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Izuku's POV

I was curled up in Kacchans arms, he played with my hair while I ran my finger up and down his chest.


"Yea baby?" I looked up to him

"Thank you for all of this." He smiled and kissed me.

"Anything for you my love"

I began to think about what would happen next.

I know I'll have to go soon. Eventually I'll feel at peace, I wish I could grow old with Kacchan, get married and have kids. Realistically, I can't. No matter what. I have to go, this was more than enough for me to go. I will die once again, and I'm not ready for that. But for now, let me enjoy this.

I sat up and suddenly felt a sharp pain on my lower back causing me to hiss. I rub my back with my eyes shut from the pain.

"I'm sorry baby" he sat up and came close to me kissing my shoulders and the back of my neck

"No you're not Kacchan" I said in a monotone

"I'll prepare a hot bath for us, and then we can eat and maybe do it again to get you useto it" he suggested

"There's nothing to get useto Kacchan" I said jokingly yet realistically.

I can't get useto this. I'll become attached very fast.

"Let me love you Izuku" he said in my ear as he left kisses on my cheek then my lips.

Don't get attached

"Okay" he kissed me on my lips one more time and got up, he walked to the bathroom and heard as he turned on the water to run.

I laid back down on the bed, I grabbed the cold covers and covered myself, I closed my eyes and relaxed.

After what felt a couple minutes I feel Kacchan shake me.

"Baby your bath is ready" I open my eyes slowly to see a soft faced Kacchan. I always saw him angry, it felt nice that he doesn't hate me like how he did when I was alive.

"Okay" I smiled and sat up, I still felt the sharp pain my back causing me to close my eyes and hold back my ache.

I felt Kacchans strong arms on my legs and back, I was lifted bridal style. I wrapped my arms on his neck, I felt like his husband which made me ache and happy.

I don't want to ruin this, I'll talk to him after.

As he carried me to the bathroom, there were candles and flower petals on the floor and some in the bath. I smiled big at the gesture he made for me.

"Do you like it?" I look up at him and smile widely.

"I love it, thank you Kacchan" I pull him into a long but soft kiss. He walks towards the tub and slowly puts me inside the tub. The water was hot but not too hot.

I inhale and exhale deeply taking in the warmth. I hug my legs close to my chest, the water hugged me with it's warmth. It felt like I could sleep here forever.

Kacchan then got inside as well, he sat behind me with his legs on each of my sides. He hugs be from behind and leaving kisses on my back.

"You're so beautiful" he then began to rub my shoulders in circles making me relax and have my head go back.

We sat in a comfortable silence, I began to play with the rose petals and sank myself into the water completely. I closed my eyes and held my breath. This feeling was familiar. It was warm and peaceful.

Swan dive // Izuku fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now