Chapter 41

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Defense Against the Dark Arts

"Good morning class!" Professor Gibbons walked into the class, winking at one of the other seventh year girls. Hailey rolled her eyes and gagged, making James, Sirius, and Remus smile. There were scattered 'Good Morning Professor' across the room. Professor Gibbons shook his head, trying to insprire guilt in the students.

"That won't do. I want us to be friends in this class. You guys are adults now! Once you finish this year, you don't ever have to do school again. I'm just a few years older than you are, I don't want you to feel as though I'm trying to abuse my power over you. I want this class to be you guys learning things by yourselves, and me aiding you. I just want to be a help along the way to your successful futures."

Hailey raised her hand.

"Forgive me Professor, but isn't it your job to use your authority over us? Aren't you supposed to teach us, not be our friend?" She heard a few other students murmur in agreement. Professor Gibbons gave her a fake smile.

"I don't quite understand what you're saying, my dear. Are you insinuating that I don't know how to teach?"

"Not at all, Sir. I'm merely pointing out that we have NEWT's this year. I think I speak for all of us when I say that we have friends to support us, what we need is a teacher to help us learn. I'm in no way questioning your ability to teach us, only your willingness to do so and your aims for our education."

Most of the students were nodding, agreeing that Professor Gibbons seemed hesitant to teach them actual skills. Professor Gibbons coughed and looked Hailey up and down.

"Well Miss..."

"Lowel." Hailey said stiffly.

"Miss Lowel. If you have any concerns about passing your Defense Against the Dark Arts NEWT exam, I would have no problem giving you private lessons to work on anything you're struggling with."

"Actually," James cut in. Hailey sighed, relieved that she didn't have to deal with Gibbons anymore. "What if we just had a study group? Aside from classes? Is that allowed, Professor?"

Professor Gibbons narrowed his eyes slightly at James, but quickly regained his happy posture.

"It is indeed. I could, of course oversee them, if you would like." He looked to Hailey, who mumbled something inaudible so as to avoid actually saying something.

"Perfect! Let me know when you schedule a date." He turned back to the rest of the class.

"Let's get started now."


"That man is insufferable!" Hailey ranted, storming out of the classroom. As soon as she got out of the door, Professor Gibbons called her back in. Hailey sighed, turning around, James quickly following.

"Actually, I'd just like to speak to Miss Lowel." Professor Gibbons said, eyeing James.

"Actually, I'd like James to be here. We have our next class together." Hailey said forcefully.

"Well then, I'd just like to say that if you're interested, I would be happy to privately tutor you. I can see you are very diligent about your studies, and I know you'd jump at the opportunity to get some extra credit." He said slyly. Hailey knew what he was doing. He was trying to make her feel guilty about her studies and accept his offer.

"With all due respect, Sir, I would rather just have a study club with my friends. It's an easier environment, don't you think? I know you're all about friendly support." Hailey smiled and raised her eyebrows. Professor Gibbons looked like he had tasted something rather nasty.

"Of course. And I want to get along with my students, especially the older ones. I must insist you call me Phineas."

"If you don't mind, I'd rather keep this relationship strictly professional. I am your student, as I'm sure you know."

"Yes, of course. Well, my offer is always on the table should you feel stressed at any point about Defense."

James put his arm around Hailey's waist.

"We'll keep that in mind, thank you very much sir. Or should I say, Phineas." He smiled innocently at Professor Gibbons, who eyed his arm.

"Well, you two better be off."

James led Hailey out of the room rather quickly.

"Well, it turns out he actually is a pedophile, he doesn't just look like one. It's nice that we know that, I suppose." Hailey said lightly. James scowled.

"He's a creep, trying to get you alone even after you made it clear you didn't want to be near him."

"I suppose I'm just too irresistible. Not even the teachers can control themselves." Hailey mused. James kissed her forehead.

"You're irresistible to me."

"How kind." Hailey noted. James rolled his eyes.

"We really should have a defense group. If the creeper's not going to teach us anything, it'd be useful to learn with a group."

Hailey nodded.

"We can invite all the seventh years and fifth years. I'm sure they all want to pass their NEWT's and OWL's. And, leading a study group that encouraged unity is great to put on a resume."

James nodded in agreement, leading her down to the transfiguration classroom. They sat down next to Remus and Sirius quickly, not wanting to be late. Professor McGonagall strode into the room and sat at her desk.

"Good Morning. As I'm sure you're all aware, this is your NEWT year. Your classes will be harder and more stressful as June approaches. I assure you, this is not the time to be distracted by friends or," She glanced at Hailey and James. "Other relationships. I implore you to focus on your studies. These exams are crucial to your success as an adult in the wizarding world."

Hailey focused for the lest of the lesson, determined to make a plan for her studies for the year. When the lesson had finished, Lily and Marlene grabbed Hailey and brought her to McGonagall's desk.

"Professor, we have something we'd like to discuss with you."

McGonagall looked up from the paper she was reading. Hailey looked to them as well, confused as to where this was going.


"We find the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher...troubling."

McGonagall looked concerned.

"Go on."

"Well, first of all, he doesn't seem to want to teach us anything. And, well, he seems like a real creep." Marlene finished. McGonagall looked to Hailey for further explaination.

"Well, I said I was concerned about his dedication to our education. This is, after all, our NEWT year, and then he said he would give me private lessons, and when I declined, he kept me after class to try and guilt me into it." Hailey explained. McGonagall nodded.

"That is unusual for a teacher. I will be discussing this matter with Professor Dumbledore. Thank you for bringing it to my attention."

Hailey, Lily, and Marlene nodded.

"Now, off to your next class. And girls, if he tries to get a student alone with him, let me know, will you?"

They nodded again. McGonagall smiled, satisfied.

"Off you go then."

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