Chapter : 17

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       Inside Jack's Secret Chamber

"So what have u thought?"



"......... "(after five mins)

"Five mins over now yet u didn't shoot me! I will take it as your choice!! So u have decided to be mine forever! Okay then, Now don't complain for my further action!"

( he snatched the gun back and put it back on his backside and lifted the scarred and bewildered Zi and started walking to one of his secret chamber, which was his bedroom too but he haven't ever spend his time  inside there. After reaching  inside, he closed the door and moved forward to the King sized bed and threw him onto it. Zi was scared as hell but he didn't have any choice now! He have an opportunity but he lost it as he can do anything but can never kill anyone, no matter who it was. Jack was furious as well as impatient. He hovered over the Zi's body and started taking off his clothes. Zi tried, struggled, cried, screamed but Jack still didn't let him go. He instead leaned over to Zi's now red ear and said coldly,

"Your tears won't affect me! So save it for other, don't waste it over me beloved! And stop resisting and submit to me as now ur my wife and I have every right over u, Dear!!"

"NOoooo!!!......NOOOOOoooooooo......! l-e-t m-e-e-e-e g-o-ooooo!!!!!"

He struggled hard but, Jack grabbed his both wrist and tied it with a rope to the bedstand and continued taking off the remains clothes over their body. Within some sec, both were naked on the bed. Jack ignore Zi's every plea, and started kissing, licking, biting and sucking every inch of his body. He make sure to leave, bite marks and hickeys all over to his pale body. When he was satisfied, he placed himself between his wide open legs and after preparation entered inside him making him screamed for his dear life. After a little adjusting, he started thrusting again and again and deeper inside him taking his life out with his every thrust! He still not finished yet. He wanted more and again prepared for the second round.

Just like this, he fucked him till, Zi completely turned pale and lost his consciousness. He cleaned Zi and changed his dress together with his own. After finishing, he pulled him closer to his own chest and slept while wrapping his hands gently and securely around him. In his eyes, he was doing right. He was marking, naming and claiming him. But in Zi's point of view, his body have being played, humiliated, destroyed, and raped by his kidnapper. Yes, he was his wife now and both were married but did Zi ever had agreed to this? Did he even accepted him as his husband? Did he even ready to submit himself willingly to him? Nooo!!!! Then what right, Jack have upon him? He is completely taking advantage of his timidity, naivety, innocency, silence and kindness! He was just forcing himself upon him, just like he forcedly married him!! And it's surely not love!!!!!!!!

                Inside Yibo's Bedroom

Zhan stirred from the heat of the morning sun rays directed to his face! After much difficulty, he opened his eyes and found he wasn't sleeping   on the bed in fact over someone. After glancing upon the stranger's face, his blood boiled. He tried getting up but only to fall down again with a thump with several unbearable pain all over his body and his lower part still numb and sore and badly aching. All the yesterday night incident started playing inside his mind, adding more pain to his already hurting heart. He wanted to try once more hoping, this time he could get up but fall down again, this time more badly and flatly hitting his face and upper body to Yibo's muscular chest. He winced in pain which awakened Yibo and he glanced upon the figure cutely rubbing his head with his hand while digging his face deeper in his chest. He laugh inwardly as Zhan was cursing him nonchalantly while rubbing his head in his naked chest to feel some relief. He was having difficulty even looking at Zhan, yet his eyes not ready to miss any activity of Zhan. It's like he wanted to capture his every action, feeling every moment with Zhan, wanted to see him more and more and his desires of having him can never be end.

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