Chapter : 3

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Sean was angry, worried, tensed, scared too but don't wanna admit nor wanna show this to anyone. But one thing he couldn't understand that why Yibo, all of a sudden appeared in his life and make it messy. Why he kidnapped his sons if it was due to revenge than he should kidnapped or killed him face to face, why use such a inhuman method, why his two most precious balls of delight, why?? All these whys and questions were arising inside his mind that's making his heart more tensed, tight and heavy. All the way to the Wang Mansion, he was just spaced out from everything, his eyes were opened but no one can guess, where he was particularly staring. He was still in his deep thoughts, when his personal driver waved his fingers in front of his face to get his attention. Seeing that he also get worried and slowly patted his shoulders and get a response finally. Sean moved a little from that touch and then moved his head first at the worried face of the driver and then outside the car, and there he saw the Wang Mansion standing still in pride as mocking him. He sighed with a heavy heart and prepared himself for the worst before getting down from the car. He then ordered his driver to return back and the latter did. Then Sean took a mouthful of fresh air and moved his steps to reach the grand main door where 5-10 guards dressed all in black were standing. Before Sean said something to them, they opened the door for him as they knew him. Sean felt weird but shrugged and walked to the grand luxurious building. He was familiar with each part and every way of the Building. He reached at the main door of the building and met another groups of guards and bodyguards. He was totally unfamiliar to each of them. Same as before, they let him inside. Once he stepped his foot inside the building, all those memories of that night started occurring inside his mind. He shrugged aside them and hastily looked everywhere to find that face which was the cause of all his tension but saw same, extra men in black, servants and maids everywhere busy in their respective works. This time his his heart was aching for his sons, he wanna saw them if they were alright, wanna ask if they had eaten, wanna know how's their school day was, if someone bully them, if anyone says something bad to them, so on but he couldn't. It was already night and probably they wanted to see him, these worries was eating him slowly and gradually anger and hatred for Yibo took place inside his heart and mind completely. He couldn't take it anymore and he shouted so loudly that everyone flinched at their place and automatically turned their heads to look at him and get shocked first to see him and then shouting and the worst what he was shouting and to whom and get terrified

" WANG YIBO! WANG YIBO !! YOU COWARD, GET OUT NOW!! YOU UNGRATEFUL BASTARD, SHOW YOUR FILTHY FACE HERE, WANG YIBO WHERE R U HIDING? WHAT ?DON'T HAVE GUTS TO FACE ME OR YOUR POWERS ARE ONLY FOR SCARING LITTLE INNOCENT CHILDREN, HANH?? I SAY GET OUT NOW, WHERE R U ASSHOLE, GET OUT BASTARD, GET OU-------" He stopped when he saw a familiar figure descending from the stairs leisurely in a proper manner. He almost get shocked to see an innocent looking naive boy turned into a cold handsome mafia type look just like his father. There was also a young man walking side by side him, both were taking about something, mostly they nodded, looking like they were too close and yes they were glancing at him often while smirking. The cold person sat on the couch comfortably while staring at Xiao Zhan continuously. And then a creepy smile that shows his evil intentions clearly slowly appeared on his face that angered Xiao Zhan even more and he shouted again on the top of his lungs

"Where r my son? What did u do to them? Why did u even kidnapped them? Why ? Tell me you fucking bastard? If you wanted revenge then why not in these four years, why now? Why? TELL ME NOW!!!"

" I am not obliged to explain u anything but I'm very happy today to see my greatest and strongest enemy so weak and powerless in front of me, so I have decided to answer u of every single questions of yours. Be assured but there is a condition for that, tell me r u ready to accept or not?" Yibo said in a cold but low tone while staring at him smilingly.

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