Chapter 7

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The full moon

James, Sirius, and Hailey had been unsupervised for two weeks now, and it showed. They were still eating well, thanks to James, but they hadn't fully cleaned the house since the Potters and Lowels had left, and they weren't planning on doing that until they absolutely had to. Currently, they were doing the essay that McGonagall had assigned them over the summer so they could say that they had done something productive while their parents were gone.

"That's not how it works." Hailey said as she looked over James's shoulder to read his essay.

"Well then how does it?"

Hailey sighed and took the paper from him, writing down a quick explanation for him to go off of. Sirius looked up.

"When's the next full moon? We could probably go and help Moony out." Hailey nodded and went to check the calendar. She stopped as her finger paused on the next full moon. It was tonight.

"It's in like two hours."

James and Sirius looked at her.


Hailey nodded and James sighed dramatically and put his essay down.

"Guess that'll have to wait until later. Let's go!"

"Later being tomorrow." Hailey mumbled as she followed them.


The three teenagers arrived at the Lupin household at 6:15. Hailey and James had been ready to leave at 5:45, but Sirius had taken another fifteen minutes to get ready, despite Hailey and James insisting that no one cared how his hair looked, and that he was just going to help Remus during the full moon. This did absolutely nothing, and now Hailey and James were standing next to a well-primped Sirius, who looked incredibly smug.

"You guys didn't have to come. I mean, I'm really grateful that you did, but you didn't have to." Remus looked nervous that he was being a bother.

"We care about you Remus, we aren't going to leave you hanging just because we have to make a commute." Hailey hugged him.

"Alright. Who wants to play a game while we wait?" James said a little loudly, breaking the two apart.

Everyone agreed, and they played Uno until they could see the moon rising.

"Let's do this." Sirius popped the collar on his jacket.

"Not everything is an action movie Sirius. Calm down." Hailey rolled her eyes, and the group of teenagers headed to the shed in the back yard.

Hailey shivered. It was much colder than she had expected, an she wasn't dressed for the weather. James wrapped his arm around her and pulled her against him. She suddenly felt hot, but not because of his warmth. Sirius noticed her blush and winked at her.

Remus was transforming soon, so the three of them were waiting outside the shed to give him some privacy. When they heard a howl, they transformed. Sirius into a large black dog, James into a stag, and Hailey into a fishercat. They ran into the shed to find a werewolf crawling around the shed, examining his surroundings. Sirius walked towards the werewolf and nudged him. The werewolf looked toward the dog and nudged Sirius back.

Slowly, James and Hailey edged towards the two canines. As they approached, the werewolf looked towards them and snarled, his ears pinned back. Sirius looked to them and moved his head in the direction of the door. Hailey and James backed out of the shed, the werewolf's eyes on them. They had been nervous about the summer because it wouldn't be at the school where they had done it before, but Sirius seemed to be doing fine in there. The two teenagers transformed back into their usual selves and sat against the shed, listening in case there was a problem. Hailey peeked in through a crack. Sirius was chasing Remus around in dog form, like they were playing tag or something. After telling James, she turned back to look straight ahead.

This was going to be a long night.


Hailey woke up to a bright light. When her eyes had adjusted, she realized she was leaning against a sleeping James outside of the shed. Ignoring the fact that she and James had ended up cuddling again, she got up and opened the door to the shed to make sure that Sirius wasn't injured.

Remus was sitting in human form with a sleeping dog on his lap. He looked up when she opened the door.

"I don't know how to get him off without waking him up."

Hailey laughed and helped him move Sirius off of his lap.

"Where's James?" Remus looked around the shed, searching for his friend.

"He's sleeping outside, the lazy bum."

"Oh, I thought maybe I had done something and he was hurt, or-"

Hailey cut him off.

"Actually, James and I weren't welcome last night. Your werewolf self didn't like us in here. We stayed outside."

Remus had a peculiar expression on his face.

"And Sirius was allowed to stay?"

Hailey nodded.

"We get it, you like Sirius better than us. It's fine." She laughed and nudged his side.

Remus laughed but looked a little distracted.

"You okay?"

Remus nodded and looked at her.

"I'm great. Thanks for coming. You guys are the best."

"Of course. We'd do anything to help you Remus. You're our friend."

Sirius woke up and looked around.

"Can we get some food? I'm really hungry."  

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