Chapter 55

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Hailey opened the door to her apartment and kicked off her shoes, falling onto the couch. She and James had been spending a lot of their time at work, they now both officially had jobs. Hailey had accepted Lisa's offer and was now working full time at St. Mungo's, while James had finished his training and had become an auror. It was hard for both of them to adjust to their new life, but their hours lined up now, and they could spend their free time together. Most of their free time, however, was spent at the Potter's or with Sirius and Lily. Sirius was doing better, though his personality had changed a bit, Hailey had noticed. He was a bit more mellow, and at times, he was so deeply upset that only Remus was able to make him smile. It was understandable, of course, his brother had just passed away, he was sure to be upset, but it hurt Hailey to see him so sad, and she knew it hurt James as well. Lily was coping as well as Hailey had expected her to. She was much more open about her feelings than Sirius, which helped her to do better mentally, but she still had days where she fell apart, especially when she was around Sirius. The two of them had some kind of mutual respect for one another, having taken Regulus's death the hardest, but being around each other only reminded them of what they had lost.

But the main thing taking up Hailey and James's schedule was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Potter. Hailey didn't mind, of course, that James spent a lot of time with his parents, though he had apologized about it before, and she enjoyed spending time with Mr. and Mrs. Potter as well as her own parents. They would play games, have dinners, watch movies, but sometimes, they would just sit together, enjoying each other's company. It was when Hailey was able to sit and be with her parents and James's that Hailey felt closest to them. She knew that Mr. and Mrs. Potter didn't have much time left, and every time she and James visited, they seemed to be worse, and just sitting with them seemed to bring them all comfort. They were able to be together without anything hectic happening, and it brought a peace to everyone that Hailey appreciated in her stressful life.

Hailey leaned back and ran a hand through her hair. It was exhausting to work at St. Mungo's. They were facing a lot of problems with victims of Death Eater attacks, who either didn't remember what had happened to them, or were in too critical of a state to tell anyone. Though her floor mainly dealt nonessential things, they had gotten a few people when the trauma bay filled up, and Hailey had experienced firsthand what the Death Eaters would do to people.

The telephone rang, and Hailey stood up to answer it. It wasn't often that it rang, seeing as people mainly used owls, so she figured it must be important.


"Is this Hailey Lowel?" The voice was low and husky.

"This is she. May I ask who this is?" Hailey asked, feeling anxious at the animosity of the caller.

"I work at St. Mungo's. A Euphemia Potter has just been admitted in critical condition, and you were on her emergency contact list, as well as James Potter."

"Is her husband with her? Fleamont?" Hailey asked, pulling one of her shoes on. There was a pause.

"Fleamont Potter passed away earlier today."


Hailey ran through the halls of St. Mungo's until she came to the front desk.

"I need to see Euphemia Potter, it's urgent." She said, out of breath. The receptionist looked at the computer, typing something in.

"Are you Hailey Lowel?" She asked. Hailey nodded. She looked back at the computer.

"Alright, she's in room 156. Quiet time is in less than an hour, so I'm gonna need you to keep it down, okay?" She looked at Hailey skeptically. Hailey nodded again.

"Got it."

She ran down until she found room 156. She pushed the door open gently, seeing James already sitting there, she sat on the opposite side of the bed. Euphemia smiled and patted her hand.

"Hailey, you were always like a daughter to me. I'm glad to see that you and James found your way together. I'm sorry that I won't be there to see you get married."

"Mom, you're going to be fine. You'll make it through this." James said. Hailey could see the tears on his face even in the dark room.

"James dear, you need to be realistic. I'm not going to make it much longer, and I'm okay with that. You just need to treasure the time you have with the people you still have with you."

James shook his head.

"Mom, you can't leave me too! I need you."

Mrs. Potter squeezed James's hand.

"James, I love you. You're going to be a great man, in fact you already are. Your father and I are so proud of the incredible person you've become. I need you to let go of me, though. I wish we had more time, but we need to accept that it's just about over." She said. She turned to Hailey.

"Please take care of him."

Hailey nodded, feeling tears fall from her own eyes.

"I promise."

Mrs. Potter smiled.

"I love you both."

As she took her last breath, Euphemia Potter had no regrets.

Mr. and Mrs. Potter's funeral was an experience Hailey never wanted to have again. It was a lovely service, but the emotion tied to it was almost too much to bear. James relied on her heavily to make it through the service, never leaving her side, except when he had to give a speech. Hailey shed many tears during the service, as well as during Regulus's funeral, but she knew it was only the start. They were in the middle of a war, and they were going to lose friends and family.

If only they were ready for it.

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