Chapter : 30

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          Inside Lanzhan's Mansion

Xiao zhan who was wandering around the rooms and corridors of third floor, left in awe upon seeing the modernly stylish structures, designed with extensive and superb techniques. But observing closely, he felt something was off in them. Especially, the huge pillars locating here and there. He touched the surface and felt it's extremely smoother surface. He ran  around his eyes and caught the sight of little black electronic items, fitted and hidden perfectly between the black petals design of roses, over the pillars. He smirked once he turned his back to a different direction. So they r trying to play with me, huh?!! Scram!! Let's play then!!!

He thought inwardly and started founding other gadgets and as he had expected he found uncountable. Fiddling his mind for a while, he came to conclusion that the controller should be either Yu bin guy cooking inside the kitchen or that pretty little boy, Fan Xing, crying over inside his room. Because two guys were out for patrolling, so it was not possible for watch over him, right? And Lanzhan himself with that Jili guy, left for somewhere but where exactly? Something huge was going to happen but what actually, how to know? And does it concern Yibo too? Left in chain of thoughts, he had to take a decision soon, whether to play dumb and found out secretly later or take immediate action and came into light.

First way was appearing suggestively right but second one was just according to his demanding situation. So without fussing over more into this matter, he directly heeded towards the pretty crying lad's bedroom but in middle, he changed his direction towards the control room, he had discovered out earlier and cut the electricity's connection of the whole mansion, and waited for the lad to come out of his room. As he did, he knocked him out by hitting behind his neck. Lifting the unconscious body of the pretty lad and throwing on his left shoulder, he hastily descended the stairs where as he expected, the Yubin guy from the kitchen, trying to call someone in the Hall, but before he could, Zhan dropped the boy's body on the couch, and leapt over to catch the shorty and snatched the phone.

The boy tried to struggle and also applied some kind of punches and kicks but being a master in martial art, Zhan would never be at loss. This was like he was playing with him, quickly tying his hands and legs, he stuffed a piece of cloth, which was his own handkerchief inside his mouth to make him shut. He turned on the flashlight of shorty's phone and placed it on the nearby table and stood arrogantly in front of the tied boy, laying on the couch and staring helplessly at him. His eyes widened in shock which satisfied Zhan. Grinning, he went near him and sat on his knees to match the height of couch before speaking,

"Stop resisting. It's useless. Now, tell me where that crazy boss of yours went to?"

"Shaking his head in denial."

"(Smiling sweetly) Okay, I get that you're being disobedient."

Zhan lifted his one hand and searched the boy's waist and legs and found the gun, he was looking for. Fishing out from his pocket, and aiming at the pretty boy, laying unconscious on the side couch, he laughed lightly before saying seriously,

"You want that little fella alive, ain't you? Or should I end this burdensome life of this kid?"

"Again shaking his head in denial in panic"

"(Playfully) Yaaahhhh? How greedy you could be? You want this lil fellow's life as well as your liberty to be silence and obedient for your bastard boss, hmm? This ain't gonna happen. Choose anyone and let the other for me, okay?"

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