Chapter 52

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Hailey walked out of the elevator and over to her office. She was taking her healer's exam in two days, and had been spending extra time at St. Mungo's shadowing people and studying to prepare. She knew James understood that she was stressed about the exam, like she always was, and he had his own exams to worry about as well, so they mainly spent their time at home studying late into the night.

"Hailey! Can I see you in my office?" Lisa called. Hailey nodded and followed her into the room, taking a seat across the desk.

"So, you're taking your exam in a couple days, and then you'll decide where you want to work." Lisa started. Hailey nodded. "Well, I know you might not want to, and that's okay if you don't, but the team and I have decided to offer you a job with us in general medicine. We love having you around and think you'll really thrive in the environment. And you're definitely going to get offers from other areas, so don't think you have to stay loyal to us or anything. We would love to have you stay on with us, but we all understand if your interests lie elsewhere."

Hailey opened her mouth, but no words came out. She wanted to stay on with Lisa, but maybe she would really enjoy another area of medicine. Lisa nodded.

"You need some time to think about it, I'm sure."

Hailey nodded appreciatively.

"I really appreciate the offer, but I'll need some time to think it over."

"Of course! Don't even worry about it until you've finished your exam. I know how stressful that can be."

"Thank you Lisa." Hailey remembered what she had promised James. "I actually have a favor to ask as well, if you don't mind."


"James! I'm home!" Hailey called. Hearing no response, she shrugged and took her shoes off, closing the door behind her. She was nervous to have a conversation about his parents. Lisa had been extremely helpful when Hailey had explained the situation, and while Hailey couldn't see any of the files because she didn't work at St. Mungo's, Lisa had written out all of the useful information from them for Hailey to go over. Overall, Mr. and Mrs. Potter weren't doing great. They weren't in a critical state, but their condition was getting consistently worse, and didn't appear to be stopping anytime soon. Because of their age, both Mr. and Mrs. Potter were already in a weakened state, which made finding useful treatments difficult. A lot of options either weren't available or wouldn't be useful for Mr. and Mrs. Potter, so the outlook was grim.

Hailey grabbed a few textbooks and sat down on the couch. Her exam would be finished just a week before Thanksgiving, which was a relieving thought to her. Just when she had settled down and started studying, there was a knock on the door. Hailey sighed and got up, making her way to the door. When she opened it, she found Mrs. Potter standing in front of her.

"Euphemia! What a surprise! James isn't here right now, if you were looking for him, but-"

"Actually, I came to talk to you." Mrs. Potter said. Hailey blinked, then nodded and let her in.

"Would you like a cup of tea?"

Mrs. Potter shook her head.

"I won't be here long. I just wanted to talk about you and James, dear."

"What about?" Hailey asked, panic rising in her. She had always gotten the impression that Mr. and Mrs. Potter liked her. They couldn't be asking her to break up with him, could they?

"Well, I'm sure you know, but Fleamont and I have Dragon Pox." She started. When Hailey nodded, she continued. "We're concerned that it might not...end well for us. I just wanted to ask you to take care of him. He won't deal with it well, and he needs someone to be his rock. I hate to ask it of you, but I'm just worried about my baby."

Hailey nodded again.

"I promise I'll help him. If I'm not overstepping my place, I do think you should be honest with him. None of you want this time to be spent frustrated with each other. If you just come out and tell him how you feel about it, I'm sure he'll be understanding."

Mrs. Potter sighed.

"I know, I think it's just the mother in me that wants to protect him. I know it's silly, but I don't want him to be upset about it. But he's growing up. I mean, he's already moved out and has a wonderful girlfriend that keeps him sane." She said, patting Hailey's hand. "And thank you. I know you'll do your best to help him if anything happens. I just wonder if that'll be enough."

"Well, he has Sirius and Remus as well. We'll all do everything we can to make sure he makes it through. I think for now the best thing to do is just to make memories."

Mrs. Potter nodded and stood up.

"Well, I should get going. James will be getting back in a few minutes. I sent him to get groceries." She explained, seeing the confused look on Hailey's face.

"Thank you for stopping by. You're always welcome to drop in." Hailey said, standing up. Mrs. Potter smiled.

"And you can always come over if you need a break from James. I know he can get a bit overbearing, especially when he's stressed." She said kindly. "It was lovely talking to you, and thank you again. I'm so glad James found you."

Hailey smiled and waved goodbye before Mrs. Potter disapparated. She sat back down on the couch and picked up her textbook, determined to get some studying in before James got home. As much as she hated it, she was going to have to tell him about his parents, and she didn't think she could get much studying done after. There were just a few minutes before she had to face the music, and she was going to make the most of them.

It won't be that bad, will it?

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