Chapter 63

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New Addition

"Hailey, there's a letter for you from St. Mungo's!" James called. Hailey sighed and walked downstairs. She got letters almost daily from St. Mungo's, updating her on a patient or new treatment. She opened the letter and read it, expecting the usual.

Mrs. Potter,

This letter is in regards to a pregnancy test that you requested yesterday, November 20th. Your request has been fulfilled, and the test came back positive.



St. Mungo's

Hailey put down the letter and sighed. She stood up and walked into the living room, bracing herself for James's reaction.

"James, I have something to tell you, but I need you to let me finish talking before you react."

James looked up, and, sensing the seriousness of the situation, put down his work. Hailey sat down next to him.

"So, I took a pregnancy test a few days ago, and it was positive, but you know how muggle tests are, sometimes they're wrong. So I got a test done at St. Mungo's after work yesterday." Hailey held up the paper, letting James take it from her. He read the contents quickly, then looked back up at Hailey.

"You're pregnant? For sure?"

Hailey nodded. James smiled widely and stood up, spinning Hailey around.

"We're going to be parents! We're having a baby!"

He put Hailey down and looked at her.

"You are happy, aren't you?" He asked, searching her face. Hailey smiled.

"I'm happy that we're in this together, and that we're going to have a family. Obviously, the timing isn't great, and I wish our child didn't have to grow up in this, but I'm excited to be a mom."

James nodded.

"I know we've only been married six months, but I think we can take this on together. We're strong people, Hails. We can do this."

Hailey nodded, reassured, and kissed James firmly.

"I love you."

"I love you too. We're having a baby!" He added excitedly. Hailey chuckled.

"Yeah, we are."


Hailey gripped James's hand tightly as she rang the doorbell. They were having dinner at the Lowel's, and Hailey was nervous to tell them about the baby she was carrying.

"Hails, it'll be fine. They'll be happy for us." James reassured, squeezing her hand. Hailey smiled nervously.

The door opened, and Mrs. Lowel ushered them inside.

"I'm so glad you two could join us. It's been awfully lonely recently. Not many people are willing to leave the house, so we've been on our own for a week or two now."

Hailey hugged her mother.

"We were so happy to hear from you guys. It feels like forever since we've been able to sit down and relax."

"You two work too hard." Mr. Lowel said, shaking his head. James shrugged.

"There's a growing need for Aurors and Healers. Until we have enough people, we just have to make what we have work. Everybody's working extra hours right now."

Mrs. Lowel sighed.

"I hate that you have to work so hard. It seems unfair that you should have to stress and overwork yourselves because of You-Know-Who."

Hailey nodded.

"But it's what people need right now. At least neither of us went into law. The ministry's having a really hard time dealing with everything, and we're just on the outside of that."

Mrs. Lowel shook her head.

"Well, let's eat."

Hailey looked at James, who nodded and squeezed her hand.

"Mum, Dad, I'm pregnant."

Mrs. Lowel dropped her fork.


"We're expecting a baby, Mum."

"That's fantastic! Of course, the timing is a bit unfortunate, but really, who knows what's coming? I'm so happy for you! Do you know if it's a boy or a girl yet?"

Hailey shook her head.

"Next month. We have a while before anything serious has to happen. I just hope things have calmed down a bit by the time they baby comes."

"I'm going to be a grandmother!" Mrs. Lowel exclaimed. Hailey smiled at her enthusiasm.

"And you both have stable jobs, which is good. I think you'll do just fine." Mr. Lowel commented.

"Thanks Mum, Dad."

Hailey took a deep breath. She was going to be a mother.


"Pregnant?" Lily demanded. Hailey nodded sheepishly. Marlene squealed and hugged her.

"I'm so happy for you! This is fantastic news! Have you thought about names yet? Are you working on a baby room yet?"

Hailey laughed as Marlene spoke.

"No, we haven't talked about names and the baby's room will be in the spare room, but we haven't done anything for it." She said, looking at Lily.

"I'm really happy for you and James, Hailey. This is really exciting for you two." She said. Hailey thanked her and smiled sympathetically. It was almost the one-year anniversary of Regulus's death, and Lily had been taking it hard, as had Sirius. Hailey had considered waiting a while before telling Lily and Marlene, but eventually decided that she was going to start showing soon, so she should let them know as soon as possible. She knew it had been hard for Lily to watch all of her friends get married and start families.

"Why don't we get some ice cream to celebrate?" Marlene asked. Hailey and Lily nodded.

"We have to get black raspberry. It's the best kind." Lily said. Hailey shook her head.

"Peanut butter cookie is the best." She argued. Marlene shrugged.

"Why don't we just get both?"

Hailey and Lily agreed, and Marlene smiled.

"I'm so happy for you, Hailey. I can't believe it! You're going to be a mom!"

Hailey smiled. She was having a baby.

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