Chapter 21

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"Class, turn your books to page 348." Professor Binns's voice rang through the classroom, interrupting everyone's conversations. Hailey flipped through her book and landed on page 348. The Giant Rebellions. Again. The class had discussed this topic for almost two weeks now, and Hailey was sick of it. She enjoyed History of Magic, but the Giant Rebellions were some of the least interesting historical events to exist. Especially when Binns was teaching.

"Hailey." Hailey turned to look at James, who was whispering to her.


"Do you want to skip class? We already know about this stuff."

Hailey considered it. She didn't approve of skipping class, but the last thing she wanted to do was hear Binns talk about Gerlon the Great again. And, James didn't really skip class anymore, so she knew he understood what they were talking about. She nodded to him and he smiled and raised his hand. Professor Binns looked at him.

"Mr. Peter?"

"Potter, sir, and I'm feeling sick." He put his hand on his stomach and Hailey rolled her eyes. "May I go to the hospital wing?"

Professor Binns sighed.

"I suppose you should. Take someone with you."

James nodded and turned to Hailey.

"Will you come with me?"

Hailey rolled her eyes and nodded, standing up and collecting her things.

"Please don't vomit in the halls. Mr. Filch doesn't like to clean it up." Binns called after them. James and Hailey nodded.

"I'll take care of him, Professor. Don't you worry."

Professor Binns nodded, comforted. Sirius and Remus turned and flipped them off. Sirius mouthed, 'You couldn't get us out too?' James shook his head and opened the door, letting Hailey through and pretending to gag slightly on his way out.

"That was one of your worst performances yet." Hailey said as they walked through the halls.

"It worked, didn't it?"

Hailey rolled her eyes.

"Where to, then? Unless you really do feel sick."

"The Room of Requirement?" James suggested. Hailey nodded. It had become their go-to date location over the past month, and they went there almost every night to do homework or just hang out for a bit.

"I still haven't seen Jaws." She offered. James looked at her.

"You haven't seen Jaws yet? It's been out for almost two years! It's got to be the best shark movie ever. We have to watch it."

Hailey laughed and agreed. They made their way up to the seventh floor and started pacing.

We need somewhere to watch a movie

We need somewhere to watch a movie

We need somewhere to watch a movie

A door appeared and Hailey and James opened it. There was a large screen on one wall, with two large, plushy chairs facing it. There was a popcorn maker and cups for soda in the corner, and blankets on the seats. Hailey and James grinned at each other.


"That was terrifying." Hailey stared at the screen with wide eyes as the credits rolled.

"But you loved it, didn't you?" James grinned at her. Hailey sighed dramatically.

"Yeah, I did."

"You know, History of Magic is over, but we would have to go to DADA with Mr. Creeper unless you just want to go back to my dorm."

Hailey considered James's offer. She hated going to class with Professor Dingham, and it was the last class of the day. She kissed James on the nose.

"That sounds lovely."

James grinned and led her out of the room and towards the Gryffindor common room.

"I wonder if Remus and Sirius skived off Defense too."

"I don't think so. They know we need representation, and it was definitely their turn anyways."

James nodded.

"At least we'll get Moony's notes. That's always nice."

"Have they broken up recently? I haven't had to talk to Remus for a month now."

James shook his head.

"They worked things out and decided that they shouldn't break up every time they argue. They also argue a lot less, which helps. Remus said the advice you gave him really helped. Once they sat down and had a serious discussion, they realized they didn't have as many problems as they thought."

"I'm glad I finally found a solution, then. I was getting really sick of that."

James laughed.

"At least you don't share a room with them now. They are the most annoying roommates ever. It wouldn't be that bad if they learned the muffliato charm."

Hailey shuddered.

"Let's not talk about that. Less than a month until Christmas vacation, are you excited?"

"I can finally start saying 'Happy Christmas' to people, so yes, I am excited."

"Also, do you want to go out next Hogsmeade weekend? I think it's this Saturday."

James nodded.

"We can go shopping for Christmas presents together."

"Perfect! I do have to meet up with the girls at some point, because Marlene wants to get matching dresses for her parent's Christmas party."

James nodded.

"I'll hang out with Moony and Padfoot, then."

"It's a date?" Hailey stuck out her hand.

"It's a date." James shook her hand firmly.

They reached the Fat Lady portrait to discover that she wasn't there. James looked around.

"She's probably having a tea party with her friends, so she's bound to be around here somewhere."

Hailey sighed and sat down. The fat lady had a tendency to disappear while everyone was in class, and could be gone for at least another hour.

"I guess we wait here."

James looked down at her.

"You look pathetic like that." He offered Hailey his hand.

"Romance really isn't dead, is it?"

James rolled his eyes.

"Let's just go back to the Room of Requirement."

Hailey shook her head.

"We were just there. I'm sure the fat lady will come soon enough."

James sighed and they sat down and leaned against the wall.

"We could snog for a bit." He looked at her.

"Yeah, okay." 

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