Chapter 42

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Friends From Other Countries

McGonagall handed Hailey a piece of parchment with her name on it, before moving on to the next person.

"These papers have the names of your new pen-pals, along with an address and some information about them. I hope you all enjoy this experience. You have until the end of class to write a letter for your pen-pal."

Hailey excitedly opened her parchment, reading the name on the inside.

Emily Jones

Eromayervos Wizarding School

Hailey showed James her letter.

"Do you think it's Emily?"

James shrugged.

"I mean, the chances are high. I would say you two got along really well and had a lot in common, and that's the school she goes to."

Hailey nodded.

"Who'd you get?"

James smiled and opened his letter for Hailey to see.

Michael Jordan

Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

"That's Michael!" Hailey exclaimed. James nodded and smiled.

"We figured we would get each other. We answered a bunch of the same stuff on the quiz."

Hailey leaned over to Remus and Sirius.

"Who'd you guys get?"

"I got Sky." Remus said.

"I got Jake." Sirius said.

"We got Michael and possibly Emily." Said James happily.

"I bet Lily got Mary, but I don't know who Marlene got. I'll have to ask her later." Hailey said. One of the other seventh year girls, Florence Gale, leaned down.

"Hey Hailey, you met some kids from Eromayervos, right?" When Hailey nodded, she handed her the letter in her hand. "Do you know him?"

Hailey read the name

Dax Gooden

"Oh, yeah. I actually did meet him. He's super nice."

Florence nodded.

"Was he cute?"

Hailey laughed.

"He was alright. I think he just might be your type though. You should send him a picture of yourself, I think you two would really hit it off."

Florence nodded again. She smiled gratefully.

"Thanks, Hailey."

Hailey nodded and turned back to the Marauders. James smiled.

"You're setting people up when they don't even live in the same country. You're really determined to make sure everyone's in a happy relationship, aren't you?"

Hailey smiled.

"I guess it comes naturally. I'm just romantically inclined."

Remus rolled his eyes.


Hailey stuck her tongue out.

"I don't see you setting up couples."

Remus scoffed.

"Sirius and I are the reason you guys ended up together, let's be honest. We definitely pushed you two into it."

Hailey shrugged.

"Or we were just interested in each other. That could also be it."

Remus rolled his eyes as Sirius laughed.


Dear Emily,

Hi! I'm pretty sure we've met before. I went to Greece over the Summer, and met some students from Eromayervos, and one of them was named Emily. If not, it's nice to meet you! My name's Hailey, and I'm a seventh year Gryffindor at Hogwarts. I like to think of myself as cautious, but I'm really impulsive.

How's school in Greece like? I'm sure the weather's lovely there. What subjects do you guys have? I wonder if they're any different than ours. We have Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Transfiguration, Charms, Herbology, Arithmancy, History of Magic, Divination, Alchemy, Care of Magical Creatures, Astronomy, Muggle Studies, and Flying Lessons for the First Year.

Anyways, I'm so excited to write to you! I hope this turns into a lasting friendship.

With affection,

Hailey Lowel

Hailey signed off the letter and waited for James, Remus, and Sirius to do the same. When they had all finished, she packed up her bag and left with McGonagall's permission.

As they walked down the halls towards Potions, Hailey couldn't contain her excitement.

"I'm so happy that we're still going to be in contact with them. I honestly missed talking to them."

The boys nodded.

"Yeah, they were great. I'm glad they're okay, too."

Hailey nodded solemnly. Recently, the Death Eater attacks had gotten worse. Muggles were going missing, muggleborn witches and wizards were being attacked and killed. The Order was busier than ever trying to keep people safe. Hailey's parents had been gone almost every night before she left, and she knew they were gone more now that she was safe at school. She was worried for their safety, but she knew she would do the same in their position and trusted that they could handle themselves.

"Mum and Dad still haven't said we can join the Order." James complained. Remus shrugged.

"I talked to my parents about it, and they said that I can join if it's really what I want to do. I'm already in danger, you know, with my condition, so they trust that I just want the best."

Sirius rolled his eyes.

"You guys don't have to rub it in."

Hailey laughed.

"I think we do. It's very much necessary to keep your egos in check."

James rolled his eyes good-naturedly and put his arm around Hailey.

"You love me."

"And I still wonder why." Hailey said, kissing his jaw. Sirius groaned.

"We're in a public hall. It's one thing to plague us with your relationship, but there are inncocent children all around you."

Hailey looked at the students in the hall.

"They all seem pretty busy getting to their location. I don't think watching older students kiss in the hallway is on their list of priorities."

Remus shrugged.

"I don't know, there are some creepers in this school."

"Like Professor Gibbons." Hailey shuddered. McGonagall had told Hailey, Lily, and Marlene that two other classes had told their Head of House that Professor Gibbons was a total creep and needed to be fired. Their concerns had been brought up with Professor Dumbledore, and now, a different teacher would be sitting in on all DADA lessons that they could. The study group had been approved by McGonagall, and Professor Flitwick was instating a dueling club to ensure that the students received proper lessons on Defense.

"Yeah, I really hate that guy." James said, getting tense. Hailey put her hand on his arm.

"Hopefully, he'l get sacked soon and we can have a competent teacher."

"Or he could die." Chirped Sirius. Hailey rolled her eyes as James and Remus laughed.

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