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Izuku's POV

"well what do you want to do?" Yui said as she came into her room and closed her door.

"Well I have a lot of questions about you and your quirk, is that okay if I ask some questions?" I say as I take out my notebook and pencil.

"sure, but you have to play tea party with me" She said as put on a sun hat and handed one for me, it was green with a small frog patch on it. I place it on my head and sit on the tiny chair.

"Okay so first question, what's your name and quirk?"

"my name is Enomoto Yui, my quirk allows me to see dead people. I'm not sure of the name of my quirk, my family thinks I'm a late bloomer because when we went to the doctor she said I do have a quirk since I do not have a joint in my pinky toe" She poured imaginary tea in my cup, I reach for the cup but I can't grasp it. We look at each other and I give her a small smile.

"I'm sorry, I bet its delightful" I say as I take a sip from my imaginary cup.

"its alright, anyways my parents passed away when I was a baby. I live with my aunt and cousins. My aunt said my mom had a shape shifting quirk and my dad had a speed quirk, I'm not sure why I don't have any of their quirks" She looks down to her stuffed animal she is holding

"I think your quirk is amazing, I was actually quirkless before I died"

"you were?"

"yup, and I was lucky enough to make one of my own although its not a quirk it is a skill. I called it reflex, I enhanced my reflexes on my own" I smiled at her and she looked amazed

"wow, well I have a lot to learn then" she served some more tea and we drinked in silence for a minute

"so is there anything else you know about your quirk?"

"Not exactly, the first time I talked to someone dead was in school. It was another kid my age, he said he died in an accident. My teacher thought it was my imaginary friend and I was worried that I would sound crazy if they knew I can talk to dead people."

"how old are you Yui?"

"seven, you?"

"Well I died when I was fifteen but I would have been 18 by now"  We sat in silence for a moment. I felt bad that it seemed I only wanted to know about her quirk.

"Hey lets play something yea? when I was a kid I saved my mom while I was in my All Might onsie. Do you have a favorite pro hero?"

"Yes I like pro hero Mirko! she is so cool and pretty and strong!" She got up and ran to her closet to pull out punny ears and a onesie"

"Okay Ill go hide and you have to find me pro hero Mirko" I walk out of her room and look for a spot to hide in.


"Yui why are you making so much noise?" Yui's cousin comes in to her room and we were playing with her dolls and pro hero figures.

"I'm playing hero's"

"well who do you keep talking to then?"

"umm m-my friend Izuku" She said as she lowered her figure and felt sad

"Well tell Izuku you have to brush your teeth and head to bed." She smiled and waited for her response

"Whenever you're ready, I'll be there for you when you want to tell her about your quirk alright" I smiled at her knowing she is nervous about how she seems to still have imaginary friends.

"Thank you for coming Izuku. Please come tomorrow"she smiled and got up from the floor to follow her Aunt in hand.

I leave her home and back to my space. I put my things away and also get myself ready for bed. I got myself some snacks instead and decided to watch some shows. I actually didn't feel tired.

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