Chapter 23

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Hogsmeade dates

Hailey walked down the stairs. She could hear James talking with Remus and Sirius. She made it to the bottom of the stairs, and Sirius noticed her.

"Anything special planned for today, Lowel?"

"Shut up Sirius." Hailey laughed and flipped him off.

"I'm awfully hurt." Sirius put a hand on his chest.

James turned around. His eyes widened slightly and he looked her up and down.

"You look nice."

"Thanks. You do too." James was wearing a pink button-up shirt that his mother had definitely bought him and she could tell he made an attempt to tame his hair.

"Thanks. You ready to go?"

Hailey nodded and they headed to the Front Hall together. Hailey had decided to wear heeled boots, so she was just a few inches shorter than James, a fact he had noticed quickly.

"You're taller today! That's not fair. I like being the tallest one in the relationship."

Hailey laughed.

"Maybe we can get you a pair of heels, then you'll always be taller than I am."

James huffed.

"Or I could get a pair of stilts. That'd be kind of fun."

"Good luck with that." Hailey laughed. They reached the Front Hall and got in line. When they reached Professor McGonagall, she eyed their held hands before giving their slips back to them.

"Enjoy your trip."

Hailey blushed as they passed her. James snickered.

"Was that a nice experience, Hailey?"

She elbowed him.

"No, I can't say it was."

James laughed.

"Where to first?"

"Honeydukes? Then we'll have something to eat as we walk around."

James nodded and they headed down the path towards the village. When they made it, they stopped at Honeydukes and grabbed some treats, James insisting on paying.

"Just this once. It's my duty as your boyfriend."

"Fine, but I'm paying for us at the Three Broomsticks."

"If you insist."

An older witch walking by winked at them and smiled.

"You two are so cute together! Me and my husband used to wander around Hogsmeade as well. It's such a fun activity."

James and Hailey smiled and thanked her. As she walked away, Hailey gasped.

"I think she thought we were married!"

James shrugged.

"Nothing we can do now. I don't mind."

"Well neither do I, but I didn't mean to mislead her."

"I think she'll survive, Hails."

Hailey shrugged and they headed towards their favorite bookshop, Lectio. They wandered around the bookstore, finding book after book to read. Once their arms were full, they found an empty corner and sat down to read. Hailey looked at what James had chosen.

"What's that about?" She peeked at the cover again.

"A girl who finds out she's a witch because she turns herself purple for the day."

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