Chapter : 6

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Morning Sun was shining beautifully and the little naughty rays were dancing with extreme joy inside the whole room. Zhan, being an officer, has a habit of waking early in morning and sleeping late at night. Yet he never got lazy or felt tired. As a daily routine, he awaked at correct 5:30 but eyes were still closed. He felt something different today, like he was not in his room, not on his bed, and moreover a heavy weight around his waist, ( he touched the hand of Yibo with his hand while closing his eyes)

"why it feels like someone's hand....and"

he opened his eyes quickly and got shocked looking at Yibo, the demon himself who was laying beside him on the same bed! While wrapping his hand around his waist tightly. They were too close that literally his face was touching his hard muscular chest and not only this, he was also sleeping peacefully on the pillow which was his arm. He quickly pulled himself a little and tried to realease himself from the grip but no good. Now he tried several times to remove that heavy and strong hand from his waist but couldn't. He was so busy that didn't even realised when the demon waked up and started smiling while looking at him lovingly. Suddenly Yibo's cold voice bring him into reality

" Stop it! Don't struggle anymore!!"
" W-w-why we r s..slee-sleeping to-gether?" He asked with furrowed brows couldn't help in feeling irritating and Disgusting!
" This is my room, my bed and...( Staring into Zhan's doe eyes) you r my wife, shouldn't we supposed to sleep together??" He asked making a serious face and Zhan bit his lower lip nervously and he asked in a low tone while noticing his clothes

" Y-you a-also ch..chang..changed m-my clo-clothes?"

" I'm your husband now. If I will not than who will? hmm? Shouldn't I kill him who would even dare to think like that? Hanh? He asked while smiling and Xiao Zhan started struggling to get free from the devil whom he hate from his all guts

" I did what you said. Now leave me and let me go to look at my child. Don't even know how u have treated them. Leav-" he got cut off by Yibo

" It's too early. Sleep some more after that I will personally take u to meet them and don't worry they will be sleeping now!!" He said shortly.

" But I wanna see them now!! Let me go, leave me!! YIBO?!!"

( Pulling him closer than flipping his position so that he could be on top while gripping his both wrist from his left hand and placing them above his head, It shocked Xiao Zhan and he trembled while Yibo just smirked looking at the trembling figure beneath his body. They were close that Yibo's warm breath were brushing Zhan's lips and chin which scaring him to death but he maintained his posture and tried to stop the devil by saying)

" Umm..Yi...Yi-Yibo!! Look th-this not not right. I'm older than u so I'm suggesting you!! Don't be like this! You are young and handsome. You shouldn't waste your time on someone old like me who didn't have any interest in anything, who is already 27 years old, who already is a single parent having two children, who will not able to give you love, care and happiness. You should not be stubborn just to take revenge u r destroying your life. Just say me anything and I will willingly give it to u just stop this nonsense play. It's not really late to divorce, we ca-" he again got cut off by Yibo 's angry growl and Zhan flinched in fear while struggling and wiggling to free his hands but no avail as the grip was strong as hell

" Shut up! And if u even dare to think of getting divorce with me ever, I swear I. will. Not. Hesitate. To. Kill. Your. So. Called. Family. Understand??"

" ( Nodded timidly looking down all this while and Yibo said again )"

" Don't forget Zhan that u r married now and will be my wife always, in this life and in every life after death!! I will neither leave u nor ever let u leave me, understand?hmm?" He asked while Zhan nodded unwillingly.

" Now listen me carefully!! Whether you r older or not, single parent and having children and all, I don't care about any of these. I just know you r u, whatever u r, however u r, U r mine to love, to protect to cherish. And I have accepted u in your real form. So I don't care bout your age. It's useless to give these types of silly excuses to me because U can never EVER leave me again. I HAVE CAGED YOU ZHAN IN MY LOVE AND IN YOUR HATE!! So now do as I said. Sleep some more my beloved wifey and let me have some rest too"

he said while smirking and let go off his hands. He layed down again staring at ceilings. Suddenly grabbing the chance, Zhan tried to jump off from the bed quickly from the other side but Yibo was too fast. He grabbed his right arm and pulled on bed again and make him lay on his own body properly, legs on legs, thighs on thighs, waist on waist
, hands on each side while Yibo's both hands were wrapping around his, waist and back, caging him gently but firmly from escaping and Zhan's embarrassed face, due to shame, anger and frustration, were placed gently on his firm chest. He was helplessly laying in that worst like hell condition still struggling and wiggling a little

" Dare to move ur body again and I will eat u up now!! See then If u will able to walk for days or not!!(😂😂)"

Zhan shivered at the thought and didn't dare to even breath rapidly afraid to wake that monster who just closed his eyes again after threatening him and unwillingly closed his eyes while laying on top of the devil, tears flow down again from his both eyes seeing his own pitiful condition!!. Yibo saw the resisting figure again drifting in sleep, he smiled satisfactorily and pulled the figure up so that Zhan's face can rest in the crook of his neck while embracing him and hugging him tightly and passionately. Soon he also closed his eyes while hugging the person whom he loved the most and inhaling his sweet fragrance which always soothed his mind and body. He wished inwardly to heaven that his every day and every night became like this from now on and as in return, a strong but smooth wind blew passed from him and his lover's jointed body like blessing them deeply. Soon he also drifted into deep slumber where a new dream was waiting for him instead of his daily nightmares.....

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