Chapter : 9

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Inside Jack's Apartment

In morning, Jack was sitting on the couch facing the door inside the living room and taking sips of coffee from his mug time to time, placing on the stylish wooden table in front of the couch. Arthit was also sitting patiently on the other couch, placed on right hand side, waiting for receiving orders from the later. Jack glanced at his men and signalled them to leave and they left them alone there. Then Jack pick out his phone and read the message, a smile crept upon his lips and he put it back inside his pant pocket while turning his head to Arthit and said in a low deep tone

" Why did u choose to help us in yesterday mission? Hmm?"

" I want to." He replied shortly.

" Hmm...then how can I be sure that u always will be in our side?"

" I don't have anywhere to go, so isn't it's better to stay here in your team?"

" Really? What if someday you have some place and wanna leave or more than if you leave secretly and permanently? How can I trust you?"

" I will not go anywhere nor can find a place called home for myself. Whatever I will do, will do openly not secretly. I'm not afraid of you nor the one who is ordering you. And about trust .....I think u know the answer yourself!!"

" What do you mean?"

" If you didn't trust me, you shouldn't assigned me with such a task at yesterday night, right mr Jack?" He said smilingly.

" You r quite impressive!! I believe you till I had lay my eyes on you!! Better be a person of your words, Okay?"

" I am."

" Okay, now tell me one thing, do you have a place to provide you family warmth or not?"

" What do you mean?"

" If not, than you r same like me when I join this team!! No home, no family, not a single soul who would care for me, no money or work and no aim till I met boss and he provide me everything which I longed for. It was my personal decision back that time to follow him till my death as he is not only a boss but he is my caretaker, my gege, my family and my only loved one. And now I want u to understand this love too. Now you have a home and have a big bro too who would surely wait for you to return back home after retiring from work. So be safe for me and accept me, can you?" He asked still smiling at him

" Umm..( nodding) but make sure ge to wait for me and prepare delicious meal for me everytime and everyday" he said smiling sweetly at his ge and winked at him mischievously and later just laughed at his foody bodi."

" As you say bodi."

" Okay is there any new mission for us, tell me and I will make sure to achieve it properly"

" Ah!! Don't talk about mission all time, you will be tired from yesterday mission. Go change and freshened up and come down after an hour for having your delicious meal, Okay?"

" you say, my bossy ge!!"

" Okay you can go bodi, I have something to handle..( thinking seriously ). Arthit stood up to go but his feet halted after hearing his ge's words. And he teased him turning back

" Eh!! Have to handle something or Someone, hmm?"

" Aishh!! WHAT r u talking about!! Just go back to your room, I have prepared for you especially, hope u like it!!" He was shocked upon hearing such a teasing statement for first time. But he was happy inwardly and he changed the topic which attracted his bodi's attention and he asked happily

" Bro!! Your entire mansion, is so HUUUGEEEE!!!! How this soul be able to get inside correct room? What if I bump at my soon to-" he got cut off from his ge's sharp and quick action. But he easily dozed the pillows attack directed to him by his ge and he ran up to the stairs.

Jack stretched himself a little after standing up and ordered the head butler who had been waiting there

" Prepare something nutritious and delicious healthy meal enough for everyone within one hour and yeah!! Make sure to clean this up." At which he nodded and left silently. Jack turned back to go upstairs. While climbing up, he pick out his phone and when he reached in the corridor, his phone vibrated showing " Boss " call, and he answer it quickly

" Boss, what to do with the boy, about whom I have informed you yesterday?"

" Up to you!" The other person replied shortly which unconsciously made Jack smiling.

" Don't you order me to kill him ge? "

" Nope!! It's your problem to handle. And I know you will handle it well. Make sure first that he will not use u like Zhan used me back then. I hope you have his personal info!" He said impassively.

" Umm..I know. But I'm not in love with him like u, just interested." He said as he halted in his steps upon reaching in front of closed door of his bedroom.

" Well, whatever you say. Just remember our most important rule, not to trust at someone easily then blindly. I hope u all the best. Now I don't have any new works to handle, so just rest well with your new family and enjoy your free time. After tomorrow, you have lot to handle again" and he sighed while Jack just hummed in agreement and ended the call. Putting his phone back into his pocket, he opened the door and get inside glancing at the sleeping body carelessly on the bed at totally disbelief. Pillows were scattering around the bed on the ground and the poor blanket was in complete mess beneath his body. He was laying on his stomach while putting his hands upon his head. Jack just shook his head a little and walked to the bed and sat beside the sleeping figure and patted his back while ordering

" Get up!! It's already 7. Get up now, wake up!!"

" Uh..ummm...mmmm..." He just stirred making such noises in sleep and continuously licking his lips. Jack unconsciously smiled at this. He again ordered loudly

" in sleep cutely)..y.umm.."

" Get up!! I will give you more wafers, Okay!!" He lied but still the latter was snoring while blabbering

"Ah!! S..Senior let me....(yawning)... sleep some more, just five mins more(snoring)."

" I say get up now!!" No reaction from other. He swipe his hand beneath his waist and knees and lifted him in his arms which maked the figure awaked and a loud quick Yelp slipped from his mouth when he remembered last night event, the stranger and hit and upon seeing himself carrying by the same stranger, and he shouted while wiggling his body continuously to free himself

" WHAT R U DOING!! PUT ME DOWN!! WHERE R U TAKING ME?!! WHY MY HANDS ARE CUFFED LIKEWISE?! I SAY PUT ME DOWN....." He continued shouting but the latter turn a deaf ear on him and managed to push the washroom door while getting inside still holding him. He threw him in the bath tub full with cold water. When Xiao Zi's body hit the hard tub he groaned with pain at same time shivered from the cold water. He try to stand up while again shouting non-stop

" I didn't. I just threw, you get hurt by youself" Jack said leaning to the tub placing his both hands on the edge, looking at him plainly and anger rises inside Xiao Zi's whole body. He stand up while his whole body drenched in water and yelled

" Hah!! You liar!! YOU DARE TO KIDNAP ME, HURT ME, AND NOW TELLING PLAIN LIES!! Do you even have a little bit shame or not? ARE YOU EVEN A MAN??" He couldn't believed on his eyes seeing his kidnaper lying with such serious expression like he was telling right. Jack just smirked while blurting

" It's your fault babe to track me, JACK!! Whom no one even knew properly and you dare to spy on me, hahaha!! So after knowing it, I'm not supposed to sit quietly ,right?? And about being my man or not, ( leaning bit more closer) why not check it out youself, hmm??".......

Sorry guys😞 !! I'm really not feeling well these days. I need to write this chapter a bit long but I ended it too short. Hope you wait for my next and an extra long
chapter. Take care of yourself and love y'all sweethearts ❤️😘.

❤️Thanks for understanding 😊😊😘


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