Chapter 13

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The welcome feast

"Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts. I have a few things to say. First of all, Mr. Filch has asked that inform you all that the use of all products from Zonko's are prohibited in the school." Hailey could have sworn she saw him wink at the marauders.

"I would also like to introduce the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Professor John Dingham. Professor Dingham?" He held his arm out and a tall man stood up and walked to the place where Dumbledore was standing. Dumbledore sat down, and Dingham faced the crowd.

James leaned over to Sirius and Hailey.

"Thoughts on this one?"

Marlene leaned in.

"Hot. Very hot."

Hailey shrugged.

"He looks young. He probably only graduated a few years ago. I don't remember him though."

Sirius looked at Dingham again, trying to get a read on him.

"He looks like a bit of a creep to me."

James nodded.

"Probably. I mean, who wants to be a teacher right after graduating from school? That's a major red flag."

They all nodded and turned back to Dingham, intent on learning more about him.

"I graduated from Hogwarts myself. just three years ago." Hailey gave the boys an 'I told you so' look.

"I studied abroad for two of those years, and learned all about Defense Against the Dark Arts and the use of it in the real world. I'm very excited to teach you all, and I can't wait to share my knowledge with you!"

Everybody clapped, and Marlene leaned over to Hailey.

"Martha Ports said he dated her sister. Was a real creep, too. She said to watch out for him."

Hailey nodded.


Dingham sat down, and Dumbedore stood up again.

"Now, off to bed. Good night."

Remus and Lily directed the first year Gryffindors to the tower, and the older students followed.

Hailey looked at James. They hadn't discussed their current... situation yet, and he was still acting like nothing had happened, which he did quite often apparently. She caught Sirius's eye from James's other side and he winked at her. She mouthed 'will you talk to him?' and nudged her head toward James. Sirius nodded and went to mouth something else before James spoke.

"I'm aware that you're having a conversation about me literally behind my back."

"You caught us. Hailey was just telling me how sexy your abs are. I wasn't particularly interested, but she just kept talking. You really got her riled up, I guess."

"You like my abs, Hailey?" James laughed and wrapped his arms around her and continued to walk towards Gryffindor tower.

"Oh I can't get enough of them. I wish I had a picture of them to put under my pillow."

"I can arrange that." James winked at her, causing her to blush slightly.

"Shut up."

"Why do people think you're the smartest of the group again? You just used 'Shut up' as a comeback. How very dull of you."

"I guess I'm kicked out then, aren't I?" Hailey sighed dramatically and leaned against James.

"Nah, I wouldn't let them kick you out." Hailey noticed they had stopped walking and that Sirius had suspiciously disappeared into the group of Gryffindors that was getting farther and farther away from them.

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