Chapter 4

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The summer arrangement

"Wait a minute. You're going on a business trip with the Potters, so you're leaving James and me at our house for a month?" Hailey felt like she was hallucinating.


"And his parents know about this?"

"Yes, dear. We decided that it would make us feel better if you both had someone else to be with. And you were talking about having Remus and Sirius over too, so that would be fine as well."

Hailey raised her eyebrow.

"Is there a catch?"

Mrs. Lowel laughed.

"No dear, there's no catch."

"In that case, I accept."

Mr. and Mrs. Lowel laughed.

"Oh, and James asked me on a date when I turn sixteen. Will that be a problem?"


"Your business trip is with the Lowels?"


"And you're leaving me and Hailey alone for a month."


"Alone. In the same house."

"We agreed that it would be okay if you had Sirius and Remus over from time to time, but overall, yes."

James felt like he was in some weird fever dream. He was pleased that he got to spend quality time with Hailey for a full month, but it almost seemed like a joke that their parents would agree that this was a good idea.


Mr. Potter looked at him sternly.

"There will be some ground rules. No parties, alcohol, or sex."

James blushed.

"I don't think that will be a problem Dad."

"I know, but I want to make sure you both understand the standards that we're setting for you."

James looked at his parents.

"So when is this happening?"


Hailey untied a letter from James's owl, Ralph, and gave him a treat. Today, June 30th, was her birthday, and she had an idea of what this certain letter was about. She sat on her bed and opened it.

Dear Hailey,

I'm assuming your parents told you about the arrangement they've set up for this upcoming month. I won't linger on that, because I'm sure you're hearing enough of it at your home (I know I am), but I did want to mention it. I've been thinking about our date, and I would like to do it before we stay together, because it won't be as special if you're sick of me. Please respond with what times you are available before July 5th and your top five favorite movies, so I can plan accordingly.

Much affection,

James Potter

Hailey laughed and got to writing her response.

Dear James,

I have heard about the arrangement, and appreciate your concern with my affection levels towards you. I'm available any time tomorrow or the day after, and my top five favorite movies go as follows:

5. The Music Man

4. West Side Story

3. The Godfather

2. To Kill a Mockingbird

1. Chinatown

I can't imagine why you would need this list, but I've provided it nonetheless.

Best wishes,

Hailey Lowel


Hailey heard a tapping noise on the window. She looked up from her book to find Ralph sitting on her window ledge. She let him in and grabbed a treat for him, and took the letter attached to his leg.

Dear Hailey,

You are invited to a date at my house tomorrow night at 6:00. Casual dress, dinner will be served.


James Potter

Hailey giggled and put his note next to the other one he had sent her on her desk.

Tomorrow night she was going on her first date. 

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