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Bakugou's POV

I took Shoto's belongings to the guest room, I turned on the lights and showed him where everything was. He was quiet the whole time and would respond with only a nod.

"Hey, you're safe with me okay?" I grabbed his face gently trying to not touch his wounds. I pull him to a hug as he held on to my firmly.

"Can I sleep with you for tonight? Just tonight"

"You can sleep with me as long as you want" I grab his hand and take him to my room, my bed was also big enough for both of us. "Lets get ready for the night yea?"


Izuku's POV

It's good to know that Kacchan will take care of Shoto-san, I think they might even date. I'm happy for Kacchan.

I decided to go see Kirishima, I know he has a crush in Kacchan. I wondered how he was doing. I transferred to his room where it seemed he was, he was laying on his bed. He wasn't asleep, he seemed depressed.

There was a knock on the door and Danki walked in closing the door behind him. Kirishima didn't move at all.

"Hey Kiri, how are you?" no sound came from him. I sat on the floor next to Kirishima while Danki next to Kirishima as he rubbed his back.

"I thought I was over him" Kirishima managed to say quietly

"you should tell him your feelings, maybe he doesn't have feelings for Shoto" Danki tried to give him hope.

"It hurts so much" Kirishima said as tears slipped down to the tip of his nose, still not moving he let out a soft cry.

"Come here" Danki pulled his arms up and placed Kirishimas head on his lap and began to stroke his hair. They sat in their comfortable silence as Danki wiped his tears and stroke his hair. I sat along with them in company, I would be there for you too Kiri.

After about an hour of silence, Kirishima got up and rubbed his face.

"okay, I think I'm fine now. I think, I don't need a relationship right now. I'm a pro hero now and fate will decide when I'm ready and who is right for me"

"yea you go Kiri! " I say more to myself than to him

"You got this okay Kiri, and you know I will be there for you" They pulled into a tight hug and left for ice cream.

I got depressed to the thought of how much I missed, just because of my feelings. I think I will be staying at home until I need to see Yui. I went back to my space and laid down in my bed without a cover I felt myself get colder. I want to feel anything but sadness, the cold made me feel numb which didn't help but I didn't want to move either. I roll over and land on the floor, it was still cold but a comfortable cold. I fell asleep.


I woke up and my cheek was numb from having no pillow, my left leg was numb as well from the odd position I slept in. I struggled to lift my icy cold body.

I need to get up when I feel like this

I grabbed my phone and the time was 5:26PM in Japan, it was also now Tuesday. I went to take a shower to clean my body and then went to the hot spring I had as well. I relaxed my body thinking of what I should do. I didn't want to do anything but I should, maybe some exercise should bring up some adrenaline up. I sat in silence holding myself for nearly two hours enjoying and absorbing the heat, the closest I will get to a hug.

I got out and changed into comfortable clothes and decided to do some boxing. I started off pretty softly not really having the energy. after 5 minutes I began to increase the force in my punches, I began to feel heat in my body but not from the exercise.

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