Chapter 32

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Train rides and conversations

Hailey opened her eyes, the bright light assaulting her eyes. She winced when she closed her eyes. Everything hurt.

"Hailey! You're awake! Madame Pomfrey! She's up!" James yelled. Hailey flinched and turned away from the noise.

"Oh! Sorry Hails."

Madame Pomfrey came bustling to Hailey's bed and handed her a potion.

"This'll get rid of your headache. Once you don't feel any pain in your head, you can go."

Hailey took the potion and thanked Madame Pomfrey, who nodded and bustled away to help someone in the bed next to Hailey's. Hailey turned back to James, who had a split lip and a black eye.

"You look terrible." She chuckled.

"You should see the other guy."

"What happened? I just remember Amos going to hit me."

James grimaced.

"Well, we had noticed you were taking a while, so I went to go find you. Then Sean came up to and asked if I had seen Amos, and that's kind of when everything clicked. So he and I were looking all over for you when we heard you say some dumb thing that was bound to get you in trouble." He shook his head and chuckled. "And then Diggory went to hit you, and Sean and I cut in. I only got a few punches in before Professor McGonagall came in. Apparently, some little girl had seen Diggory take you into the corner, and because she couldn't do anything physically, she went to get McGonagall."

"So you didn't beat Diggory to a bloody pulp?"

James laughed.

"Unfortunately not. Next time I see him I'll make sure to get in a few more punches."

"Good. What day is it?" Hailey realized she didn't know what day it was or when they left Hogwarts.

"We leave tomorrow. Today's Sunday. You were only out overnight, don't worry."

"Oh, okay. I guess that's not so bad. Did the party end when McGonagall came?"

James shook his head.

"Sirius told me some people stayed a little later. It really put a damper on our second-to-last end-of-the-year party though. I guess next year will just have to be the best one yet."

Hailey nodded. Her headache was going away, and she could think clearly.

"Who did you say got McGonagall?"

"Oh, some fourth year named Presley. She seemed pretty chill. She's a Gryffindor."

Hailey nodded again. She would have to find her on the train and thank her. It was nice of her to try and help.

"I think my head's cleared up as much as it will. Can we go now?"

James looked for Madame Pomfrey.

"I'll be right back. I'm going to tell her you're leaving, and then we can get you back to pack your bags."

"Thank you James."

James kissed Hailey's forehead and went to find Madame Pomfrey. When he came back, Madame Pomfrey was with him.

"You don't feel queasy in your stomach or lightheaded?" When Hailey shook her head, she sighed.

"Alright, you can go. I'll see you next year Ms. Lowel, Mr. Potter. But don't make visiting me a usual thing." She hugged Hailey and James and went back to check on the person in the bed next to where Hailey and James were standing. As they walked out, Hailey looked back.

"Who's still in the hospital wing?"

James smiled rather proudly, but quickly hid it.

"Amos Diggory."

"Guess those punches you got in were pretty good, huh?"

"Yeah. McGonagall said she would have given me detention, but she didn't want to have it next year. I think she just didn't want to punish me for giving Diggory what he deserved."

Hailey nodded.

"She's cool like that."


"I can't believe this is the second-to-last time we're going to ride home on this train." Marlene said sadly.

"Yeah, but we've still got next year. We'll make it count."

"My dad doesn't want me to come back next year." Mary said quietly. "He wants to move to America and have me go to Ilvermony for my last year."

"But that's not fair! You have one year left, and you would have to spend it making new friends and adjusting to a whole new life! What does your mum think?" Hailey asked.

"She wants me to finish out here and then move, so we'll see. I'l write to you all when a decision is made."

Hailey hugged Mary.

"We'll miss you if you can't come back, but for now, let's just make the best of our time."

"Thanks, you guys."

Marlene changed the subject, and soon they were all engaged in a conversation about the new clothes store that opened in Diagon Alley.

"It's a weird time to open a new store, isn't it? A lot of people are temporarily closing their stores, but my mum told me that it's thriving. I guess people need a distraction."

Lily nodded.

"Witches and Wizards are getting married right and left. I was just reading about it this morning. They want to make it official before it's too late. They're having kids too, which I think is rather odd. Why would you purposely have a child knowing what they would grow up living in?"

Hailey shrugged.

"I guess I understand getting married, but having a kid almost seems cruel."

"Well of course you understand the marriage thing. You're practically married as it is. Do you ever think about getting married to James?" Marlene asked.

"I don't know. Marriage seems so far away from where I am. I do want to get married, and really, I don't see myself marrying someone that isn't James. I just think that's really premature, we haven't even been dating for a year, and I'm not even seventeen."

"James is. I bet he's got marriage on his mind at least some of the time. He never looked that way with any of the other girls he dated. Never dated them for more than a month, either. You guys are in a serious relationship. Something is bound to come out of it. I think you should talk to him about it."

Hailey blushed and looked down.

"What about you Marlene? Have you found someone you consider 'husband material'?"

"Not yet, but I did notice a few cute boys last week. I wouldn't mind getting to know them better."

James poked his head in the door.

"Mind if I steal Hailey for a bit? I have something to show her."

Marlene winked at Hailey.

"We don't mind at all. Go ahead, Hailey. We'll see you at the station."

Hailey followed James out of the compartment.

"How much did you hear of our conversation?"

James smiled but kept his eyes in front of him.

"Oh, not much. A little more than I think you wanted me to hear, though."

Hailey blushed deeply.

"You didn't say anything I particularly disagreed with." He winked at Hailey, who blushed even more.


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