Chapter 12

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Train rides

Sirius adjusted his tie and fixed Remus's.


"You always were rubbish at doing ties. Now you've got someone to help you."

"Is that all you're good at?" Remus wrapped an arm around Sirius's waist and pulled him closer.

"Most definitely not." Sirius leaned in to kiss him.

There was a knock at the door.

"You've been in there forever! Some of us need to change before we get to Hogwarts."

"We should probably-"

"Yeah." Remus nodded and unlocked the door. The two walked out of the bathroom and back to their compartment. Sirius opened the compartment door and immediately shut it, turning around.

"I think we should find another compartment for the rest of the train ride. Hailey and James seem...Busy."

Remus nodded in understanding and they went in search of the girls' compartment.

"Hello ladies. Mind if we pop in?"

Marlene rolled her eyes.

"Do you have to?"

"Afraid so. There are some people that became occupied in our earlier compartment during our absence. So, we're stuck with you until they're done."

"I hope you mean Hailey and James. If I have to watch them ignore the chemistry and sexual tension between them for another term, I'm going to lose my mind." Lily looked at Sirius hopefully.

"I don't want to be too premature, but we might be looking at a new golden relationship this year. The two most popular sixth years are currently snogging in compartment 36."

"Oh good." Marlene breathed a sigh of relief.

They sat in silence for a minute before Lily spoke.

"How long do we give them before we interrupt them?"

Sirius looked at his watch.

"Ten minutes."

They all nodded and fell back into a comfortable silence.

"How about seven?"


Hailey readjusted her tie and checked her hair in the mirror. She and James had hurried to get in their uniforms before it had been too long, but they had still been alone for around thirty minutes. James knocked on the compartment door.

"Are you done yet?"

"Yeah, you can come in."

James opened the door and walked in.

"Let's go find the others."

Hailey nodded and headed for the door, but James caught her arm.

"One for the road?"

Hailey rolled her eyes and kissed him quickly before pulling away and going to find the girls' compartment.


"Sirius, it's been a lot longer than ten minutes. Can't we just go and bug them?"

Sirius shook his head.

"I have a better plan. They'll come and find us, and we'll embarrass them to no end. It'll be much more fun."

The compartment door opened.

"Making fun plans without me, are you Padfoot?" James walked in casually.

"Seemed like you were having enough fun with Hailey, weren't you?"

James blushed slightly but played it off.

"Shut up."

"Feeling extra witty today, are we?"

"What have you gang been up to?" James sat down casually, ignoring the previous comment.

"Waiting for Hailey, actually. What about you?"

"You know, stuff..." James trailed off.

"Where is Hailey? I was under the impression you two were together before this."

"Erm, we were, but we split up to find this compartment."

"Fabulous. Now we just have to wait for her to find us."

"So we wait, then."

"Guess so."

The group sat in silence.

"So just to clarify, we're going to be quiet until she finds us?"

The compartment opened again and Hailey walked in.

"Waiting for me?"

"Hailey! Where have you been?"

"Had to join some Ravenclaws for a bit to avoid Amos Diggory again. Sorry it took so long. They were nice though."

"What do you mean? Is Diggory bugging you?" Sirius looked troubled.

"No, he's just really creepy. He made a comment earlier, and now I'm on his 'list'." Hailey shrugged it off, but all of the boys looked concerned.

"It's really not a big deal. I have you guys, don't I?" She elbowed James.

"Yeah, but not all the time. We're just worried about you. He has a bad reputation." Remus shared a look with the other boys.

"Listen, she said she's fine with it, and she's not the first girl to deal with this. She'll live. And we've got her back as well." Marlene shut the boys up. Hailey shot her a grateful smile. She nodded as if to say 'Don't worry about it'.

"I guess."


Hailey reached up to grab her trunk, but couldn't reach. She momentarily wondered how she got it up there in the first place, but returned to the current problem. She looked around. James had just left the compartment, but he could still hear her if she called.


He stuck his head in the doorframe.


"I can't reach my trunk."

He laughed and helped her lower it to the floor.

"How did you get it up there?"

"I honestly don't know. I probably threw it a bit to get it up there."

James snorted.

"With the weight of it, I doubt your noodle arms could handle that."

Hailey bumped him.

"Shut up."

He bumped her back and they walked toward the castle. 

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