Chapter : 29

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            At Sing's Apartment
                    (Inside his bedroom)

Two naked bodies, half covered with duvet, were lying on bed. Sing's one arm widely open for his wifey, Arthit to rest his head upon while his other hand tightly grasping his waist, holding him more closer in his embrace. Both were sleeping peacefully while facing each other. Anyone who could get to see this heavenly beautiful scene, would not resist to think that they were the lovebirds who have fallen deeply in love with each other but unlike their imagination, truth was really bitter to digest and after knowing it, no one would surely ever dreamt of having such relationship like them.

Inside the dimly lighted room, a beep sound echoed from the object, placed on the bedside table causing Sing to awake while grunting in displeasure. He lifted his hand which was holding his wifey's waist, and stretched to the table, to pick up the vibrating phone. It showed uncountable missed calls and unread messages from a certain number. His brows ceased and eyes almost became vengeful. He placed his phone inside his pocket and turned to look at his wifey who was still in a deep slumber while curling like a kid and clinging to his bare chest adorably.

Removing the messy bangs off from his pale forehead, he caressed his soft cheek, before gently lifting his head and let it rest on the soft pillow. Time had arrived to let everyone know who was he. Let them discover his real identity and and let a certain person know his presence, for whom he had kept his existence hidden not because he was afraid of being discovered but he was scared that if his real identity revealed, that person would surely hide himself well and then he would never able to take a hold of that person who had nearly killed himself, murdered his real parents, swiped out each and every member if his Gang.

He had done many thing just to get this person but couldn't even lay his fingers on him, let aside the thought of his gang members and his whereabouts.

But finally, his long awaiting ended and his men messaged him about the person, who was going to attend tonight's Gang meeting, held by the Wang Yibo, leader of the famous The Unknown Gang. Knowing this much about him, would not be possible for him if he hadn't passed in manipulating his one of the most trusted person and right hand man, Jackson aka Jack. And about other gang members, he wouldn't need to be afraid as he knew about their weaknesses beforehand. The person who had messaged him was also Jack who was helping him all this time. He smirked as he thought about the latter's demand which he surely would never going to fulfill.

He sat up and lifted up his soar arm, gently massaging it for some time while his mind drifted to the gang meeting. He thought to give his Dad who was actually his Uncle, Mr. Dine Prachaya, a call first before taking any action. He hastily got down from bed and pulled the duvet to cover Arthit's neck length to protect him from having a cold as he easily get that. Freshening up fast and changing his dress into fully black garments with a shining light blue coloured embroidered blooming lotus design at the middle of his back of upper robes symbolizing their Gang, The Heavenly Lotus Gang, which was once existed among other influential gangs in the Mafia world.

His Dad, Mr. Shine Prachaya who was residing in China but married to a Thai girl, was a well known kind hearted leader of this Gang. He was strictly against illegal businesses and never let any of his Gang member do any of them. Gangsta life was not something of his liking but as the only heir of this Gang's earlier leader, his Dad, Mr. Drake Prachaya, he had to accept it. After his Dad's death, Mr. Drake started handling their both businesses but kept it secret from his family members except his little brother or Sing's Uncle.

He didn't wanted to handover this stressful life of a mafia, to his only son, Sing who know nothing about this. He had only a single wish which was to see his son's successful and well settled life with the partner, he wished to have by his side. But before it would happen, he got murdered brutally by a certain person whom he had trusted more than anyone, took care of him as his own child, gave him not only a shelter and other necessities of life, but a proper family. And that ungrateful bastard, what did he done? He not only killed him but also killed the whole gang members.

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