Chapter : 27

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Psycho smiled and giggled like a kid watching Zhan's boiling face..........


"Okay-okay! (Throwing his both hands up in air) I will not tease you anymore. You should rest, you will be feeling tired from the journey, right?"

"(Glaring) Journey? Seriously? You dare call kidnapping a journey?!! (Throwing pillow at the grinning figure and shouting at him loudly) Getttt the hellll outttt from here!!! You Psychooopathhh!!!!"

"(Dodging the pillows attack) Going-going! Just ca-calm down.."

He literally ran out from the room into the corridor and only then he bent on his knees and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Uff!! That was too close!! Haha!!! But I like it."

Smilingly, he went downstairs and saw his six men who were also his best buddies in real life and equal partners in crime, watching him in astonishment. He chuckled as he sat on a nearby couch while raising an eyebrow to them,

"What's with that look? Not getting enough of my handsomeness?"

"Don't be full of yourself boss! Our Idol just thrown you out of your own bedroom which means your charm didn't work on him, hehe! You need to be more handsome...hahaha..ahahahahaha.."

And everyone just started laughing, making Lanzhan's earlier smile disappeared. As he yelled back,

"(Pointing to one of them who is as tall as him and devilishly handsome with perfect body, sitting on the front couch lazily) You bastard! Good for nothing friend!! You think you're handsome enough, huh?"

"(Stroking his own chin, grinningly) Of course! Everyone know the great Hao Xuan here (pointing to himself proudly) and how much he is handsome and charming!! If you still have any doubt, you can ask Yangyang!Say darling! (raising his left eyebrow towards a sitting male having a pretty face but a short feminine body)

"(Snorting, he angrily replied) Bullshit! My ass is more handsome than your face!!!"

"...." Everyone's reaction while Lanzhan chocked on his breathes and coughed as all of them did, just then Hao Xuan grinningly retorted,

"May be but how can I just agree to this. How about show to me first?"

"......" Everyone again.

"(Fiercely) YOUUU!!"

"(Improving his earlier speech) Yangyang what I mea-"

"(Yelling) Stop calling me with that ugly nickname!!!"

"(Smiling cheekily) O..Alright!! I will not call you Yangyang anymore, Okay Yangyang? Happy?"

Lanzhan really wanted to smack Xuan's head but their bickering just making his mind complex enough that he was confused what to do first. To kill himself for be friending with these two or just kill them to have some peacefulness!! His eyes closed for a while when it opened abruptly as the loud scream of Jiyang, his usually silent friend's echoed in the whole mansion. Only Xuan can torture his this little bunny to the extent of becoming a hyper lion which was now roaring at Xuan but was that bastard a little bit affected, well let see....

"(Screaming as he rose from his seat while pointing his slim finger to Xuan's direction who was also in alarm) Youuuu!! I'm. Warning. You. Last. Time. Hao. Xuan. The. Dog. Shit. To. Call. Me. One. More. Time. If. You're. Bored. With. Your. Life!!!!"

"Okay-okay calm down. Will swear..never call you!! Just calm down! Okay..?" He, too was watching his friend tensed mood, relaxing a bit as he mumbled something again barely audible but unfortunately, everyone heard him,

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