Chapter : 12

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Morning Sun rays hit Xiao Zi's head and he groaned while trying to cover his eyes from the murderous light with the back of his hand but what was that? Why was he feeling pressure on his wrists like they were tied together....he quickly opened his eyes little by little not to cause extra pain to himself and sat down upon the bed while glancing first at his own tied or handcuffed wrists and then everywhere inside room. It's looking familiar...why??? Ah!! Where am......and he panicked badly when he remembered everything including yesterday's night's incident! He tried to uncuffed his hands but no avail.

Continuously trying for about good 10 mins, he decided to run away. He quickly climbed down and walked to the open window and looked down from there but it's too high for him as he feared of heights too much. He turned back and checked everywhere even inside the restroom but not even a single hole there, except that single Window, he also tried to opened the door but only to find it closed from outside. He disappointedly walked again to the only window and stood there thinking what to do next and how to escape from the devil's cave!!

He uplifted his whole courage and sat on the window while his back facing the door, putting his legs down on the other side suddenly someone lifted his body in his firm and strong arms from behind making him all flinched, surprised and shocked and a quick loud yelp slipped from his mouth. He shut his eyes closed tightly in extreme fear as he knew who was it. Sweat drops appeared on his pale forehead and all colours were long gone from his face. Jack felt the body trembling in his arms and he knew the reason.

Moving to the bed, he put him down and walked to the window to close it permanently. While he was closing it, Xiao Zi grabbed his chance and ran quickly towards the door and found it open. Jack without turning back just smirked. As Zi pulled the door inwards to open, his eyes glanced the two hefty men in black, guarding the door. His all excitement fell down in a dark pit. But again, he wanted to believe his fate can't be such worst and he gave a try. He stepped his foot outside but only to be pushed by them again inward. He staggered but hold himself straight. Suddenly Jack's voice echoed in the room,

" You can't go back from here!! So stop useless trying!!" He said with his back turning to the door still doing his work.

Xiao Zi ignored him though he was beyond angry and restraining hard his urge to punch him, and shifted his eyes back to the villian's men and pleaded them again and again to let him go but his all pleadings, crying, begging turned into a deaf ear and again Jack's cold voice make him flinch as he was standing behind his back and his face so closer to his left nape, and his warm breaths brushing his skin sending shivers to his all body.

" Stop pleading to them! They will not listen anyway nor they can help u even if they wanted!!"

Xiao Zi turned back and almost get shocked to see him this close. He distanced himself a little only to pulled with his arm, too close to devil that their whole body collided with each other, harshly by him. He gasped in terror when suddenly Jack closed the door behind without staring off his eyes even for a moment and pinned him on the door by holding his both wrist from his one hand. Jack turned his face to the left side with disgust!!

Suddenly Jack grabbed his chin with his free right hand and forced him to look at him. They both looked deeper into each other's black- brown orbs. Jack's gaze was like angry lover's gaze but Xiao Zi's gaze was like lost scared stray kitten who didn't even knew when someone hunt him down. He struggled but only to feel more pain with his every trial, Jack's grip becoming tighter and when he couldn't tolerate this torment, he quit opposing and gave him full recess to do whatever Jack wanted as he knew he was helpless!

Suddenly Jack leaned his face closer...more..closer that their nose tips touching sending electrifying vibes to his body. Xiao Zi didn't bother to think what he was upto as he knew what was he going to do. Jack tilted his face a little while staring at those quivering plump rosy lips before capturing it from his own. Zi's eyes widened in shock and after realising tears of disgust, humiliation, helplessness, and pity slide down making side of cheeks and neck wet, soft and salty.

Jack knew this action of his proved brutal for Zi yet he couldn't stop himself as the taste was so addicting , the touch was so alluring and then those wet skin with tears, making it more appetizing and delicious. He sucked his lips one by one, nibbling it, licking it like his life depends on it. Zi stood there totally paralyzed, his knees were starting to feel weak, legs wobbling, his inner self screaming, crying, trembling, and his eyes shut in horror. Jack was kissing him passionately, hungrily yet gently. When he satisfied a little, he licked Zi's lips a signal to open for enter but Zi was not ready for that and hence, didn't reacted a little and just stood there like a statue without any movement, without any emotions.

Jack know how stubborn the latter was, but he didn't wanted to leave yet without fully tasting the marvelous lips, so he bit his lower lip a little and Zi winced in pain as his lips opened, Jack get what he needed and entered into Zi's warm cavern tasting it fully, feeling the pleasure of a sensible yet pleasurable warmth, tangling with tongue who didn't even know how to protect himself from bitting and kissing. He easily won as the later didn't fight back. When he felt Zi's breathing were odd and heavy and he was gasping for air, he pulled away finally and realeased him. Looking him in such condition, he too felt hurt but what to do when his mind and body continuously conflicting with each other due to only and only him? And in end to end, his desires, his selfish nature, his heart, his inner longing devil won.

Suddenly he saw Zi falling down, he quickly caught him in his arms. But before he can say or ask anything, he fainted. Jack gathered him in his embrace and placed him on the bed comfortably. After glancing for one more time, he decided to freshened up as he have to go for a new mission later. So he took his clothes from the closet and walked inside the bathroom and closed the door from inside. After he was gone, Xiao Zi immediately opened his eyes and sat up straight and pick Jack's phone which was kept on the bedside table. He types something speedily for a min and then send it fastly. After receiving a short reply, he smiled viciously and deleted all messages. After clearing it all up, he placed the phone back to its original spot and took his sleeping position like an innocent, harmless stray kitten!!!....................


Hehe!! It's over. In next chapter, I will clear all this mess and y'll get a surprise!!!!😀😁

Always remember

Author loves you all and want you all to take care of yourselves sweethearts ❤️❤️❤️

Your silly and lazy Author
- DarkWorldFantasy

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