Chapter : 5

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( Sorry guys, due to some network issues, I'm publishing the new part without editing completely😞. Hope u can understand and wait patiently, Thanks sweethearts to comply😀)

Continued Editing......

Yibo came to the living room again and sat on the couch while thinking something, suddenly his phone vibrated as a signal of receiving massage. He slowly pick out his phone from his jeans pocket and opened it. After reading the message, he smiled devilishly. His eyes brightened like a spark and he felt delighted. He put his phone back to his place and signalled a man in black who was standing not so far from him in the hall. After receiving the signal, man headed outside the door and after some seconds came with Jack who was as always smiling handsomely. Both bowed and Jack calmly stood there to receive the new order while the man went back to his place. Suddenly Yibo patted the seat beside himself on the couch signalling Jack to sit and without any further saying, he sat and looked carefully at his Master

" Any idea, why I have called you at this hour of night?"

" No Boss but It must be something important and for for that you need a trustworthy person!"

" Hmm, u actually know me very well. I have two work for you. First eliminate the Red Cobra Gang tonight at Flamebird Club but save their newest member, Arthit. I want him alive for new mission.

" Hmm! As you say. But you didn't tell me my other mission!!"

" In your second mission you just have to take care of Arthit while he would completing your spare work. Spy on him without his knowledge and also save him from any dangers, understand??"

" Hmm!!( Nodded smilingly)"
" Good !! about you next mission, I will personally message u when you will handle this gang completely. One more thing, be safe!!"

" I will."

He left from there outside and once again the door was closed. He was sitting there alone while massaging his head which was aching painfully due to stress. Suddenly he heard someone's loud crying, shouting and wailing. He had already enough of this headache and now these noises, he became angry and one could sense his anger mood due to the red eyes which were emitting flame of fire. He stood up and went in the direction which leads to the fist floor from the other stairs which were on the left part of the Mansion. He reached at the corridors and walked to the direction of coming noises which were increasing continuously and get shocked at staring at the closed door of one of his room, where he had kept the unconscious sons of Xiao Zhan. He was right the cries and wailing and screaming were seemed of a child, he angrily opened the closed door thinking that his men actually dared to do something to his children ( aish!! He is so possessive of his wife and now his children, so cutee😉) without his permission. But as he went inside, he got tensed for the first time in these four years. The one who was screaming was his little one as he had thought but to his disappointment he was also the criminal here and the victim was his two men whom he had ordered to watch them carefully, now beaten mercilessly by the little devil that their clothes, hairs and the whole room became messy and somewhere the stain of fresh blood can be seen throughly as they were oozing out from the fresh wounds of their men which they had received from little demon. He didn't know what to do? What to say and to whom. He hated noises and violence inside his house and over that among his family members, his men, his servants and anyone who was living or serving under him. And now he will responsible for every action of his new children. But what to do with this little demon who was same just like current him or worst than him. Yet he roared at them and everyone flinched in the room with fear except the little demon who was still standing on the bed glaring his prey attentively...

" ( Looking at his two poor man) You can go and you ( younger one) little demon, come down now!!" He ordered and one of his man went outside quickly before even his statement can end while the latter was still standing due to the tight grip on his hair 😂 from the little demon and as he could say anything to his master, he yelled

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