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Izuku's POV
I feel myself change in the last couple of months. I have proved myself to be a part of the hero course because I was lucky enough to pass myself saying I have a quirk or reflex. Yet my grades started to slip, and so was my motivation.

It's now April and spring is blooming just like me. I still wake up at 4:23AM. I started to use stronger drugs, and started drinking more alcohol. I get anxiety attacks every now and then. I drink almost every night. I use harsher drugs just to get over the nightmares I get.

How much longer can I hold this? I thought being at UA would get better. But Katsuki is getting meaner. A drink to that.

I lay on my bed thinking of the worse.

No one will care.
My mom will.
She's probably tired of taking care of you, she works almost 24/7!
You have no friends
Yes I do
Class mates don't count.

I stare at myself in the mirror. I have dark circles. My hair is a mess. My lips are busted from how much I keep pulling my skin from anxiety. I look weak.




Deku.. how katsuki calls me.

I got myself a fake ID even though I look small and like a kid. The man in the liquor store doesn't care. He doesn't bother asking my ID either.

I bought a bottle of tequila. And a couple of blunts. I've been working at a small pawn shop by my house and use my money for drugs, alcohol or food.

I set the bottle and blunts on my desk started to roll some weed.

I go outside on the bench to sit, drink and smoke. It takes a while for me to feel something. I hide my things in my closet and sleep in my bed.

I open my eyes. I'm not in a cold sweat. I'm not having anxiety. For the first time in almost a year I don't feel anything. My stomach started to turn. I sit up too fast and fall over and throw up.


I grab my small trash can and throw up the rest of whats inside me. My head starts to pound and my stomach starts to grumble.

My mom is still at the hospital. I get dressed and grab my wallet, keys and phone. I head out to the 24/7 diner a couple blocks away.

I sit and order some pancakes, sausages and eggs. I eat it slowly and painfully. I try to avoid gagging from how sick I felt. I check the time and it's 6:30 AM. I pay my bill and head out.

Bakugou's POV

I head out my house and go to the park again to train. As I'm jogging I see deku walking out a diner. I stop and watch him walk slowly out, with a hoodie. He looks like shit.

He looks thinner. Should I ask him if he's okay? No. Why do I care? He thinks he's better than me now that he has this new quirk all of a sudden. Fast reflex my ass.

I was see a baseball roll to my feet. I smirk and grab it. I aim at Deku's head and throw it at him.

He catches it.My eyes widen.

Is this really his quirk?

We make eye contact for a while. He throws the ball but at the kids who were playing catch. He ignores me and keeps walking.

I start to follow him. How dare he think he's greater than me. I grab him by the shoulder and turn him around. His eyes are watery

"Hey you stupid deku since when do you have a quirk? You never had one growing up. Are you doing drugs for quirks of some kind?" I push him against the wall of the building and hold my fist back.

"No kachan. I don't do quirk drugs. Just regular drugs and alcohol" he says all dull.

What? Why is he doing drugs and alcohol?

"Come on get it over with I don't have all day!" Deku snaps me out of my thoughts.

I punch his stomach.

But I didn't want to..

I let him go. I say nothing else and head back home. I skip my training.
Suicide hotline site:http://www.suicide.org/international-suicide-hotlines.html

USA suicide hotline: 1-800-273-8255

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