Chapter : 4

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Sean was extremely shocked from Yibo's statement. He couldn't even have a slightest idea what Yibo wanted all along. He had thought that he would kill him for avenging his father at last or he would force him to serve under him as a low person but now what this monster had planned for him? Marry him ? Be his wife for ever? Seriously? When he clearly know that he just hate this person with all his guts and same goes for the later too. He couldn't even imagine his after life with this devil. He was thinking so deeply that he didn't have any idea about that cold person who was sitting in front of him, holding his chin and smirking evilly like he could guess all those thoughts which were conflicting in the alluring person's mind. Suddenly his eyes brightened and an interesting idea hit his mind hard. Thinking that he leaned his upper body towards the pitiful person who was snapping in his thought all along. The alluring person's gaze suddenly transferred at Yibo's closeness than finally at him. Both were staring each other in eyes but one has a mischievous and evil desire while the later was scared as hell from the increasing closeness. He automatically leaned back to maintain distance from the cold person but no avail as the person saw his trial and angrily pushed him to the floor but he didn't feel any pain due to the gentle hit. But heavy sweat
drops formed on his bare forehead due to the close contact, so close that he can feel his breath on his lips and skin which made his body trembled badly from inwardly but still he was maintaining his posture not to appear so weak and fragile in front of his enemy. He was about to get up when the cold person hovered on him, leaning his body close to the body beneath him quickly and caging him with his both hands which were placed securely and also to prevent the other to escape. He was smirking evilly to see his enemy helpless, weak, fragile, pitiful, scared. One felt satisfaction while the other was receiving chilling vibes in all over his body due to the closeness and also the
Cold person's attentive gaze which was fretting him the most. Yet he calm down himself somehow and asked timidly in a low tone

" W-WH-WHAT r-r u..u Do...doing?"
" Just looking at my soon to be wife, any problem?" He coldly replied while staring at zhan's red and puffy eyes.

" B-but I..I...I di-didn't s-said th-"
" That you'll marry me ? ( Chuckled) but did I asked your permission Zhan, hmm?" He said in a cold deep tone and Zhan ultimately bit his lower lip to prevent tears to roll down again and shut his eyes tightly. Yibo felt satisfied at the latter's reaction. He said again

"Zhan, why r u resisting when u yourself said that u'll accept my any condition just to save it beloved ones. Then what happened? Don't u want them anymore? Or should I give orders to end them, hmm?"

" (sobs) ple-pl-please don.. don't don't kill them. I-I-I w-will do a..hicc* as u-u sa-said. Will do...will do...plea-pleassseee...( Crying, sobbing he pleaded with his shocked open eyes and quivering lips and shaking body badly and turn his head to the side so that couldn't see that cold eyes and face which proved as a devil reincarnation for him.

" Hmm!! But what about your boyfriend? Why should I let him live? You will never forget him Zhan, right?" He asked threateningly and Zhan eyes again opened wide and he begged again with tears which were flowing down ruthlessly

" Please Yibo, plea- please le..let him go. I - I will for-forget him! I'm not..not in l- with hi..him an. Anymore Please. hicc** "

" Good boy!! Okay then let's go. We have to sign the papers now." Saying this, he stood up and pulled the pitiful person by holding his left wrist gently but firmly and started going outwards pulling the lifeless person along. Zhan just like a death body remain silent and let the cold person dragged him where he want as he knew struggling won't bring him any good. Tears which were flowing just a min ago, can be seen still at the corner of his eyes. The pride he had from all this years was shattered and dissolved in someone's rage. He couldn't do anything. He hate this weak side of him, so weak, so helpless, so worst, so pitiful, absurd really absurd. Sean Xiao Zhan, the great ACP, the great police officer, who always honoured with awards for his intelligence, foresight, mysterious case solving, stubborn attitude to do what he likes, now turned into a helpless, lifeless soul who could only follow orders and do nothing else. How this all happened, how his peaceful life turned into like this, how could he fallen into the devil's grasp, how.....He was thinking from a to z horrible events which happened in just in an hour, his life turned upside down, he messed himself while his beloved ones with him but no, he already had lost his parents because of these surnames Wangs but he couldn't take any risk now, he couldn't bear one more death of his beloved ones for his carelessness. He will do and have to do everything, which keep them safe. Later he will send all of them away to a new country at a new place where they live peacefully away, so far away of this monster's eyes whether it means he have to sacrifice himself for this or have to live away from them, he would gladly do. Thinking that he felt a little satisfied in his heart. He was busy in thinking suddenly an abruptly halt snapped him out from his daydreaming and here his nightmares started again. Yibo came along with him in the living room and threw Zhan on the couch roughly and sat beside him while staring at the main door which was closed. Suddenly the door opened widely and two figures entered inside and stand in front of the couch. When Zhan looked clearly, one was looking like a lawyer from his costume having a file in his left hand and the the younger was the same boy who was walking with the cold person closely some time ago. Both bowed and then the younger smiled while looking at Yibo and said

"Master!, as per your order, I have brought Mr Yang here. " Jack, right hand boy and most trusted person said to Yibo.

" Mm!" He nodded and then looked at Me. Yang proposely and he understand and handed the file to him. Yibo checked it for a while then smiled at the words " Husband's signature" and signed it quickly. He then placed the file in Zhan's shaking eyes and said near his left year softly

" Zhan! You know how much I have waited for this day, now when It finally came It seemed like a dream. Now sign it quickly we have more things to do today and look it's already night. He said teasingly and pressured the word 'night' intentionally and it affect the alluring person. A heavy tear rolled down from his already red swollen eyes. He was afraid, scared like hell, just only the thought of his first night and every single moment with the latter. But only for his children's safety, for his friends and for his love, P' Sing, he have to do. And with a heavy heart, blurry vision, left little strength, and badly shaking hands, he lifted the pen and sign his misfortunes himself. Suddenly his blurry vision went blanlked, head heavy, body so light than couldn't hold his weight and eyes automatically shutting, and he fainted on falling on the cold person's shoulder with his all body drenched in sweat. As he fainted, the cold person securely and gently embraced him. After giving orders to carry out the remaining procedures to the lawyer and instructions to his body guard, right hand boy, Jack, he commanded his servants to closed the main door and prepare healthy and nutritious meal for extra three, he carried the little fragile fainted figure with utmost affection and gentleness in his arms and went upstairs. After reaching inside his room he placed the sleeping figure on his bed carefully, put off the shoes and shocks from his legs at silently put them down at the bed side. Then carried a towel and a bowl of cold water and wiped the face, hands and foot gently. After that he picked out his own t-shirt and placed on side of the sleeping figure. He then slowly unbuttoned the drenched shirt and almost get shocked seeing the person's pale butiful skin and that two little buds which were so inviting to pinch, to bite to lick, ah!! How can he continue like this? Leaving that thought aside he lifted the upper body and let him leaned comfortably on his chest while his face was placed on the crook on his neck which was making him hard to control the desire of devouring the alluring person as the soft lips which were parted a little was touching his skin and soft warm breath giving him goosebumps all over his body but he controlled himself and continued his pending work. In some seconds and he had already done. He placed the body again on the comfy bed and placed some pillows under his head, and around him, he knew his habits so well. Then he climbed down from the bed and covered the mellow person with a soft blanket and put on the AC. He felt delighted to see that person warmly and peacefully drifted in sleep after so long, he couldn't restrained himself from kissing him and he hesitantly gave a kiss on his forehead and a quick peck on his plump lips. Then he made his way again towards the living room after closing the door silently not to wake the tired person. He smiled thinking that
" Finally, finally I made him mine. Now he can't go anywhere without my permission. He is mine, only mine now and always will remain mine. I will make sure to make him love me only and whether he love me or not, he still have to be with me forever being my wife, MY WIFE, ONLY MY WIFE, either intentionally or by force." He smirked viciously before walking down slowly from the stairs.

Hii !! I know I didn't upload yesterday. Sorry but now enjoy and make sure to vote a lot sweethearts!! Take care and love y'all ❣


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