Chapter : 13

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Inside Wang Yibo's Office
Wang Yibo fell shocked after hearing the truth. He was completely frustrated and angry. He grabbed his hair, standing near his chair, while his other hand was gripping the left handstand of the chair tightly. He thought for a while, running his wild and cunning sharp mind to find a solution. Suddenly a brilliant idea came into his mind and he stopped from pacing back and forth and smiled evilly. He turned his back a little and leaned while picking his phone from the glass table and walked towards the Glass wall from where, he can see the beautiful dazzling view of the whole city under shining and twinkling Sunny sky. He dialed Jack's number and put the phone near his left ear while his eyes staring at a certain point. The later answered the call,

" Yes, Boss?"

"You got the news?"

" Yeah, it really unbelievable that he really did this!"

" Mnn! Now what have u thought? How you handle this matter and Police??"

" Simple!.....Some of our secret godowns and places has been discovered by them and our men have been arrested for some years but no worry as they will not open their mouth until We ordered them. So It will not be a problem. In worst case, they will took all blame upon themselves. And about their search investigation, let them do. Even if they will search my whole mansion, they can't be able to find a single evidence!!"

"But what about that boy, ah!! what's his name......yeah! Xiao Zi!!...What will you gonna do with him? What will you say about his kidnapping??"

"Now when I'm fully aware who is he, I will make sure he never able to leave my side forever!! You need not to be stressed over his matter, I will handle it in my way!....I really get easy on him but now he will understand in which trouble he had invited upon himself!!!"

" Hope so! Okay now what about that Thai model? "

" Ah!! His real identification is still being a maize. I have already sent so many spies yet none able to know about his personal info. I have already decided to apply my last method which I already told you yesterday!! "

" Nope! We can't risk that method now, especially in this circumstances. I have a gut feeling that those Officers will dare to show their faces here!"

" So r u worried about that??"

" No! As when their most talented and skilled officer, Xiao Zhan couldn't able to find anything here then how will those fools can?"

" hahaha!! Yes-yes, you're right boss!! Then why do we need to be careful?"

" That's because of their detectives who are now full alerted after what your boy have done!! "

" Woahh!! My boy? "

" It seems like someone blushing!!"

" Nope! Boss what r u talking about?"

" Just make sure he will shut his mouth, Okay??"

" As you say!! Now tell me why u have called me?"

" you're really something, huh? You even knew that I have called you for something else!! Didi!! How did you got such a cunning brain?"

" Ah!! That's from my gege!!"

" Sure!! Thanks for compliment though!! Now listen carefully what I'm saying, Okay??"

" When I'm not listening? Tell me!"

" You have to do anything or apply anyway so that tomorrow morning he couldn't able to show his face, neither to Xiao Zhan nor his fans!! He is staying in hotel, Royals Stay, u understand what to do now?"

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