Chapter 8

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Hailey cuddled into James and closed her eyes. It was nice to have some peace and quiet. Sirius had decided to spend the week with Remus, and James and Hailey were alone again. She loved having Sirius and Remus around, but for some reason, she felt much more relaxed and happy when it was just her and James.

"Hailey?" James broke the silence.

"Yes?" She looked up at him.

"Do you want to have a party?"

Hailey tilted her head.


"I mean, our parents are getting back in a week and a half, so what if we had a party a few days before they got home? With their permission of course."

She thought about it. She could have the girls from her dorm come early and help her and the other Marauders set up. They could definitely make it work.

"I'll owl Mum. She's most likely to convince everyone else."

James nodded and she grabbed a piece of parchment and a quill. A few minutes later, she showed him the letter.

"How's this?"

James read through the letter and nodded.

"I love it."

With his approval, Hailey sealed the letter and gave it to the family owl.

"Now we wait."


"I said mince them, My Lady. Those are not minced." James stood behind her and rested his head on her shoulder, looking at the celery she was attacking with a knife.

"I'm doing my best, Princess." Hailey replied, rolling her eyes.

James laughed and wrapped his arms around her, guiding her hands.

"It's not hard, you just have to know how to use a knife."

Hailey mocked his voice but blushed a deep red due to his arms being wrapped securely around her. James took notice of her blush and smirked, pulling her closer to him. Just as Hailey opened her mouth to say something, they were interrupted by a tapping on the kitchen window. Hailey reluctantly pulled away from James and opened the window, letting the owl fly in. She took the letter off his leg and gave him a treat. She opened the letter and read for a minute before looking at James and smiling.

"We've got a party to plan."


"A fiesta? We're in England and neither of us is Mexican, James. We can't just have a fiesta." Hailey rolled her eyes.

"We can if we choose to call it a fiesta." He grinned at her.

The two teenagers were sitting on the living room couch, surrounded by parchment and snacks. Party planning was a lot harder without being able to sneak off to Honeydukes or the Hogwarts kitchen. They had agreed to make the food themselves (Mainly James), but wanted to give the party a theme as well. So far, they had come up with soiree, masked ball, Sesame Street, and fiesta. None of which sounded appealing to Hailey.

"If you're willing to make authentic food, then I'm up for it." Hailey smiled innocently at him.


Hailey stopped smiling.


"Why not? It can't be much harder than what I know how to make. I'll get a recipe book when we go out tomorrow, and it'll be fine."

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