Chapter : 20

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Arthit wanted to shout but as he parted his lips, Sing kneeled down on his knees, grabbed his hair, pulled his face from the other hand and connected his lips with Arthit's one. Arthit was beyond shock but as he regained his senses, he started resisting but didn't get away from being kissed. Sing licked his lower lips and started sucking as his life depends on it! After being satisfied, he tried to enter inside Arthit's warm cavern but the latter didn't allowed nor parted his shivering lips. Sing smirked in middle and bite his lower lips which make Arthit winced in pain. It started bleeding but Sing didn't stopped and easily entered inside.

Licking and sucking it's every inch, his tongue searched for Arthit's one. He reached to taste it but the latter didn't give in so easily. Their tongues started fighting, trying to win over each other. Sing was just enjoying the sweet taste while Arthit was trying to push the strange thing outside, which was choking him inside. Arthit struggled hard but all his efforts seemed useless and Sing's tongue won the battle. He tasted it to his pleasure and deepened the kiss. Arthit just played there with endless tears rolling down from his eyes. When Sing realized, he went overboard and felt that latter was having breathing problems, then he pulled himself apart from the pitifully crying figure.

It's the same figure which once attracted his attention and he wished for once to have him in his embrace but now, when the same figure destined to be in his embrace, he didn't wanted to keep him. He now wished, if he had never met him that night, didn't get attracted, didn't trust him, didn't help him, didn't invited in his room, then he would have been able to help his Zhanzhan, save him from that forced marriage and may be together now! But because of this person, everything get destroyed, everyone's life has entangled, everyone was suffering ultimately.

He saw his condition and felt bad but as he remember his lover's crying or more like pleading voice before his wedding day, the hope in his voice which get shattered later, his anger automatically returned back to it's place. He glanced at the latter's condition, hairs messy, eyes red swollen from crying, nose and cheeks red from embarrassment, lips quivering,swollen and wounded. He is looking completely pathetic. As Sing release him, Arthit buried his face in pillow beneath him due to humiliation he has received before. Sing smirked evilly and leaned to his ear while saying which make Arthit feel goosebumps all over his body,

"Awwww! Why r u feeling shy from me, huh? C'mon It was just a kiss and u became like this. (grabbing his hairs again angrily and forcing him to face himself while saying ) What if I show you how your bastard boss had forced himself on Zhanzhan? So that you can feel the real humiliation! Don't you want to know how it feels to have forced relationship, forced marriage, and then the first night which was not better than a Rape!!! Why r u crying now? Why not cheering up in the same way which you have done on completing your mission successfully before. My Zhanzhan must have cried more than you, felt hurt when I didn't showed up on his fucking marriage day! Just because of you! So you need to feel everything more than him and I will surely make you pay entirely!!!"

Saying that, Sing left him there and went outside after locking him inside. He need to prepare himself from tomorrow's meeting.

Inside Wang's Mansion

Xiao zhan was fully awake at 1pm. He sat upon the bed slowly while rubbing his eyes. He opened his closed eyes and relieved for the first time upon glancing at his surrounding without finding the cold stoic face. He crouched down to the bedside and hanged his legs down. For his amusement, he was feeling much better and his body too feeling light and active. He remembered the meds he had taken due to Wang Yibo's order but as he remembered him, his last night's vivid images of himself crying beneath that person, forced sex, pain, humiliation, everything started playing in front of his eyes with uncontrollable tears rolling down from his both eyes.

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