Chapter 27

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Midnight tea

"I don't like that we're the same height when you wear those heels." James grumbled as they left Marlene's house.

"You and your toxic masculinity. I think you'll get over it, to be honest James." Hailey rolled her eyes.

"The thing is, Remus is already taller than I am. I don't want everybody to be taller. That ruins my aesthetic." James moaned. Hailey laughed.

"What exactly is your aesthetic, James?"

"A sexy bad boy that's secretly a great guy. I can't be a sexy bad boy if my girlfriend's taller than I am."

Hailey looked at him.

"Your ideal aesthetic is 'Sexy bad boy that's secretly a great guy'? Aim higher James. That's pretty pathetic."

"I don't see you pouring your heart out to me. What are your hopes and dreams? Your ideal aesthetic?"

"Well, I would like to become a healer, I suppose. and I want to settle down and have a family as well. Nothing too serious. I just hope everything calms down before we graduate."

James nodded grimly. Recently, there had been more and more blood status crazed people joining together and terrorizing muggles. They had a leader, Lord Voldemort, but the wizarding world was too afraid to say his name. Hailey supposed they were all too worried to use his name because it held power for some reason. Hailey and James's parents were part of a group called the Order of the Pheonix that was working against Lord Voldemort's supporters. Mr. Lowel had promised Hailey she could join when she left school, but James had yet to get permission, which he was incredibly sore about.

"Well, I think I'd like to be an auror. I want to have a family, obviously, and I want to join the order. I suppose I don't have really high hopes for the future, but it looks so bleak right now, it doesn't seem that important to plan it out." James shrugged. Hailey nodded thoughtfully.

"I guess. I would rather be prepared, though. Just in case we don't even have to deal with it, you know? Because if everyone's plan is just to die, it won't make for a bright future. It's really up to us."

James wrapped his arms around Hailey's waist and hugged her tightly.

"And that's why I'm dating you. Because you always give me a new perspective that makes me re-think all of my terrible ideas."

Hailey laughed.

"I'm glad to be of service. Now, we need to get home before my mother kills us. It's getting late."

James nodded. They had arranged it so James would come home with Hailey and stay the night at the Lowels' house (far away from Hailey) to save hassle with getting everyone from the party. Hailey was planning on going to the Potters' house the next day to help set up for their party, so it was most convenient for the adults. Not that James and Hailey minded, of course.

They caught a cab and sat next to each other in the back seat, James resting his arm across Hailey's shoulders. Hailey leaned her head on James's shoulder and closed her eyes.

"Wake me up when we get there."

James brushed her hair away from her face with his free hand.

"Sure thing."


Hailey woke up to James gently shaking her.

"Hails, we're here. Wake up."

Hailey opened her eyes and looked around groggily. She could see her mother waiting on the front porch for them. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. They payed the cab driver and headed inside. When they made it to Mrs. Lowel, she smiled at them and patted their cheeks.

"I'm glad you made it back safely. I was worried for a little bit, because I thought you were going to be home sooner."

"Sorry about that, Mum. We were just helping Marlene clean up for a bit. We didn't mean to worry you."

Mrs. Lowel waved it off.

"You're home safe, so it's fine. You better get to bed, though. You have an early morning tomorrow. James dear, you're in the guest room. I've already set out some pajamas for you on the bed, and there's a toothbrush and soaps in the bathroom. Hailey, you can show him his room."

"Thank you, Mrs. Lowel." James followed Hailey down the hall.

"You know where my room is if you need anything. I'll see you tomorrow." Hailey pecked James on the lips and went to go to her room. James grabbed her hand and pulled her back.

"Surely you won't leave me with just that." James pulled her into his chest. Hailey rolled her eyes and rested her hands on his chest. He kissed her gently, almost asking her for permission. She deepened the kiss, one of her hands traveling to the back of his neck, the other resting on his bicep. He wrapped his arms around her waist. She pulled away after a minute, leaning her forehead against his.

"I should head upstairs before my mum notices." She quickly kissed him and left the room in a good mood. She turned to walk up the stairs to her room, but found Mrs. Lowel standing at the top of the staircase.

"That took a while."

Hailey blushed deeply and continued up the stairs.

"I was just saying goodnight."

Mrs. Lowel smiled knowingly.

"Goodnight Hailey."

"Night Mum." Hailey walked down the hallway and into her room. She put on a pair of pj shorts and one of James's t-shirts before heading to her bathroom to wipe her makeup off and brush her teeth. When she was ready for bed, she crawled under the covers and fell asleep almost instantly.


Hailey woke up to a knock at her door. She got up, noticing that it was still dark outside. When she opened the door, she found James standing in the hallway, his hair messier than normal. He looked tired, and a little disturbed.

"Are you okay?"

James nodded.

"I just had a bad dream and couldn't fall back asleep."

"Well my parents won't be too pleased if we're in the same bed, so let's get some tea."

James nodded and they walked downstairs. Hailey put the kettle on to boil and sat down opposite James.

"Want to talk about it?"

James shrugged.

"It was kind of silly, honestly. Just your average dark wizard taking over the world and killing all of my loved ones. I'm sure I'm not the first one to have it."

Hailey nodded thoughtfully.

"You were in it. They were using you as bait to try and get me to join them or something. I guess they figured you were the most important thing to me." James blushed slightly and looked at his hands.

"Well I hope you gave in, I don't like the idea of being held captive. I live too much of a cushy lifestyle to be tortured." Hailey joked. James cracked a smile.

"I probably would have. I woke up before that."

"What a shame. I guess it's for the best, though. Wouldn't want you to have a guilty conscience because of a dream." Hailey teased.

"I would not!" James looked offended.

"Yes you would. You're the most gentle person I know. There's no way you would be fine with that."

James rolled his eyes.

"I am not. You're making that up."

Hailey smirked as the kettle whistled.


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