Chapter 33

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Home again

"Come here." James whispered and motioned towards the closed compartment door. Hailey followed him quietly, confused as to what he was doing. He slid the compartment door open to reveal Remus and Sirius asleep on one of the benches.

"Did you drug them?" Hailey asked, only half joking.

"No, but it was incredibly boring to be in the compartment with them after they fell asleep. Unconscious people don't make great conversationalists."

Hailey nodded.

"So you brought me here so you wouldn't be bored." She concluded. James nodded.

"Tell me about your plans for the summer or something."

"Well, my mum mentioned that she wants to go to Greece, so I hope that happens. Other than that, probably hang out with you, Sirius, and Remus."

"But mainly me, right?"

Hailey laughed.

"Yes, mainly you."

James pulled Hailey's legs onto his lap, rubbing circles on her ankle.

"You're cute."

Hailey raised an eyebrow.

"What's this for?"

James shrugged.

"I just thought I would let you know. You're very cute, Hailey."

Hailey blushed slightly.

"You're very cute too, James. I'm glad you got up the courage to ask me out."

"Me too. I think we both would have been a little miserable if we weren't dating."

Hailey nodded.

"I wonder what life would have been like if we never met."

"We probably would have had another boy in the Marauders, honestly. We need someone else to round us out. I'm glad we got you though."

"I'm glad too. I like being with you guys sometimes."

"I'm flattered."


Hailey hugged Marlene tightly.

"I'll miss you. Promise you'll write me."

"I promise."

She hugged everyone else and left to find her parents. Hailey turned to Mary.

"I really hope you can stay. Owl me as soon as you know, will you?"

Mary nodded, her eyes misting up.

"Thanks for being such a great friend all these years."

Hailey hugged her and pulled back, her arms still on Mary's shoulders.

"Mary, you're a great person. I know you'll do great if you have to move."

Mrs. McDonald came over. She gave Hailey a sad look and took Mary's hand. Lily hugged Mary one last time, and then Mary was gone with a crack. Lily sniffled.

"I'm going to miss you, Hailey."

"I'm going to miss you too. You'll have to come stay at my house for a bit."

Lily nodded and hugged Hailey.

"I'll owl you after I ask my mum when we can have you."

Mr. and Mrs. Evans came into view, along with a snooty-looking girl that looked similar to Lily. They immediately approached Lily.

"Are you ready to go, dear?"

Lily nodded and hugged Hailey again.

"I'll see you later."

She followed her parents through the barrier, disappearing from view. James hugged Hailey from behind.

"I thought they'd never leave. I wanted to say goodbye to you before I left."

Hailey turned around and kissed James.

"I'll see you soon."

Mr. and Mrs. Lowel came into view, and Hailey kissed James one last time before walking towards them. She waved to James before taking her dad's hand. They disapparated, and were back at Hailey's house with a crack.

"Who do you want to have over?" Mrs. Lowel asked, seeing her daughters face.

"Just Lily, and if Mary's really moving, I want to have her and Marlene over as well."

"I think we can make that work. And, your dad got the time off of work! We're going to Greece!"

Hailey jumped off the couch.

"We're going to Greece?"

Mrs. Lowel smiled.

"Yes we are. We'll be there for a week, and we leave in two days."

Hailey couldn't stop smiling. She had always wanted to go to Greece, and she was finally going to.

"I have to start packing."

"There's one more thing."

Hailey looked back at her mom.


"We're taking James, Sirius, and Remus with us."


"The Potters have some business to take care of the same time we'd be in Greece, and they can't have James with them. We offered to take him and Sirius with us, and it seemed natural to invite Remus as well."

Hailey hugged her mom.

"Thank you Mum! I'm going to unpack. And then pack again."

Mrs. Lowel laughed.

"Go ahead."

Hailey ran up the stairs to her room and got out a piece of paper. Finding a quill in her trunk, she sat down to write a letter to Lily.

Dear Lily,

Mum said dad got the time off work! I'm going to Greece! We're taking James, Sirius, and Remus with us as well. I'll be back in a little over a week, and then we can hang out every day and you can escape Petunia. I miss you already!

With love,


Hailey sealed the letter and sent it off. She shut the door to her room and squealed. After multiple minutes of spinning around the room, she opened her trunk again and started emptying it out. She sorted the contents by school items, school robes, and regular clothes. Once all of her school things were put away, she dusted out her trunk and put all of the clothes she would wear in Greece. She opened her drawer of summer clothes and grabbed her favorite pairs of shorts. Grabbing a few shirts, she threw them in as well. She put some jewelry in her jewelry holder, and put it in the trunk.

Sighing happily, she collapsed onto her bed.


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