for you. Regulus is a great guy, and he really cares about you."

Lily smiled even wider.

"And he makes me happy, which doesn't really happen to me with guys."

Hailey smiled. She was happy to see how happy Lily was just talking about Regulus.

Marlene stuck her head in the door.

"Hailey, lover-boy is waiting for you downstairs. Says he has a surprise for you."

Hailey looked at Marlene and Lily, and walked down to the common room, where James was standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"What's this?"

James smiled mischievously.

"A surprise. Come here." He put his hands over her eyes. "Trust me, okay? I'm taking you to a special location."

"Are you about to kill me?" Hailey laughed.

James dropped his hands and sighed.

"You ruined the surprise. I guess I'll just have to do it, then. No surprise." He put his hands around her neck and laughed.

"Okay, but really, what are we doing?"

James grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the common room.

"I found this room recently, and I think you'll like it." He led them up the stairs to the seventh floor. He pulled her to an empty wall and started pacing, focusing hard on something.

"James? What are you doing?"

He held up a finger and continued pacing. Suddenly, a door appeared on the previously empty wall. Hailey gasped.

"A secret room? Do Sirius and Remus know about this?"

James scoffed.

"I don't want them to shag in here. It's our little secret." He opened the door and gestured for her to walk in. She slowly approached the door and peeked in. It was a beautiful room filled with fairy lights and bean bag chairs. There was a guitar in the corner, and food on a blanket next to the bean bags.

"Did you set this up for us?" Hailey stared at the room in wonder.

"Well, it kind of set itself up, but I designed it."

Hailey kissed him.

"I love it."

James kissed her again, pulling her into him.

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