Chapter : 19

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Arthit groaned in his sleep as he opened his eyes slowly. Vision was blurry and as the bright light hit his eyes, it's automatically closed once again. He tried stretching his hands and legs to actually feel his numb body but winced in pain, when his wrist and legs twisted against the rope causing it bleed. It was enough for him to opened his eyes and saw everything clearly. Just then he remembered everything happened before his kidnapping and looked at his surrounding.

It was not a small room, but extremely luxurious with every type of essential things

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It was not a small room, but extremely luxurious with every type of essential things. It was well decorated and neatly organized. Infact the bed, upon which he was laying, was a king sized bed with comfortably soft mattress. Somehow he like the room which was giving him a familiar look. He thought hard why and then realised it was a famous Thai resort, he visited two or three years ago. His whole self trembled upon knowing he wasn't in China but in Thailand!! And more over kidnapped!!!! With much difficulty, he succeeded in opening the tying rope around his wrist using his teeth. Without wasting any more time, he freed his legs from the unbearable tight rope and quickly stood up.

The room has many windows but were closed from outside. He thought of broking the glass and searched for any item which can be in need but to his disappointment, there was not a single item present inside the room. Only decorative stuffs or soft furniture available inside. His mind wandering from here and there thinking for a better way to get away from there but seemed like his mind stopped working. Suddenly his mind clicked and he ran towards the bathroom but there too he couldn't find anything.

He wanted to cry ,sticking in such worst situation. He didn't even knew who kidnapped him and why? What he did to him? Why the person imprisoned him here in Thailand and not in China and more over how would he able to do this? So many unanswered questions ringing inside his mind making him uncomfortable. He then, with a least hope, walked to the closed door and held the door knob. Sadly, he twisted it from left to right and a cliché sound can be heard of door opening, revealing the corridor. Arthit was beyond happy for a moment, and silently dashed outside watching and hiding carefully.

He have visited there once, and that's why knew the route to the main door. After climbing down from the stairs, he approached on the closed main door. He find it suspicious at first as he couldn't see anyone present inside, not a single soul but it was not his matter to worry. So he shrugged aside his thought and held the knob, twisted it and pulled inwardly to open. He was just glad that no one tried to stop him and taking advantage of the opportunity, he prepare to walk outside but as soon he took his first step, someone pushed him inside roughly and entered inside the living room, closing the door from behind.

Arthit was completely shocked after glancing at the intruder's revealed handsome face! He was none other than Singto who was standing in front of him, wearing a dangerous smirk on his lips. Arthit expressions changed into a scarred him upon glancing at him. He started moving backwards when Singto started moving towards him while saying coldly,

 He started moving backwards when Singto started moving towards him while saying coldly,

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