Chapter : 28

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Lanzhan rushed to the standing Zhan, while asking hesitantly,

"You.. You need something? "


"(Smiling brightly) What is it, just tell me!!"

"(With a solemn tone) Peace.."

"......" Everyone's face lowered in shame. Lan Zhan said with a guilty face,

"I-I'm s-sorry!"

He uttered this word sincerely for the first time as he never felt sorry or say even after he killed his parents or loved ones. Then he turned his head back briefly to give a glance at his standing friends. Everyone literally felt their soul flying away. Suddenly Cheng said indifferently,

"I'm going out for a while as I need some gadgets for myself. If any of you want something, do tell me."

This was something unacceptable in that type of situation but what his other friends did, left Lan zhan in a troubling mess thinking if his useless friends have mind or just a blank box they were carrying.

"I want new headphones. As the one I have, is out of trend!" Jili pleaded and pouted. Cheng only nodded but first rolled his eyes, which was his habit.

"Cheng Ge' can I have my favourite Chocolates? An entire box? Pleaseee?"
Fan Xing, the cutest and the youngest one begged using his cute kiddy charm but he forgot the one he was talking is not someone but Jhuo Cheng, the famous cold blooded jerk who don't have emotions. He scoffed as he said,

"I will not! And don't you dare to buy them anymore. You really wanted to loose your beautiful teeth?"

"But chocolates don't cause loosing teeth!" The boy protested but silenced instantly as Cheng scared him,

"Yeah but my fist can if I caught you eating a single peace in this month. No sweets, no junk foods, no chocolates! Just eat homemade food. Useless!"

The boy ran upstairs while crying and cursing Cheng. Lan zhan felt too annoyed as he turned to look at Cheng and scalder,

"Can u even act like a human? He is just a kid! Why you have to be so harsh on him you fool?"

"As I certainly don't like to take him hospital like I used to do every month. If you would, then go ahead and bought that stubborn kid tons of chocolates! And for your kind information, he is seventeen, working under us as a mafia member and his mind is more sharp compare to any child. So don't make me guilty saying that fool as a kid!!"

After his long speech, he turned to left and went away without listening to other's demand who were yelling. Lan zhan frustratedly screamed to the yelling Jiyang and Hao Xuan, and ordered them,

"Yang, you will go on tour today to watch over enemies activities. I want every single details, get that?"

"Me? Why? It's Xuan who usually go there! I will not go in anyway." Jiyang cried miserably but t didn't affected Lanzhan's decision. He just shot him a glance and the figure disappeared from his eye sight. Xuan laughed at both of them but soon his mood too became sour Ashe got the order,

"I think you're enjoying things here. Would you too like to go on a tour?"

"No no!"

"But you have to! I want someone's recorded activities. Move out now, I will message you the details about your work, understand?"

"Yes Boss!" He saluted playfully before leaving. Just then, Yubin asked innocently, fiddling his fingers,

"Zhan Ge?"

Both Zhan, one consciously and other unconsciously replied together but differently,

"Xiao Zi!" Xiao zhan said almost in a daze as he remember Xiao Zi's used to call him or mostly nag him in the very same sweet tone. While Lan Zhan just snorted asking

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