Chapter : 10

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W-What r-r u..u t-ta-talking a-about? D-d-don't co-come n..near😵😱!!!"

Xiao Zi stuttered while scaring at the previous statement of the kidnaper and at the same time his eyes became wide in shock, 🙄So he knew me beforehand? May be not!! But he knew I was spying on him!! what if he kill me🥺? Huh!! I am. DOOMED NOW😫!!!, can't.. can't..I..I was only hope of Senior, I have to be strong, Yea-yeah!! Have to be strong, right!! Ohhh Gooood!!!! Heeeelllp mmmmeeeee!!!! Poor timid Xiao Zi was panicking inwardly. Dangerous thoughts were haunting him from inside and from outside he didn't need anyone as the devil himself was leaning and watching him closely. He was getting goosebumps all over his body. His thoughts were interrupted from the deep and serious tone,

" I don't have the whole day off to waste on you!! Within 15 mins, I need you outside, hope you understand human language😒😒?" (Uncuffing his hands)

" Yeah!! If you r a human too, I don't have understanding problems. But if you're not, I can't do anything then!!"😏 He huffed angrily and Jack turned to left with red eyes, bailed fist, as he was controlling his anger. No one ever dare to talk with him likewise. Nor he had the habit of listening blabbering of people. He left and closed the door from outside with a

" BAAANNNGGGGG!!!" Xiao Zi flinched in fear and complained, Why do he have to closed the door like this? Is he a maniac or what?? Huh!! Fucking monster? KIDNAPER!!! Hmmm!! But how am I supposed to do anything with these cuffed hands? ARRGHHHHH!!!! WHY AM I STUCK HERE!!! SEEEEEENIIIIIIIIOOOORRRRRR!!! AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!

" WILL U STOP SHOUTING OR SHOULD I CLOSE YOUR MOUTHS???" 😠Jack shouted angrily, it was too much for him and his patience was getting thinner with this boy!!!

" NOOOOOOOOO!!! I MEAN I WILL SHUT UP🤭...hehe😅!!!.....shut up.😣." Xiao Zi slapped himself while saying to himself, I'm really inviting the devil to eat me up, Gooood!!! Will u stop Teasing this poor child🥺😭.

Inside the room

Jack was roaming inside the room here and there. Sometime glancing at the close door of washroom while thinking, suddenly his phone vibrated, he picked the phone and placed near his ear answering, still glancing at the door

" Hello?"

" It's me, Yuri!! Are u free, handsome?"

" Is this all you need to ask, then I'm hanging up!!"

" Noooo!! Wait!! I mean are u free to listen that boy's info or should I msg you?"

" Better to msg me, Don wanna take risk!! Okay then I'm gonna hang up first.

" Hey!! Wai-"

Jack hanged up and heaved a deep breath. He sat on the couch leaning his back deeper while checking the msg and at last smirked while shoved his phone inside his pocket. One more time, glanced at the door, then at his wrist watch which showing five more mins left. He was already in a bad mood after knowing about Xiao Zi's truth for that he have to do useless talk with his biggest Nemesis as she was plastering him nonstop to making him love with her. just then, he glanced at his wrist watch which showed that the given time was up and he shouted,


"Aa.....aaah!!!! You don't need to come just send your clothes, they will be enough!! ( Ah!! What I am saying?? What if he mistook?)

" What do you mean?"

"I mean my clothes are drenched in water and I don't have any spare clothes to wear due to your good grate kindness, so can you lend me your clothes till that day you are thinking to cage me?"

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