1- Interview

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"Whats the first thing I'm doing as the Vice President? Easy, getting the Scranton branch in check. They waste way too much time and we cannot aford that right now, we really couldn't afford it before if i'm being honest." I had my hands clasped in my lap, feet up on my new desk in front of me.

"So in a few hours i'm meeting with an old friend, to see if she will go down there and quite literally micro-manage them. Well, more specifically Michael."


I take a deep breath willing myself to walk into the building in front of me. I was about to meet Ryan, a guy I hadn't talked to in at least five years. I'm surprised he still remembers me to be honest. I walk up to the front desk where a receptionist is typing away on a computer.

"Hi, i'm here for a meeting with Ryan Howard." I smile placing phone on the counter for a sec, as I reached down to fix my heel. I didn't usually dress this way, but I figured if he wanted me for some job, I might want to dress like I was going to a job interview. I had on a white blouse with a black coat over it and a black pencil skirt to match. To my despair I had also decided to were some heels, nothing too big, but they matched my skirt so.

"Name please" She asked politely

"(y/n) (l/n)" I replied finally getting my shoe to not crush my toes. I waited a moment as she continued to type on her computer.

"Okay, he's been expecting you." She said finally, she pointed down the hallway to her right "Just follow this hallway until you reach the elevators, take that to the fourth floor, exit the elevator left and at the end of the hallway you'll find Mr. Howard's office.

"Okay thank you so much!" I said picking up my phone and walking in the direction she showed me. On the elevator ride I began to over think things. Would Ryan be the same? He has a super fancy job now, that must have changed him. I don't know why that matters, I've changed too.

The Elevator arrived and I got off turning left making my way to the end of the hallway, I could clearly feel the many eyes on me as I walked towards my destination. Luckily I knew to just keep my head held high, and not give them the time of day. As I got to the door at the end of the hallway I saw Ryans name clearly labled on the door. without hesitation I knocked.

"Come in" hearing this I opened up the door and then leaning against the handle smiled down at my former best friend who hadn't looked up to see who entered.

"Well, well, well. Look at mr. bigshot." His head shot up and his mouth broke out in a wide grin.

"(Y/n)!" He got up and ran around his desk tackling me in a hug. I immediately hugged him back, it had been way to long. We broke apart laughing. "Oh my god, I can't believe your really here." He said shutting the door behind me.

"Well, i could leave if that would help." I joked pointing back at the door.

"ha ha. Now come on you see me once and you already want to leave?" He grinned sitting back in his chair. I sat in mine, across from it.

"Well..." I made a fake disgusted face looking at him. We laughed again before he spoke up.

"As much as I would love to catch up with you this part has to be pretty much all buisiness." he straigtened his suit getting serious.

"No problem at all." I replied putting my hands up. "So, why am I here?"

"Well to make a long-story short I manage a good deal of branches for Dunder-Mifflin and the one I came from, Scranton, has been a long-standing problem, even when I was there."

"Are you sure you weren't part of the problem?" I asked smirking.

"Would you believe me if I said no?"

"Not likely" he laughed lightly before coming back to the topiv at hand.

"Okay, well the main problem is their branch manager MIchael Scott. He is horribly unproductive and distracts everybody from their work."

"So, your firing him."

"Unfortunately I can't, but what I can do is appoint someone to watch over the branch in it's entirety and of course keep Michael in check."

"Aha" I said pointing at him "so this is where I come in"

"Yes! I would like to hire you to be directly under me as a permant employee of Dunder-Mifflin Scranton."

"You want me under you?"


"sorry" I looked down laughing at his face. "so what all duties would I have?"

"Well I will be giving you all the same duties a Michael but of course you won't be the Regional Manager. You will though be reporting directly back to me that way I can here your lovely voice and not his."

"Flattery will get you everywhere Howard."

"Yeah, I know"

"Now it sounds to me like you just need someone to babysit this branch and deal with annoying people you don't want to."

"Um, well..."


"sorry" he said now looking at his hands "but I swear I choose you because you'd be perfect for this!"

"For babysitting?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"No for getting people like Michael Scott to actually listen. (y/n) when you walk into a room, people watch, I need someone that when they talk, people listen. This won't be an easy job, but I don't know anyone else that could do it."

"Is this because I yelled at you when we were kids?"

"no..." he said trying not to smile. I just raised an eyebrow at him. "You were a scary 8 year old okay!" We both burst out laughing unable to catch our breaths. After a minute we got back our compusure and just grinned at each other.

"So, will you take this Job?"

"Yeah I guess." I said rolling my eyes.

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