Chapter 25

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Christmas Break

"Hurry up! We're going to miss the train!" Hailey dragged James down to Hogsmeade station, pulling her trunk with her other hand. They had slept in a bit, forgetting that they still had trunks to pack the next morning. Remus and Sirius had packed the day before, and had left Hailey and James to scramble the next morning. Finally, they had all of their things packed, but they now had to run all the way through Hogsmeade to make it to the train on time. They made it to Hogsmeade station and loaded their trunks, hopping on the train. Breathing heavily, they found the compartment where Sirius and Remus were waiting and sat down.

"You could have helped us, you know." James grumbled. Sirius scoffed.

"We told you to get ready. It's not our fault you didn't listen to us."

"Okay, but you could have gotten us up when you guys did."

"Listen, you made it on the train. That's all that matters, isn't it? We can all be happy now. And Sirius is staying with me for all of Christmas break. My parents set up the guest room."

Hailey and James nodded.

"We still get to see him, right?"

Remus rolled his eyes.

"Yes, you get to see him. I'm sure you guys are hosting lots of fancy parties that we'll get to attend, and we'll hang out anyways."

Hailey sighed.

"It's going to be weird not seeing you guys everyday."

The boys nodded.

"Maybe we can set up the guest room at my house. My parents would be happy to have you stay with us for a bit." James winked at Hailey who laughed.

"I'm going to be honest, I don't think my parents would be keen on the idea of their daughter staying at her boyfriend's house for a long period of time."

James laughed and kissed her forehead.

"We'll work something out."

Hailey nodded and yawned, suddenly feeling tired.

"Don't tell me you didn't get enough sleep, Hailey. You and James slept in an extra hour." Sirius rolled his eyes.

"I know, I'm still tired." Hailey leaned against James, who put his jacket over her.

"You can lean on me, Hails. I don't mind."

Hailey muttered a thanks and drifted off to sleep, enjoying the warmth that James gave off.


When Hailey woke up, the first thing she noticed was that everyone else was asleep. The second thing she noticed was that James had fallen asleep with his hand in her hair, running through it.

Sighing contentedly, she grabbed the book she had brought and snuggled into James. The group stayed like that for over an hour, Hailey reading, and the boys sleeping. When the train pulled into Kings Station, Hailey woke all the boys up. Grabbing their trunks, they got off the train and went to find their families. As a group, they found the Lupin family, and dropped Remus and Sirius off.

Then, Hailey and James were off to find their parents. When they had found them, James kissed Hailey.

"I'll see you soon, okay?"

Hailey laughed.

"It's just Christmas break, James. I'll be fine. And we'll see each other lots, I promise." She kissed him again and hugged him tightly.

"I love you."

She could feel James smile.

"I love you too."

They separated and went to their families who were waiting patiently for them to finish their good byes

"You ready to go, bean?" Mr. Lowel held out his hand. Hailey took it and smiled.


They apparated to Lowell Estate, and Hailey ran her trunk upstairs. When she got back down, her mother was waiting for her.

"So, tell me all about your semester! I have a full month of things for you to fill me in on."

Hailey sat down.

"So, after I last wrote you, James and I told each other and all that, and then Remus and Sirius worked out their stuff, I don't really know a ton about that. Oh! And I got a new dress for Marlene's Christmas party! Let me get it." Hailey ran back upstairs and dug through her trunk until she found the package she was looking for. She carried it down the stairs and opened it to show Mrs. Lowel. When the dress came out of the package, Mrs. Lowel gasped.

"It's beautiful! Are you wearing it to our party as well, or do you want to go dress shopping with me later?"

Hailey shrugged.

"I'm not sure. I really like this dress, but I might want a few options."

Mrs. Lowel nodded.

"We'll go shopping later this week and get you another beautiful dress."

"Thanks Mum." Hailey hugged Mrs. Lowel and took the dress back upstairs. This was going to be a great vacation.


James sighed and picked up a book. He and Hailey hadn't seen each other in a week, and he missed her. Not to mention the fact that Remus and Sirius were spending the whole vacation together, and he and Hailey were separated until they convinced their parents to get together, or there was a party to attend.

"James! Come downstairs! We're playing Scrabble!" Mrs. Potter called from downstairs.

James looked up at his door. Scrabble sounded good.

"Coming!" He ran down the stairs. Mrs. Potter was standing with a small smile on her face.

"I invited some friends to play with us, is that alright?"

James sighed. He didn't want to play Scrabble if it was with his mother's book club. They made it boring. But, he had already said he would. He nodded.

"Yeah, that's cool."

James walked into the sitting room. Mrs. Lowel was sitting on one of the couches, along with some of Mrs. Potter's friends.

"Hello ladies, ready for some scrabble?" He went to sit down, but felt someone jump on his back.

"Miss me?" Hailey laughed. James turned around as Hailey hopped off of his back. He hugged her, very aware of all of the women, including their mothers, watching them.

"Yes, I missed you." He turned to his mother.

"May we be excused?"

Mrs. Potter smiled.

"Keep your door open."

James and Hailey thanked her and ran up the stairs.

"I think this is he first time we've had to keep the door open when I visit. What a monumental day." Hailey mused.

James laughed.

"I think that's the first time my mom's ever told me to keep my door open, actually."

"You didn't have any girlfriends over before we started dating? I doubt that."

James scoffed.

"I didn't have any serious girlfriends before we started dating. Never one that lasted long enough to introduce to my parents."

"Well, let me be your first girlfriend to do this in your house." Hailey smiled and met his lips. 

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