Chapter : 1

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After 4 years from that incident.

Gb-2,F/No.-6, Crime Investigation Department

Inside the grand hall, everyone is busy in their respective works. Some are busy at phone, talking with someone, asking them questions related to cases, they are currently handling. Some of them have samples in their hand and are talking about to handle them to lab for test. Some have tons of papers in their hands and are running hastily here and there, outside and inside from the office of their seniors while some from the main door. Some are discussing with their fellow partners about the case and the results of tested samples forming a circle. Some are busy in searching information in their computer and noting them in their respective files. Some of them are still out for investigation and have not returned yet. While some are handling with the Case's suspects which they had caught on the crime spot. Everyone has their respective counters and seats places in both side of the hallway, yet very few of them was available on their seats while working. Sometimes they become so much involved in the cases that they even forget to eat at the lunch time. Today is one of them. They are so much busy that don't even notice someone's arrival from the main door. That person have two big Polly bags. He is tall, young, handsome, and had an attractive smile on his lips. And the smile looks more beautiful due to the presence of black tiny mole below the corner of his lips in left side. There was also a young cute boy beside him who also have some plastic bags in both his hands. The man and the boy, both walk to the middle of the hallway, from there he can see every individual's seats around him equally. He placed the bags at one of the blank counter and signalled the boy to do the same. After the boy have done as instructed, the man went inside his office and took the mike and announced in a serious tone, and everyone got tensed at first but eventually smiled when the announcement end

"Attention everyone!!! I have something important to talk to all of you, this is really serious and I want that Each. Of. You. will remember in your Little. Dumb. Head. UNDERSTAND??"

Everyone in a tensed tone " Yes Sir ."

"Now first of all leave your work whatever you're doing and go to room no. 23 and sit
on your respective seats, I will be there within a minute."

No one was moving. They are nervous to the core that can't even think what's happening. Why their senior was talking in such a serious tone. Have they done something unus.... they snapped out from their thoughts when they heard their senior's raging voice.


Everyone left for the room. After arriving at the door, they went inside and get more tensed. There was a long round table in the middle of the room together with chairs for all of them. All of them took their seats and waited for their worst. Suddenly the door opened and there came their senior, Sean Xiao Zhan together with his right hand boy, Xiao Zi. He was hella serious, he looked at everyone then he look back at the boy named Xiao Zi and the boy nodded and placed the bags on the table and also took his seat. Sean move to the table, opened the bags and placed the lunch boxes in front of each and everyone. Everyone got shocked at this but soon their senses came back and they understand what they are there for. All of them relaxed. One of them couldn't help to stand when he saw his senior unpacking the items and distributing to each of them personally. But as he stand up, his senior stared at him seriously that he quickly sat again. After distributing the packed lunch box that contained food with nutrients and a complete balance diet, Sean again distributed two bottles of drink to each and everyone and then sat on his chair at the first center of the table from there he can see each of them as they were seated his right and left side. He opened his lunch box and looked at everyone, they quickly averted their gaze and opened their lunch boxes. Again they peeked at their senior who was busy in eating then looked at one another and started eating too. As they took one bite
they can't help but to look at their senior with pleading eyes. Sean almost guessed this type of reaction beforehand, a smirk appeared on his lips. He put down his chopsticks and said in a deep tone while looking at them

" What's wrong? Why are y'all not eating?"
"Sir, there are veggies only and the taste was really horrible without spices. And we are ....not eat....this type of bland food with veggies." One of the girl said in a low stuttering voice to Sean while looking downwards.
" But I used to eat this type of meal. I already warned y'all to take care of yourself while working but none listen me so there u go, meet your punishment. Now finish it, we don't have whole day"
Everyone fall silent and started eating as the senior was looking at him continuously. Suddenly Sean's phone vibrated silently. He took out his phone and saw someone's message. Sean quickly stand up, kept his phone inside his jean pocket hastily and reached at the door to open it. As he hold the handle, Xiao Zi shouted from behind
" Senior! where are u going in the middle of your lunch?"
"I have something important to do. I will return shortly"
"And what bout your lunch, don't tell me you're gonna have it out, becoz I know very well once u will get to outside, u will ignore it completely. And it's already 4pm"
"Why r u shouting? I said na I will return soon, after then I will have my lunch, is that okay?"
"Don't fool me with that excuse. I have enough of it. If boss know this, he will eat both of us alive"
" I will tear you apart if senior know about this. If he will ask you, just say him I have eaten already. And yeah! One more thing watch each and everyone carefully for me. Make sure they can finish this within fifteen minutes then get back to work. And if you dare to cheat, you know what I will do to you!"

" but senior how can I? Boss is really scary he will.."

" It's your problem how to deal with him, I'm going now"

Sean left the place and went outside. Everyone did as instructed becoz they couldn't even think what type of weird punishment they receive from their young senior or ACP after their refusal. No one can control him except his senior, Tang Yi, DSP of the CID. Everyone get back to work and felt relieved after having such an indigestible meal but Xiao Zi was hell nervous. He was praying inwardly that his senior(Sean) will return back timely before his boss(Tang Yi) arrival, so that his boss directly get to talk with his senior. Because he was really unlucky in his life as everyday he confront troubles. In all case, he have to listen to his boss nonstop scoldings and lectures on behalf of his senior's mistakes. But today luck was on his side as Sean had returned within half an hour ago and currently searching some clues about the new case while sitting inside his office.

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