Chapter : 14

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Inside Wang Mansion

Everyone was busy inside Wang Mansion. It was early 6 am in the morning and everyone was fully awaked and doing their separate jobs ordered by, their Master,Wang Yibo himself. Not only this, he was too busy in checking, Instructing, everyone's works if they were doing right or not. Today is gonna be a memorable day for him and Zhan. They will be married publicly and with whole rituals and customs. He was excited at the same time glad, whom he loved from the very first time was finally going to become his and will always be.

As per his order, the whole Wang Mansion has been decorated with different types of beautiful flowers, lightening, other decorative items just like a newly wedded bride. Though he had arranged everything beforehand still his worried ness can be seen easily on his face with scrutinized brows and speedy active frame as he was pacing here and there, up and down, describing, showing how to do this and that, continuously saying some common words like, Don't apply this here!; Yeah! that's how u should do!; It's not looking good, change it ; And sooo on!! He was sweating profusely still not tired or wanting to rest!! Suddenly his phone rang, he received it quickly while answering pleasingly,

" Hello!! What happened?"

" Ah! Boss! I know today is your wedding ceremony but do u really have to this much excited?"

" Of course!"

" Boss! U r really something. Anyway I wanted to know you that all matters have been settled just u wanted!"

" Explain!"

" Xiao Zi's matter already had been closed for ever!"

" Did u killed him?"

" Nope! I married him legally!"

" What? How? When?"

" do u remember a guy, Shi Li?"

" Shi Li......Aha yes!! What's about him? "

" His unique ability of copying anyone's signature finally help me yesterday. Means, when you informed me about Searching team's arrival, I knew they wouldn't get anything from their searching but didn't let me go knowing Xiao Zi's Kidnapping. So I ordered Devid to prepare the Marriage Certificate, which he did and I signed them as a husband and when it came to the sign under the head, Wife's signature, I told him to signed it from Shi Li but signature must be of Xiao Zi!
And he did as I have ordered him. For sometime, I too didn't believe that It was copied as they look real exactly real that none could able to recognize, not even Xiao Zi himself! That's how they let me go and everything settled."

" Okay and what about that Thai model?"

" Just check those pics which I send you yesterday!"

" Wait then!"

He checked his phone and found the photos of Sing and Arthit, in a very intimate position. He smirked evilly upon seeing them and again held the phone near his ear, answering again

" Wow!! But why Arthit?"

" I told him it was risky and I can't trust on any other person except him. And to attract someone, he was perfectly handsome"

" Okay!! Now where is he?"

" Inside my Mansion. I told him not to go anywhere to avoid medias as well as his fans and him."

" Why so? did u viral these posts?"

" Yeah!! And it viral rapidly with unlimited and uncountable negative comments."

" But why not just scared him by sending him these pics? Why viral them?"

" As much I knew, he never listened to his director or anyone nor even gave a shit to him. What if he didn't even care about what his fans think or say about him then how can we control him. But now I'm hundred percent sure, those pics surely viral and become the hottest topic in social media. Now, whoever he cared for secretly or openly, will make sure he didn't show his face till the scandal settled and disappeared completely."

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