Chapter : 16

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            Inside Jack's Villa

Both reached inside the Mansion. Jack was grabbing Xiao Zi's wrist all along the way while Zi was just too tired of struggling and crying that's why he just stopped his useless futile resisting and let himself dragged silently by Jack wherever he wanted. When they reached outside Jack's bedroom, Zi's heartbeat increased beyond every level. He was shaking violently from both inside and outside like a leaf. He knew it would eventually happen and now he couldn't avoid it at any cost. Even if he will try every possible way but Jack will surely not let him destroy his fun.

His inner self was screaming badly. He just wanted a miracle to happen which save him from such misery and humiliation. He was driving his mind crazily like a lunatic for thinking the best option which can prevent his dignity and virginity but everything seemed like stopped working. He was still senselessly standing outside, when Jack pulled him by his wrist with a sudden force which make him staggering and his whole self hit Jack's flat muscular chest. They stayed there in the same position for some seconds, glued to each other, feeling each other warm breathes, the warmth of each other skin, pleasure of owning or having someone by your side, listening to the rhythmic raised heartbeats
of each other, feeling the warming sensation for the very first time. It was relaxing.

The moment was heart touching. Two person having two different professions, different personality, different thinking, different point of view, different ideas, different way of dealing everything, yet was bound together with a single but strongest thread, thread of marriage, promises, vows and an invisible, undeveloped and undiscovered love! Jack didn't knew this strange feeling developing inside his heart gradually making his inner self flutter. He couldn't understand why he felt too weak whenever Jack touch him, comfort him, smiled at him, kiss him. It's like affecting him and his body craved for more but he can't trust him. The person who kidnapped him, forcedly marry him, mentally as well as physically harassed him, he will never let him have his way. He isn't worthy of being love by anyone. No! Never!!

Zi was still conflicting inwardly when he felt himself weightless just then he glanced upon his position. He was feeling weightless because he have been lifted in a bridal style by Jack, his consciousness returned when Jack walked inside the bedroom carrying him along. He gently put Zi on the bed and leaned over his ear and said seductively while smiling

"Wait some more, after then I will claim u mine! I will not take long!!"

He left him still shocked as hell on the bed with wide opened eyes. After picking his night wear, he dashed inside the washroom. As he left, Zi too got up and rushed to the door and tried to open it but Alas!! It was too locked with password!! Now Zi was sweating profusely due to fear and nervousness. Putting his both hands on each side of his waistline, he was pacing back and forth in the room thinking any better idea deeply suddenly the sound of flowing water stopped making his moving steps to halt abruptly.

Suddenly, Zi's mischievous mind came to a solution which could be effective in rare condition. Xiao Zhan especially had taught him this method of fighting to protect himself as he knew Zi was too weak and frail. But he was afraid as Jack was really powerful and smart. What if he knew, what Zi was up to and dozed his last and only attack. Yet he decided to at least apply this and thus walked to the closed washroom door and stood there. As Jack held the knob, twist and pulled the door, before he even glanced upon his surroundings clearly, he winced and screamed in pain, while holding his crotch from both hands, falling on his knees and at last on to the cold floor still in his nightwear. With so much difficulty he looked up to the direction where Zi was standing while smiling victoriously.

" All thanks to u for ur such condition!! Now I really appreciate Zhan Ge! If he hadn't taught me this moves, I'll be doomed till now!!"

"Yibo Ge! Ur doomed now having such a beautiful devil wife!! God bless ur soul after tonight!!"

"If u cursed or say one more words against my Gege! I will sure chop your thing there ( pointing to his crotch)!!! Try saying now!"

"U little demon! How can u chop ur husband's baby??!! Do u want to be childless?"

"Want a child? Can I become pregnant? I'm a common man not someone special like Zhan Ge who can get pregnant but yeah! I can make my future wifey pregnant with my babies!! U killer! Stop seeing me as ur wife!!"

"Okay u can't become pregnant but I can give u the bestest sex with my this thing! Wanna try?"

" ( again taking his kicking position while asking) Do u wanna taste my another kick? Hmm? Tell me, I can fulfill ur this little wish!!"

"Nooo!! I'm not saying anything now!! Okay?"

"Better!!! Now stay silent likewise as I need some sleep. I'm really tired right now due to ur nonsensical activities!!"

"Yaaah!! Don't insult our marriage like that!! It was memorable for me!!!!"

"Yeahhh!! Only for u. For me it's just a shit which I have to do forcefully!! If I have an option, I would have surely cut your and your Gege's head and surrendered myself to my team!!"

" Then why not do this now??"

"What do u mean?"

" ( standing up and walking to him) I mean, u wanna kill me right? (he was standing in front of a shocked and nervous Zi, caging him between his hands while Zi was standing straight there with his back leaning on the wall) Take it and shoot me here( handing his gun to Zi from his back and pointing it onto his heart)!! C'mon! Shoot me now and finish this game, finish this shit, finish me, your kidnapper, a killer, a psychopath!! C'mon do it! U don't need to surrender URSELF!  Just say them u was protecting urself from me!!!"

"W-why u r s-saying likewise? I can't kill u!! Nooo!"

"WHY CAN'T U KILL ME? AM I SUCH DISGUSTING THAT U CAN'T EVEN KILL ME WITH UR HANDS? AM I THAT DIRTY? RIGHT!!???( Slamming his left hand on the wall making Zi flinch with his sudden action)

" I-I-I don't want to go jail! I'm just blabbering nonsense back then!! I'm a coward! I don't have such courage!!"

"Ohh!! So ur afraid of going jail and I thought....anyway! If ur stopping urself just because of that, then don't!! Come with me!!"

He grabbed his hands and started walking towards the door!! After opening it, he continued again. Zi was in bewilderment. He asked still being dragged,

"W-where r-r u t-taking me?"

"To ur destination where u can be free again!!!"

He walked down from the stairs and moved towards his office. After stepping inside, he closed the door with pattern lock!! Again walked to the closet side and glanced upon Zi's confused face! He smiled and moved the flower vase attached to the table, beside the closet a little, and like magic, a secret door appeared in front of them behind the closet. After unlocking it with his finger print, they entered inside the secret chamber of Jack where none have ever entered including his personal men, Yibo or his men!!! It was beautifully organized, neat and spacious room. There were many lockers, safe and cases beautifully designed. Many rare and unique ancient handicrafts decorated marvelously there inside the room. He dragged Zi to the lockers and opened them, one by one in front of him! Zi was already amazed seeing such things first time in his whole life. He was feeling like a princess getting introduced to his soon to be Prince's  collections and wealth!! Just when his eyes travelled to the now opened lockers and to the loads of files neatly arranged inside there. He peeked at Jack and found him staring to himself. He still can't admit that he was seeing right! He again asked to confirm it,

"W-What's  all this? Why u taken me here on the first place??".

" The files u r seeing right now, was the records of my crimes and underground businesses!! It's enough to prove me a criminal, a killer, a mafia and with ur statement u can prove me a kidnapper and a psycho too!! But it's only mine and it didn't have any connection with Boss! So don't ever try to blame on him or else u will loose ur life! Now kill me as if I will be alive u can't get away from me now after seeing all this! Means u will be caged forever! And after killing me, u can easily free urself as well as ur life from me and police too!! So choose well!!!!".......

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